Coconut Milk

I am seeing a lot these days on coconut milk and coconut water and thinking about trying it.

Does anyone here use coconut milk and can you tell me if you like it and how you use it.


  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    Can't say much about coconut water since I only tried one sip once, but I like unsweetened, unflavored coconut milk. At first I tried unsweetened, unflavored almond milk which is good in cereal. But I guess I'm really sensitive to the taste of almonds because whenever I try to cook with almond milk there's a strong aftertaste of almonds. Nobody else notices.

    So then I tried coconut milk (the ready to drink kind, not the canned kind...the canned kind is way thicker and different). The unsweetened, unflavored kind I get is 45 calories in a cup compared to 120 in a cup of 2% cow's milk. Not sure how many are in skim, I think it was somewhere around 90 a cup. Coconut milk doesn't have as many nutrients as some other milks but I get plenty of vitamins and minerals from yogurts and cheeses. Using coconut milk for me is mostly to cut down on calories in recipes.

    As for how to use it, the canned kind is usually used in curries and baking. But the ready to drink, unflavored/unsweetened kind like I get is used just like milk. You can have it in cereal, I've made gravy with it, made hamburger helper, made homemade stroganoff with whole grain egg noodles. Use it in smoothies, etc.

    I grew fond of coconut since I started using virgin coconut oil to cook with. Unprocessed coconut oil is amazing! Natural antibiotic/antifungal, so many uses not just cooking. Although the milk is processed, a good bit of the fat in it will still be medium-chain fatty acids which some studies show are easier to burn for energy and harder to store as fat than long-chain ones.
  • marricurt
    marricurt Posts: 47 Member
    I use coconut milk when I make thai laksa... I add laksa paste, low fat coconut milk, chicken breast, Bok choy, zucchini, capsicum and vermicelli noodles and then add bean sprouts and coriander (I think it's called cilantro in the US) to finish. It's soooo yummy and is between 300- 500 calories, depending on how much noodle you prefer. I definitely recommend it. It's taste amazing.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Coconut water-- I use after I workout or on hot days or on my sluggish days-I drink it quite a lot I guess. It is a natural potassium and restores your electrolytes levels while also acting as a natural diuretic. (which doesn't mean that you could lose 10 lbs in 10 days by drinking it everyday . Just means it helps with water retention from exercise. At least for me.) They like to point out that it is low in calories which since what I drink is mostly water doesn't really hold up but I do throw it into my snack category. If you decide to add it you have to be sure you buy the ones that are not from concentrate and try a couple of different types as some of them taste like socks.
  • BurkeshireFarms
    BurkeshireFarms Posts: 45 Member
    I use cartoned coconut milk religiously.

    So Delicious has a great product line. I use the creamer for coffee - a great low cal addition. I also use the vanilla flavored milk in smoothies. Helps alleviate that blandness on some unflavored proteins sups.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Never tried coconut milk or water but use the coconut oil for cooking now and its great
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I use coconut milk a lot. I especially like it in porridge. It's not good in coffee as like almond milk its too thin. However its great in cooking. I use a mixture of milks for different things. I use soya, coconut and rice milk and it all depends on what I'm doing what one i'll use