
I feel so exhausted all the time, does working out get easier for anyone? or more enjoyable? Because I seriously HATE it and it's been almost 3 months.

My weight lost is only about a pound a week if that and it makes me just want to eat whatever the hell I want. Does anyone else feel that way occasionally?

I don't honestly think I could just not care and eat all the things I want to eat but does anyone feel that exhaustion of this life style change?


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    It takes time to adjust for some people.

    What type of exercises do you perform?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Are you eating enough to fuel your workout? I know that it's more enjoyable and feel more energetic when I eat enough.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay so with 12lbs to go 1lb a week is quite fast...

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    and at 1200 calories a day yah you would be aren't fueling your body very well.

    As for the working out..the key is to find something you love then it's not work...and if you fuel your body well it's easy to workout you have the energy to do it.

    For example tonight I will be lifting heavy...165lb squat/ 93.5lb OHP and 200lb I ate 2000 calories I do everyday...I won't be exhausted afterwards and I might go for a walk if the rain holds off...
  • stephanieisgettingfit2
    12 lbs is just to my next small goal. My overall goal is 40 more lbs.

    Not to sound stupid but have you had a trainer? I am dense when it comes to lifting. I basically only do cardio. Can you maybe point me in the direction for heavy lifting info that doesn't use a bunch of acronyms that someone new, like me, could understand
  • stephanieisgettingfit2
    Mainly walking/running on the treadmill. I'm scared if I don't do cardio I won't lose lbs
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    12 lbs is just to my next small goal. My overall goal is 40 more lbs.

    Not to sound stupid but have you had a trainer? I am dense when it comes to lifting. I basically only do cardio. Can you maybe point me in the direction for heavy lifting info that doesn't use a bunch of acronyms that someone new, like me, could understand

    Mainly walking/running on the treadmill. I'm scared if I don't do cardio I won't lose lbs

    Weight loss depends entirely on a calorie deficit. Period. Cardio simply burns more calories which allows you to eat more, in addition to the non-weight related benefits like increased endurance and heart and lung capacity, etc.

    A very simple lifting program is Strong Lifts. You can download the app for free on your phone. It only consists of 3 lifts for each session. They are compound lifts, which means they work all the large muscles in your body. The app will help you keep track of how much weight and how many reps, etc. With only three exercises to worry about each time, it's easy to look them up in advance on YouTube and get a good idea of how to do them correctly.

    When you're ready for something a little more involved, there's plenty of other good programs like Starting Strength, Strong Curves, and The New Rules of Lifting. Lots of success stories on this site came from these programs.
  • stephanieisgettingfit2
    Omg thank you, im going to check that out, ive seen a lot of women say they love lifting because it helps with the excess skin. Thank you for the info.
    12 lbs is just to my next small goal. My overall goal is 40 more lbs.

    Not to sound stupid but have you had a trainer? I am dense when it comes to lifting. I basically only do cardio. Can you maybe point me in the direction for heavy lifting info that doesn't use a bunch of acronyms that someone new, like me, could understand

    Mainly walking/running on the treadmill. I'm scared if I don't do cardio I won't lose lbs

    Weight loss depends entirely on a calorie deficit. Period. Cardio simply burns more calories which allows you to eat more, in addition to the non-weight related benefits like increased endurance and heart and lung capacity, etc.

    A very simple lifting program is Strong Lifts. You can download the app for free on your phone. It only consists of 3 lifts for each session. They are compound lifts, which means they work all the large muscles in your body. The app will help you keep track of how much weight and how many reps, etc. With only three exercises to worry about each time, it's easy to look them up in advance on YouTube and get a good idea of how to do them correctly.

    When you're ready for something a little more involved, there's plenty of other good programs like Starting Strength, Strong Curves, and The New Rules of Lifting. Lots of success stories on this site came from these programs.
  • suebounds
    suebounds Posts: 4
    I have found myself wondering if I will be able to keep up this routine when I go back to work in a little less than a month.

