Figured out part of the problem...and am back!

Back story -

I had reached my weight-loss goal, was teaching Group Fitness Classes and got my Personal Trainer Certification. Everything was doing DANDY! Then I had a major stress issue with work and had to stop teaching. Then my doctor doubled my HRT estrogen. Next thing you know - 8 months had gone by and I'd gained 35 pounds.

One of my former students asked me to help train her for a Sprint Triathlon, and I said I would do it WITH her, rather than train her. We've been at it for the past 13 weeks and I hadn't lost a SINGLE POUND! Not one. My eating has improved, I work out 4-7 days/week, sometimes twice a day. I try to make sure I have the proper amount of calories - but guesswork, naturally - and listen to my body.

One day I had an epiphany that maybe it was my hormones causing my body to be resistant to losing weight - and did an experiment. I took HALF the dose (under my doctor's supervision) and dropped 3 pounds in about 5 days. So, no more guesswork. I KNOW I am getting great exercise in, and I know that I'm eating the right things most of the time. I'm sticking with the half dose of estrogen and re-joined MFP to track more consistently my food.

If anyone wishes to add me, please feel far I have ZERO friends here! LOL

Thanks for reading,


  • kasterrett
    kasterrett Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome back!! And regardless of your weight, you sound really healthy! one of the few that would survive the zombie apocalypse. :)
  • jennylshep
    Hi mel, that's great news but are you okay on the half dose, why did your gp double , this meds issue is my problem I have multiple sclerosis and am on lots of tablets and injections, not steroids for 7 years or so but have been previous. To that, I refuse them now, I desperately want to lose weight so I thought I,d give this a go,
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 72 Member
    I don't know how to add you but I wish you the very best of luck! I have been puzzling through some health issues complicating my weight loss too, and I know it sure feels good to have one of those lightbulb moments! You GO, lady!
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    I can't believe they are still feeding women HRT. My sister, my sister-in-law and I all took HRT for many years. All three of us were diagnosed with breast cancer before 60 yrs. old. We were all tested generically and do not carry the Bracca (sp?) gene. We lived in different areas hours away from each other and I believe it was a result of a decade and more of Estrogen thereapy. Short term use does not seem to have the same effect. I tell you this as I think people need to hear these things so that they can make informed decisions about their OWN medical care. I'm a nurse, one of my sons is a doctor so I am not generally down on the medical field but..............btw..I am 7 yrs as a survivor, my sister 5 yrs. and my sister-in-law 3 yrs. We were all found early so PLEASE ladies get a baseline mamo when you start HRT.
  • MovingMellybug
    My GP upped my dose because of incredible night sweats and hot flashes. They did go away - but at what cost?

    I had a hysterectomy at the age of 32 and have been on HRT for the past 3 years. I plan on staying at this half dose for another couple of months, and then being off of it completely by the end of the year (I'm 40 years old now). My blood pressure had also started to skyrocket - IN SPITE of all of the exercising I've been doing! That came down from 153/105 to 142/82 in just one week as well. My resting heart rate is now at 58 (down from 70 - also in one week).

    I have done enough research and have been in the Fitness field for long enough to know that if I keep at the exercising and resistance training I can stave off osteoporosis, the whole reason the doctor put me on HRT in the first place!

    Thanks, everyone, for your support!