Solid Plan?

Looking for some wisdom about my weight loss plan. I'm a female 5'8.5 ft and 218 pounds. Goal is 158

Since my biggest issue is discipline with eating I plan on fixing that issue before starting the exercise part. I want to eat 1300-1500 calories a day (sedentary lifestyle and office job) with my macros being 45/25/30 I plan on tweaking this for more protein when I start working out. Im thinking about adding exercise after losing 15 or so pounds (closer to onederland)

I understand that I may end up changing some or all of this. I mostly wanted to see if this is a good starting model and what I should change about it. Also would like friends on here! Weight loss is 100% mental for me so encouragement is good (:


  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    why are you waiting to start the exercise??? starting now will only help your plan.
  • jillyrose0711
    jillyrose0711 Posts: 46 Member
    Even if it's just going for a long walk with a bit of jogging or lifting some light dumbbells for 15 minutes a couple times a week, adding in a little bit of exercise now will definitely make starting your journey much more effective. I'd be happy to add you as a friend if you are interested
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    why are you waiting to start the exercise??? starting now will only help your plan.

    ^ That.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I do think your calorie goal is a bit aggressive. I eat around that on sedentary days, but I'm much older, shorter, and lighter (remember, calorie needs go down with your weight, generally speaking). You've got two things going for you: you're younger and taller, which contributes to a higher caloric need. Try this calculator:

    Many have found it pretty darn good at giving them an idea of where their calorie goal should realistically (and sustainably) be. Your BMR is around 1700+. Many people don't like to eat far below it. Not because of anything "magical" or pseudo-science (i.e. "starvation mode"); just because it's HARD and unnecessarily restrictive (read: HANGRY).

    TL;DR---Try the above calculator (or set MFP to 1lb/wk loss, see if there's more calories for you). See that you could eat more (even when sedentary) to be comfortable. It's better (mentally) for some to start with a smaller deficit (i.e. lose a little slower), then there's "room" to reduce calories if/when needed. GL!:flowerforyou:
  • mandapanda5111
    mandapanda5111 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm just getting over a traumatic event and still struggle with going to work and doing things that I actually enjoy. Since I have little motivation to do normal things and feel completely mentally drained from just going to work I know it would be very difficult for me to be motivated and consistent with working out. I was hoping that losing some before starting to workout would help me be more motivated and if i can achieve discipline with the way I eat before I start working out it would help me be more consistent and disciplined. I guess I could start off really slow by doing only a few minutes a day and adding more every other day. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • mjennings379
    mjennings379 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting any plan is better than putting it off. I'd suggest starting off with simple walking for cardio which is my plan until I drop weight. Best of luck!