what's your favorite high-protein low-calorie breakfast?

trsttg Posts: 21 Member
It seems that I can't eat enough food in the morning to hold me over until lunch. I'm eating 500-600 calories in the morning and I'm still not full. It doesn't help that I run around constantly at work in the morning.

I've tried bran muffins with carrots and blueberries. I've tried greek yogurt with fruit.

I know I need to incorporate eggs, but I'd love some suggestions that aren't eggs. Thank you!


  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk is my favorite.
  • Switch it up every day! I find when I have different breakfasts, I don't get as hungry... probably because I'm not bored with it. My favs are egg white omelets with oatmeal on the side and protein pancakes. Also, healthy fats like nuts and avocado always make me feel fuller longer :)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I've added Greek yogurt and pumpkin seeds to my usual Kashi cereal, granola, flax seed meal, protein powder and milk. They are both low calorie and high protein.

    Here are a few breakfast ideas.

  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    two breakfast sausages - 14 g of protein, and one slice of gluten free bread
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i make an omelette with 1 serving frozen hash browns (about 70 calories worth), 3 to 4 egg beaters, red bell peppers and either 2 tsp parmesan cheese or 1 slice reduced fat sharp cheddar. i cook them together, then top with pepper and enjoy :)
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    toasted cheese sandwich with tomato
    peanut butter and banana sandwich

    have a snack midmorning.

  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    non fat greek yogurt with fresh strawberries, granola and almonds
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Cottage cheese (I love knudsen full-fat) 22g protein!!!
    a slice or two of Trader Joe's sprouted rye bread (low in carbs, high in protein--6g per slice!!)
    And my fav chopped salad to eat with the cottage cheese. Use a food processor to whip up a batch, it stores in the fridge so well:
    Cabbage, onion, cilantro. Stir in a grated carrot or two, plenty of fresh lemon juice, and store in a big ziploc bag.
  • Kelli0453
    Kelli0453 Posts: 8 Member
    Cottage cheese with half an avocado mixed in, and some fruit on the side
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Skip the carbs and have a steak! I throw one on the grill almost every day! Okay I have some carbs with it, mushrooms and onions!!
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Cottage cheese (I love knudsen full-fat) 22g protein!!!
    a slice or two of Trader Joe's sprouted rye bread (low in carbs, high in protein--6g per slice!!)
    And my fav chopped salad to eat with the cottage cheese. Use a food processor to whip up a batch, it stores in the fridge so well:
    Cabbage, onion, cilantro. Stir in a grated carrot or two, plenty of fresh lemon juice, and store in a big ziploc bag.
    Sounds amazing!!!!
    I like my cage free brown eggs with spices and cheddar cheese with a slice of wheat bread:)Organic ginger root raw and braggs apple cider vinegar 2tbsp!The latter is every day the former is when I workout or have time:)
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    a cup of cottage cheese and a cup of fresh strawberries
  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    3/4 cup egg beaters = 18 grams protein - 90 calories

    + veggies ( kale, spinach, zucchini, mushrooms)
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    I get up, strap on my runners and run 5k, then eat 3 scrambled eggs, have a shower, and head to work. I might feel a little hungry by around 11 but nothing major. Sometimes I have 1/3 cup of oatmeal instead of the eggs (1/3 pre-cooked with 2tsp brown sugar)

    Part of losing weight is learning how to deal with being a little hungry. Hunger doesn't mean you need to immediately eat (something I had to practice).

    5-600 calories is way more than I ever eat for breakfast, and I doubt you're doing more than 5k for work in the morning. My advice is teach yourself how to be OK with being hungry.
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    I like Fiber one bars chocolate and oats - gives me a chocolate fix, high in fiber (don't overdo them)
    Nature Valley Protein Bars, another chocolate fix- not the best source of protein but filling to me
    Premium Protein Bars - another chocolate ish fix and a lot higher in calories than the other two, but also pretty filling for me

    These are all easy on the go type snacks

    Eat one of these as a mid meal depending on your breakfast and lunch times around 9 to 10 if your morning schedule allows it. With my size I might have one of the others around 3. Good luck Joe
  • laura_happy
    laura_happy Posts: 24 Member
    This isn't highest in protein, but I like oatmeal lately with a little brown sugar and berries. I feel like the oatmeal is really filling. I then snack on some almonds around 10:30. I hope you find some suggestions you like!
  • clarej14
    clarej14 Posts: 3
    Every Sunday I make a batch of egg muffins to eat during the week (for breakfast and the occasional bfast for dinner night). They make for a super fast and easy, high protein breakfast. They are kind of like mini quiches. You can eat them cold or zap them for a minute to heat them up. I based them on this recipe originally (but now I add whatever I have on hand/in the mood for): http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2006/10/egg-muffins-revisited-again.html

    I like to add turkey sausage, cheese, any veggies I have around. Broccoli, spinach, onion, mushrooms, and tomatoes are some of my favs.

    I also really like cottage cheese as a breakfast option. I eat it with anything from salsa or pineapple to leftover veggies or chicken/meat.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    I get up, strap on my runners and run 5k, then eat 3 scrambled eggs, have a shower, and head to work. I might feel a little hungry by around 11 but nothing major. Sometimes I have 1/3 cup of oatmeal instead of the eggs (1/3 pre-cooked with 2tsp brown sugar)

    Part of losing weight is learning how to deal with being a little hungry. Hunger doesn't mean you need to immediately eat (something I had to practice).

    5-600 calories is way more than I ever eat for breakfast, and I doubt you're doing more than 5k for work in the morning. My advice is teach yourself how to be OK with being hungry.

    I am very rarely hungry, and have been at a 1000 calorie deficit daily for three months now. I also don't always choose foods that most people consider filling, I still drink pepsi a few days a week etc. I don't think we need to be hungry to lose weight at a sustainable pace.

    One thing I have learned is that hunger is often a craving for a specific food, not true hunger. Do yourself a favour, if there's a food you're craving, but denying yourself, then just eat it. Log the calories and move on. If its low calorie enough, eat it every day until you don't crave it anymore. As long as you stick to your calorie goals and make reasonably healthy food choices, you'll still lose weight. Eating pizza, drinking soda etc are not going to derail you in any measurable way.

    I was not one to eat breakfast very often prior to tracking my food. I've since learned that the body doesn't burn calories very well in the evening, and the earlier in the day you eat your big calories, especially carbs, the better your body can burn them off. If you're hungry in the mornings, then eat until you're not hungry, log everything. If you do this, you might just find that a smaller lunch and supper are what your body prefers and all of your calorie goals can still be met while meeting the needs your body is telling you about with the hunger triggers.
  • ingasmile2
    ingasmile2 Posts: 43 Member
    Morning Star Chipotle Black Bean Burger 190 calories 17 grams of protein
    Thomas Apple Pie English Muffin 160 calories 4 grams of protein
    Market Pantry Cinnamon/Brown sugar cream cheese 70 calories 1 gram of protein

    sometimes I will have cottage cheese instead of english muffin/cream cheese
    sometimes I have bacon and eggs

    I usually average at least 20 grams of protein and around 400 calories

  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Latte made with Kroger carbmaster vanilla skim milk and 4 slice of hormel precooked bacon. 16 g of protein and 130 calories