Am I overdoing it?


I am desperate to shift some of the weight so I've been going to the gym 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks and doing a long 9-12 mile walk at the weekend and maintaining 10,000 steps per day on my fitbit. I'm also calorie counting (and yes, making sureI eat my net calories). My problem is that I'm not getting any thinner and my weight has started to go up. I'm also getting really tired.

I'm taking protein shakes and bars and making sure I'm eating healthy fats, cutting down on carbs etc.

A few years ago I was teaching in Korea and lost 2 stone by calorie counting and doing Gillian either burn fat boost metabolism or 30 day shred everyday (alternating). Now I do:

Monday - 45 mins Les Mills bodypump & 45mins Les Mills Bodyattach
Tuesday - 60 mins Les Mills Bodycombat
Wednesday - 45mins Step & tone class & 60mins Bodypump
Thursday - 45mins Spinning class & 45 mins Bodyattack
Friday - Bodycombat (depending on how I feel)
Saturday/Sunday - long walk

Daily - 10,000 steps.

Why am I not losing weight?!


  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Open your food diary. Calories in vs out for weight loss. Exercise for fitness.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Overdoing it? Maybe. Trying too hard? Definitely.

    You say you're not losing weight, and yet you mention nothing about your diet, which pretty much all you need to be in line to lose weight.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You don't mention how much weight it is nor what your exercise routine looked like prior to three weeks ago. It could be water weight resultant from a sudden increase in activity. It could be underestimating intake coupled with overestimating caloric burn.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    A few years ago I was teaching in Korea and lost 2 stone by calorie counting...
    Are you tracking your calories now?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.) You should be doing some sort of weight training along side all that cardio.

    2.) You're diet MUST be in line for this to work.

    3.) It's been three weeks- at best you would have lost a pound or two- but nothing serious- easily masked by water fluctuations.

    Make sure your program is sustainable for long term - which means- yes- you may need to dial back.
  • fliss_e
    fliss_e Posts: 5 Member

    Yes, I'm calorie counting again. I'm maintaining eating 1250 calories, plus those burned during exercise. I'm also eating much more healthily than I was which is why I'm confused.

    I lost a pound a week in the first 2 weeks but this week I've gained again even though I'm doing the same!
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    Overdoing it? Maybe. Trying too hard? Definitely.

    You say you're not losing weight, and yet you mention nothing about your diet, which pretty much all you need to be in line to lose weight.

    THIS. working out changes what you see in the mirror, eating right changes what you see in the scale. Your food is what counts the most.
  • fliss_e
    fliss_e Posts: 5 Member
    Thank JoRocka!

    I had the same issue last year when I did Insanity - didn't lose any weight - I did tone up and I was definitely fitter but no weight loss!

    I am doing weight training - Bodypump which I do twice a week is a weights based class, so it's not all cardio but mostly! I will have to think at which classes to cut back on, difficult as I like them all!!!

    You're right though - I'm getting so tired I don't think 5 days in a row is that feasible for me to continue long term!!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    At this point, your best bet is to open your food diary so we can see exactly what you're doing. Based on what you said, you should be losing weight.

    Although, I'm not sure what the issue is since you said you lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks and gained in the third week. That's normal weight fluctuation.
  • sarahsc31
    sarahsc31 Posts: 24
    I have found that when I suddenly do an intense workout, I also gain weight because our bodies automatically send water to the muscles to try and protect them. You need a few rest days for your muscles to repair and the water to recede. I have also found that if I don't eat enough calories (was hitting 1,300 a day) then my body thinks I am in starvation mode. Eat more chicken, fruit, veggie, whole grains,etc., by about a couple extra hundred calories combined with a rest day or two, and you should lose more weight. I have lost 2 pounds in the last 3 days just by upping my calorie intake. I typically burn about 500 calories with T25 and long walks.

    So, counter-intuitive: don't exercise for a couple of days and eat more calories...
  • fliss_e
    fliss_e Posts: 5 Member
    I have found that when I suddenly do an intense workout, I also gain weight because our bodies automatically send water to the muscles to try and protect them. You need a few rest days for your muscles to repair and the water to recede. I have also found that if I don't eat enough calories (was hitting 1,300 a day) then my body thinks I am in starvation mode. Eat more chicken, fruit, veggie, whole grains,etc., by about a couple extra hundred calories combined with a rest day or two, and you should lose more weight. I have lost 2 pounds in the last 3 days just by upping my calorie intake. I typically burn about 500 calories with T25 and long walks.

    So, counter-intuitive: don't exercise for a couple of days and eat more calories...

    Hi Sarah, can I ask how many days a week you exercise on?
  • sarahsc31
    sarahsc31 Posts: 24
    I typically exercise 5 to 6 days a week. I do the T25 every morning and then a walk in the afternoon. On a Saturday, I go hiking or swimming, and then I rest on Sunday with just the stretch video. Your body really needs a day to rest so the muscle fibers can heal and grow. I also take Midol for any additional bloating or water retention, which helps quite a bit. If it is a double Friday (50 minutes of intense circuit training instead of typical 25), I will also take an extra strength tylenol.
  • sarahsc31
    sarahsc31 Posts: 24
    I am on my 8th week of T25, and I couldn't figure out why I was losing inches (44 inches over 11 measuring sites on my body), but not pounds. I just wasn't eating enough, and my body was thinking it wasn't going to get any extra calories (fuel) so it was holding on to what it already had. Try eating 200 extra calories - I wasn't hungry, actually, and had to force myself to eat a whole wheat english muffin - and see if it helps you.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Generally if one is asks the question then there is a good chance you are
  • fliss_e
    fliss_e Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Sarah,

    I've not tried T25. I did Insanity last year with the same issue - inches but not pounds so I probably should have eaten more then. I also did turbofire for a bit as well but I don't think I was in the right mindset to do it!

    I will keep on with the calorie counting and try and make sure I'm eating enough!
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member

    Yes, I'm calorie counting again. I'm maintaining eating 1250 calories, plus those burned during exercise. I'm also eating much more healthily than I was which is why I'm confused.

    I lost a pound a week in the first 2 weeks but this week I've gained again even though I'm doing the same!

    With as much exercise as you are doing, this is not nearly enough calories. *edited* because I saw that you are eating back exercise calories... I would still suggest looking up your TDEE and rechecking your calorie goal.
  • sarahsc31
    sarahsc31 Posts: 24
    I really like T25 as it fits into my lifestyle a lot more (2 kids, hubby and a home daycare). I thought Insanity was too long and too hard on my body. T25 is perfect for me; I have done a lot of circuit training over the years (Army life), and his is by far the most motivating while engaging the entire body. I do think you are doing too much exercise if my understanding of those programs is correct...but if you feel great emotionally, I would keep going. If not, I would definitely cut back to 30-45 minutes one day and maybe 60 minutes the next. Also, I drink the Raw Meal replacement every morning (Shakeology is waayyy too expensive!), and it really helps my energy level and curbs my late afternoon cravings. Can't recommend it enough!