Alternative to Insanity

Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a good alternative to the Insanity DVD workouts? Im almost done with it and would like to try something different? Something that requires the same fitness levels...

Thank in advance!


  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in the same position as you, I don't know what comes next.

    I was thinking of trying another beach body program when I'm done. Maybe Insanity Asylum, or possibly T25, because school starts soon and the workouts are short enough for me to fit in in the mornings.. I'd have to get up REALLY early to to 60 minutes Asylum + shower, breakfast, getting ready and out the door at 7:15.

    But I'm not sure what to to yet. I might join my local gym and do classes, but gyms intimidate me, I've only been like one time, and I've never done exercise classes before.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    T25 isn't as intense. Asylum is the next progression.
  • jadejames171
    jadejames171 Posts: 26 Member
    I need to have a look on the beach body website and check out Asylum. Is it harder?

    Katrine, I feel the same about gyms, and I also find that I cant really be bothered to actually get there. I prefer home workouts - im much more motivated to get sweaty when no one is watching... :)
  • Combat_Fighter
    Combat_Fighter Posts: 70 Member
    I have done Insanity and loved the intensity of it... they do have the asylum 1&2 which is just as hard, if not more so... I have also done Tapout XT which is pretty nuts, although if you are short on time, i'd go for T25
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    The Asylum Vol 1 then Vol 2.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    P90X3 - more strength/resistance based, but you alse need a pretty good level of fitness for the cardio days.
  • jadejames171
    jadejames171 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    How long are the Asylum workouts compared to T25?
  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    I think Asylum is supposed to be the next step after Insanity, so it's probably at least as hard :)

    Haha, I feel exactly the same about being motivated at home! Here I can groan and curse and sweat as much as I want, with nobody watching ;)
  • Combat_Fighter
    Combat_Fighter Posts: 70 Member
    the asylum has workouts from about 25 mins right up to ones of 60 mins, which is a nightmare lol
  • jadejames171
    jadejames171 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, I think I will try Asylum. I need something that will give me a short workout as well as a long one - some days I just cannot fit a whole hour in!
  • kershaann
    kershaann Posts: 1,824 Member
    I have done the Asylums 1&2.

    Asylum 1: I didn't think was as hard as insanity. My only issue I had with it was trying not to look down when doing speed and agility. Lets just say I had to do a lot of pushups in my ladder. ( you know what I am talking about if you have done them). Vertical Plyo and strength would have to be the best ones in my opinion.

    Asylum 2: I would say is harder than insanity. The workouts for this one range 20 - 60 mins, mostly 50 -60 min. So you will have to allow time with this one. I had a very heard time blocking the time.

    Another con that I had with both workouts is the room. I can usually move and rearrage a few things in my living room. But with the ladder I would have to pause, move ladder then continue. Or just not use the ladder for a certain workout. That felt like I didn't get the full benefit of the workouts. But if you have the room more power to you!!!

    I would suggest these to anyone who has done insanity. Like any workout there is going to be things you will like and things you will not. I hope this helped a little.
  • jadejames171
    jadejames171 Posts: 26 Member
    I would suggest these to anyone who has done insanity. Like any workout there is going to be things you will like and things you will not. I hope this helped a little.

    Thanks for the reply, it did help. My living room is very small so Asylum may not be the best option!
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    After Insanity, I actually progressed to P90X3 as I wanted to incorporate some weights. It's a great program since it's only 30 mins but Tony Horton is not my fave. lol

    Some of the workouts, I actually do Insanity warm up and then proceed to p90x3.

    I was considering les milles body pump but use of a barbell changed my mind ... little space for that.

    Now I just do a mix of workouts since I have quite a few - Insanity, T25, P90X, P90X3, Jillian Michaels dvds and Zuzka light for really short workouts .