I just ate 3500 calories...

Oh my goodness... Originally, I had only overeaten by 700 calories, but by the end of the day, I have now eaten 3500 calories... This was not a binge mode, although I did eat some not so great things, but literally I was so hungry. Can you believe it, 3500 calories. YES, a pound worth of body fat, and yes, I know that I burned some of it off, but I still overate by 1,180 calories. YIKES!
What would you suggest I do for tomorrow? I was trying to lose .5 lbs within a week and in one day, I blew it. LIKE REALLY BLEW IT.
Should I just start clean again tomorrow or try to make up for it, etc.?


  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.

    Happens to all of us. Don't freak out. Don't give up. Just lean on yourself a little more so that it doesn't happen every day.
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    Subtract and divide ..do about 1900 for the rest of the week is what I would do ..so it totals up to your overall calorie count for the week.
  • twikoff
    twikoff Posts: 65 Member
    relax, it happens

    did you enjoy it?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Oh my goodness... Originally, I had only overeaten by 700 calories, but by the end of the day, I have now eaten 3500 calories... This was not a binge mode, although I did eat some not so great things, but literally I was so hungry. Can you believe it, 3500 calories. YES, a pound worth of body fat, and yes, I know that I burned some of it off, but I still overate by 1,180 calories. YIKES!
    What would you suggest I do for tomorrow? I was trying to lose .5 lbs within a week and in one day, I blew it. LIKE REALLY BLEW IT.
    Should I just start clean again tomorrow or try to make up for it, etc.?

    Were they yummy calories? I bet they were.

    I just had a day like that last week. No big deal. It happened and things like that will happen in life. I didn't do anything special the next day. I just tried to meet my calorie goals and move on.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Skip breakfast and have a small lunch and dinner. Just slightly overeat for the two day average.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    1. Take a chill pill.
    2. Go back to you're normal eating plan.
    3. Repeat

    You'll be ok.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    Definitely relax. One day does not a diet break. I can't make any specific suggestions because I can't see your diary. Did you have a good day yesterday? Do that. I wouldn't do anything extra to make up for the bad day. For myself I find the best philosophy to be to try each day to do-the-right-thing. If I mess up on a certain day - that's just one day. Get up the next day and do-the-right-thing. The thing to focus on is building new habits; building a new way of eating and living. As you progress with that attitude; you'll find these kinds of days happening less and less frequently.
  • Don't beat yourself up over it! It happens to the best of us. Sometimes you just need to have a "cheat" day to keep going. And within the next few days, if you find yourself thinking about going for an extra snack or something, just remember "I had a cheat day already this week!" Use it as motivation. Don't give up!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member

    I suggest you carry on as normal. Dont freak out. Maybe tomorrow uou arent that hungry and will be way under? Ya never know. Whats done is done.

    One night isnt the end of the world. Tomorrow continue on business as usual. Enjoy life and be happy.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    I sure hope those calories were tasty! I've gone over on days and thought to myself, what WAS I thinking?! It wasn't even good food!

    As everyone else said, just relax. Stressing is only going to make it worse.

    If you feel that you need to eat a little less or work out a little more over the next two-three days, then do it.
  • pattydeltufo
    pattydeltufo Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with many of these comments. For me it is what I do over one week that counts. Also, it is one way I motivate myself to exercise (weekly total is a little in the red, I'm gonna make myself hop on the treadmill!) That's how I turn a negative into a positive.
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Don't dwell!! The very next meal, i.e. breakfast tomorrow morning, get back on track. And behave this weekend! This is so insignificant as long as you let it be and move on.
  • TLZapata
    TLZapata Posts: 1 Member
    Take a deep breath! EVERYONE screws up! Tell yourself that you will do better tomorrow. Try logging your food BEFORE you eat it. If you see how the food is adding up before you eat it, it might change your decision on whether or not you really need to eat it. Keep you head up and know that it is not a one-day battle.....it is a lifestyle change! :)
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    If you are not in a contest to lose weight, what should you freak out?

    If it happens only once in a while, it just delays your weight loss, no big deal. Just don't get use to it.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I have had many days throughout the time I've been losing weight that I simply chose not to log and to eat whatever the heck I wanted....often to extreme excess (I do love my potlucks!) and never once did my weight go up because of that one day of eating more. It never even stalled the loss. If it's not happening all the time, chances are you won't even see it make a difference. I know I've been trying to actually gain a few and am intentionally set to eat extra calories and the scale STILL hasn't gone up after a week of that. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    No worries! Just try again tomorrrow
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    You didn't blow anything.

    I look at it this way: My goal is set for a 500 calorie deficit. If I go over my goal by 500 calories, I've just delayed reaching my goal weight by 1 day. If I go over by 1000 calories, that's a 2 day delay. I'm ok with that, because I'm not racing anyone, and I'd much rather get there more slowly and with my sanity intact, without guilt or anxiety or beating myself up, and with all the enjoyment that exploring new and delicious foods with my beloved can bring.

    1100 calories with a .5 lb goal is basically a 4 day delay. That's all. Carry on like normal and count on reaching your goal weight 4 days later. No biggie.
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    Drink lemon water. It will help remove fat from the liver. Just eat light.
  • tcole1414
    tcole1414 Posts: 9
    I'm totally with you. I didn't eat too much over my calorie goal but today was filled with cheat foods. I still worked out but I ate way way bad. It's okay, I am not letting it get me down and I am still going to continue doing what I've been doing, as should you! Good Luck!
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I did that on the 4th, ate pasta salad, potato salad, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, chips, soda. I ate so much. But the next day I got bk on track. Ate 100 calories less then what I was aloud and worked out a extra 5 minutes for the next few days. And guess what? I still lost a little. One day won't undo all you've done. It happens. Just maybe prelog next time. Drink a glass of water when your feeling hungry. Distract yourself.

    But above all else, don't let one day upset you. As long as it isn't a everyday type of happening!