Weight loss Breakfasts?

Lillian920 Posts: 3 Member
Hiya :)

I really need some advice, I don't know what I should be eating for breakfast to help my weight loss? I'm eating fruit and yoghurt at the minute but having it every day is getting boring but I just don't know what else to eat!

Any help appreciated :)


  • Today I've had four ryevitas with two slices of Weight Watchers cheese. Yesterday I had a big bowl of assorted melon pieces. The day before I microwaved some tomatoes and mushrooms and had them on a slice of toast. The day before that I had a satchet of Oats so Simple with skimmed milk and blueberries.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I have something different every morning I think haha

    Today? Strawberry peach overnight oats (made it yesterday for today)
    Yesterday? Sweet potato egg cupcakes with spinach and onions

    I do eggs any way shape or form (omelette, boiled, fried) with bacon and English muffin &/or fresh fruit
    Ham steaks or left overs are awesome for BF

    I love French toast with sliced banana and cool whip

    You are thinking you can only eat "certain" foods. Options are limitless!
    And I eat all this on a 1400 cal diet
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    I quite often have poached egg on toast for breakie - it sets me up for the day!

    oats so simple porridge oats with some grapes or berries

    yog and fruit

    omelette (with whatever is available in the fridge)
  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    I switch my breakfasts up a lot, and lately my sleeping schedule's all jumbled up so I rarely eat "breakfast" food and skip right to lunch food.

    But when I do eat breakfast, I generally go for a savory breakfast. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, even for fruit so I tend to stick to saltier things. It's my biggest vice, I really need to cut down on it.

    Anyway, a sample breakfast:

    1 packet Better Oats (oatmeal with flax) Apple Cinnamon, naturally flavored - 130 calories
    2 slices Butterball turkey bacon, reduced sodium - 50 calories
    1/2 cup Allwhites liquid eggwhites with salt and pepper - 67 calories

    Which brings it up to 247 calories. I use that as a base and add something else to get up to 300-400 calories. This could be adding cheese to the eggs. Adding a banana. Adding another slice of bacon. Adding a bit of virgin coconut oil to the eggs, etc. A good breakfast is my favorite way to start off the day. Small breakfasts usually just make me hungry in a couple hours.
  • Lillian920
    Lillian920 Posts: 3 Member
    Ah, these are all brilliant. I'm writing them down so I know what to get when I go shopping!

    I seem to stick to this idea that when I'm on a diet I can only eat a certain amount of foods, I suppose that's why I struggle to keep to it!

    Looking at other peoples food diarys seem to help I find, atleast then I know what other people are doing.
  • marricurt
    marricurt Posts: 47 Member
    I have a couple of breakfast options that I rotate, depending on if I am working in the morning or not.. My current favourites are;

    2 poached eggs on 1 piece whole grain toast with fresh tomato, rocket or spinach and mushroom.
    2 weetbix with a splash of skim milk, topped with plain chobani yoghurt and sultanas, crushed nuts and mixed berries or half a banana.
    Whole wheat muffin with boiled eggs, cracked pepper and a slice of ham toasted in the sand which press...
    I keep my breakfasts at under 300 calories so these all fit that.
  • upasanaD
    upasanaD Posts: 56
    On week days -

    * 1 whole egg, 3/4 egg whites ( Boiled or scrambled ) , 2 pieces whole grain bread with peanut butter or cheese slice and a glass of skimmed milk.
    * Oatmeal made with skimmed milk, almonds, walnuts , fruits and 1 spoon ground flax seed powder.

    On Weekends -

    * I prepare broken wheat with veggies and some spices.
    * Egg and cheese sandwich .
    * Whole grain pasta or noodles with veggies.
  • jazml4
    jazml4 Posts: 2
    A very simple option is a 2 egg omellette with or without healthy toppings/filling of your choice.

    They are simple light & healthy (Protein)
  • R_Bedard
    R_Bedard Posts: 94 Member
    I like egg whites scrambled with green peppers and mushrooms and a bit of cheese on a slice of toast. I use a little bit of salsa to dip with.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    eat what you like - fruit and yogurt every day , how boring, i love the "sandwich thins" with an egg and a slice of real cheddar as a go to breakfast sandwich ..
    or coffee and fruit or toast and peanut butter, as long as it fits your food goals and is rouly 1/4-1/3 of your calories for the day , youre golden.
  • Lately I've been eating these light, low-cal breakfasts as I wake up late during holidays...

