Apples make me more hungry

I've been searching the web to try and figure out the cause of this phenomena, but have had no success. I know I'm not the only one, I've seen loads of people who have this same problem and always thought they were the only one.

I just want to qualify the statement here - eating an apple with a meal (protein and/or carbs) will still make me hungry. I can eat a HUGE meal, be stuffed to the gills, then top it off with an apple and feel like I haven't eaten for days. Likewise, I can eat an apple by its self on an empty stomach and have the same result - ravenous hunger. I'm pretty certain it doesn't have to do with the "high sugar content" or "sugar spike" because other foods with much higher sugar content - including pure sugar - don't do this to me.

Has anyone found a reason why this might be happening? Could it be a possible allergic reaction?


  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I'm rather curious too because I've always been hungrier after eating an apple. Which was unfortunate in my youth as it was my mother's go to response to that plaintive "Mom, I'm hungry!"
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    happens to me too but not as much when I combine it with other foods or when they are cooked.
  • schin724
    schin724 Posts: 3
    An apple contains lots of water, sugar, fiber. Carbs from sugar tend to be boken down quickly and use for energy. Think of it this way. you added high octane gas to your V8 mustan and revving it at 7k rpm. Its like that when you add apple to your body. I have apple in my pre work out meal because of such property that it provides or oranges. I would sincerely suggest to not eat just apple alone. When you do have fiber rich veggies like broccoli, kale, carrots etc. As in fiber will help you feel full and it last longer. Each meal should be balanced between nutrients of fats, carbs, protein. Hope this helps.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Wow, thought I was the only one. I love apples but have to combine them with cheese or peanut butter or I feel even hungrier after and start hunting for junk to eat.

    Edit: because apparently I can't spell words with only three letters
  • wannastayfit
    wannastayfit Posts: 25 Member
    My nutritionist said that as I get older, my pre-menopausal body is having problems processing carbs and instead is causing sugar spikes. So she told me to only eat carbs with a protein - apples with cheese or peanut butter etc. I've had to up my proteins to deal with this and it pretty much has helped me. Never a bad idea to meet with a nutritionist to help you figure out stuff like this and the best way to reach your goals. Good luck!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    It would make sense @ Schin....I down a bottle of OJ or an Apple Juice mid-bike ride and I'll be flying like the wind in no time. Has same effect on me as a candy bar :bigsmile:

    (edited: mind wandered to candy & out popped the typos)
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I was always taught that there's an enzyme in apples that trigger a phantom feeling of hunger in the body. Eating protein with it cancels that feeling.

    LOL It might just be elementary school and junior high school science lessons though.
  • aliackerman
    aliackerman Posts: 29 Member
    Like I said, I can eat an apple after a full meal (stomach is full of protein and other stuff) but it still has the same effect. I doubt it's the carbs or sugar, because I can eat pure sugar (or other very sweet foods) and not have this problem.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Can you imagine what would happen if you ate Chinese food, then at exactly 59 minutes later, you quickly ate an apple?
    You would probably die from the sudden onset of amplified hunger pangs.

    That is all.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Can you imagine what would happen if you ate Chinese food, then at exactly 59 minutes later, you quickly ate an apple?
    You would probably die from the sudden onset of amplified hunger pangs.

    That is all.


    I wonder if my affliction is related.

    I get really pissed off when I eat apples, but fairly happy when I eat apple pie. I do put cheese on the pie though, and that of course contains both protein and fat. Could that be blocking my normal anger response?
  • LivSimply
    LivSimply Posts: 2
    Like I said, I can eat an apple after a full meal (stomach is full of protein and other stuff) but it still has the same effect. I doubt it's the carbs or sugar, because I can eat pure sugar (or other very sweet foods) and not have this problem.

    Yes, me too! I've experimented by adding a little protein, a lot of protein, some fat, etc. I gave apples one last chance last night and ate one right after dinner. Within a few minutes I felt so hungry, although I knew I could not be! That hunger lasted all the way into today. I know it sounds extreme, but it seemed like no matter what I ate today, it wasn't enough. I only experience this with raw apples so they're off the list.
  • lilywakim
    no like i can't deal with it. 3 days in a row i've had an apple and i've been starving. the hard workouts don't help, but i'm also eating turkey, spinach, protein shakes, meatballs. STILL STARVING. i loved you apples. but you made me eat bagels and fro yo. lol