    I agree with what the others said, find something you enjoy doing. For me it's running (not very far at this point, but twice as far as when I started), it doesn't burn as many calories as cardio but I enjoy it so I think it's something I can sustain.

    I've been trying to do a cardio video also, but I don't like it so I can't see myself doing it every day.

    If you want to stay with cardio, maybe just try a different type. There are tons of apps and youtube videos for ideas.
  • Scienceteacher42
    Scienceteacher42 Posts: 27 Member
    I started last summer trying to run because it would burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time and I HATED IT. I also hurt all the time, so I started riding my bike. I LOVE riding, have found some groups to ride with, and have already passed 250 miles of riding this month. In the winter when it was harder to get out a ride I joined the gym - not so fun, and in the spring had a hard time getting myself to go. I have since started going to Body Flow and Body Pump, and am really enjoying the class atmosphere and the organized time to work out. I make sure and eat a high protein snack about an hour before I work out so that I don't run out of steam. If it is really hot out like it has been the last few days, I am more exhausted after riding my bike, but it also feels good. So try out a few different activities, get involved with other people in your area, and make it fun!

    Also, a pound a week is just right. You will have less sag and after a year, you will be 50 pounds lighter! I was the same way when I started, getting discouraged that it didn't come off faster, but if you think back to when you gained it, it was probably slower than a pound a week. I would remind myself, that I was gradually increasing, and even if I don't lose for a long time (like I did over the winter), I am still not GAINING! As you get healthier and get stronger, you will love who you are becoming and it will help you stay strong.

    BTW, I found the bicycling group through a website called Meetup. You search for groups of people in your area that meet to discuss or do things that you enjoy doing. I know that I will ride further with a group than I will on my own.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    One thing you might try is doing your workouts at night or in the evening if you are doing them in the morning. I use to hate working out at night but now I prefer it since it doesn't leave me too tired to do anything the rest of the day and I can still stay at my calorie goal (not wanting to eat extra after working out in the morning)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I looked at your dairy and, if your logging is accurate, you are eating 700-1000 calories per day. Besides this, you have only 11 pounds to lose and trying to lose it so fast is way too aggressive.

    You need to EAT MORE (caps for emphasis :smile: ) and raise your calorie goals to lose no more than .5 pounds per week. You need to eat a portion of your exercise calories back.

    Go here to learn how to accurately log your food:

    I can truly understand why you are exhausted.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    One thing you might try is doing your workouts at night or in the evening if you are doing them in the morning. I use to hate working out at night but now I prefer it since it doesn't leave me too tired to do anything the rest of the day and I can still stay at my calorie goal (not wanting to eat extra after working out in the morning)
    This is interesting, because I am the opposite: for years I worked out in the evenings but had to literally push myself to get to the gym. Well, for the last few years, I decided to work out before work at about 5 a.m. and I absolutely love it!

    I always thought I was a night person, but I have turned into a morning person!
  • Evybean
    Evybean Posts: 26 Member
    I agree, I always feel more tired when reducing my calories and increasing exercise. I know it's because of lack of fuel. I saw a quote recently "I don't eat to diet, I eat to train" I truly believe weight loss is achieved more in the kitchen than at the gym. Eating healthy, high protein during the day and meeting my weight loss calorie goal is more important to me than getting in the cardio session everyday. It might help to focus more on diet than exercise for a little while. I know when I'm sore, I always weigh more the next day, as I've heard your muscles hold on to water. Every time I see good weight loss and then start a cardio/weight routine like Jillian Michaels I gain weight at first which can be discouraging. It goes back down in a drop, but still can be discouraging at first. But stick with it! I do agree that strong lifts is an awesome program. I can't really do the 5x5s at my gym, but I do 3 sets of 8 with A days being bench press, rows, and deadliifts and B days being shoulder press, pulldowns, and leg presses. I love the way lifting makes me feel and how it can trim you out for sure!