    ~150g plain yoghurt
    ~80g blueberries
    2-6g of the following (not always all):
    -sunflower seeds
    -coconut shred
    -pumpkin seeds
    -chopped almonds
    -a bit of sugar
    whatever else I want :)

    That gives me a nice muesli-like, fruity, crunchy experience without actually devouring all that fructose syrup etc etc in granola
    This morning it all came down to just 218 kcal with 140g yoghurt, 5g sunflower, 3g of sugar and coconut, 4g pumpkin and 83g blueberries :)
  • I have not ate breakfast but twice in over a year. I use intermittent fasting. I have had great success doing a 12/8 feeding window.
  • karentalty
    karentalty Posts: 52 Member
    Overnight oats have been a saviour for me! The night before I put in a bowl:
    1/4 cup rolled oats
    1/4 cup of water
    1/4 cup natural yoghurts
    1 teaspoon natural honey
    1 teaspoon of chia seeds

    Mix it all together and enjoy the following day!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Yesterday I had blueberry pancakes with Greek yogurt on the side. I just got up today, but I'm thinking steel cut oats with half a banana and some dark chocolate peanut butter.

    You can eat anything you want for breakfast (or even skip it entirely) as long as you're meeting your nutritional goals for the day.
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    Overnight oats is my favorite, especially with the summer heat we're having here.
    1/3 cup of large flake oats, 1/3 cup of milk (I use almond), 2 tbs of plain Greek yogurt, 1 tsp of chia seed (It's solely for consistency but you can skip this), as many frozen berries you can fit (my favorite mix is 1/4 cup of blueberry and 1/2 cup of raspberry). Next morning drizzle a tbs of honey or maple sirup. That's between 200 and 300 cals depending on the amount of fruit, sweetener and yogurt but packed with fiber also about 10g of protein.
    This makes a lot and I can't even finish it most morning. When I can't, I just bring it to work and eat the rest as snack.

    A whole grain toast with peanut (or any nut) butter and half a banana is always good. I usually have a handful of fresh berries on the side as well or a small pear, half a grape fruit, etc... for about 200 cals, not as good fiber wise but about 8g of protein (depend mostly on the nut butter and bread)

    I also like cereal like Special K or All Bran (I hope you are in Canada or US otherwise you might not know them?) (1.5 of the indicated portion) with Almond milk (for taste mostly) 1-2 tbs of slice almond, half a banana, when in season fresh berries. between 250 and 300 cals, 7-8g of protein (more if you use dairy milk), high in fiber (if you choose the All Bran). I really enjoy cereal but those are the only 2 I could find that have a low cal amount for a high protein portion.

    I often make muffins for breakfast, usually that I will eat with peanut butter or a yogurt.

    Enjoy your breakfast :)
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    I'd recommend something with a decent bit of fiber in it. A good cereal or something that will fill you up. I usually eat a Fiber One bar for breakfast, and those keep me filled up for about four hours afterward! The oats and peanut butter kind are amazing, so chewy and peanut buttery and filling!

    I also like to have egg whites on toasted multigrain bread. The toast is pretty filling, and the eggs have plenty of protein, which is great!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I go through phases on how I prepare it.. but been eating bacon (just 2 thin slices- =40calories) and 2 eggs every morning for about a year or so. Right now it is 2 boiled egg and the bacon. Sometimes it is a scramble with 2 eggs, bacon and some veggies.... or 2 eggs over easy, 2 slices of bacon and some sweet potato pancakes (special treat). The mix of fat and protein do keep me full for a good bit of time. Easy to prep and easy to log.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    I usually pack mine to go, protein, veg, some good fats, and some fruit, rounding out around 300-350 cals


    egg/egg white, brussel sprouts, sausage, 1/4 avocado and fruit


    ham egg muffin cup thingies, cucs, fruit
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    No specific food is going to help you lose weight, but I suggest high protein content for satiety. It should keep you full longer than a carby breakfast (not dissing french toast/waffles/pancakes, AKA foods from the heavens). I make egg scramble muffins. You can find them on Allrecipes and adjust them to your needs.

    I think they're like 140cals apiece? Hope this helps.

    So, like others have suggested... eggs, greek yogurt, and other nutrition-dense foods. But also don't force yourself to eat breakfast if you aren't hungry for it.
  • sandyog19
    sandyog19 Posts: 12
    Oatmeal, eggs or egg whites with veggies like mushrooms, spinach, etc., cereal, cottage cheese with fruit, toast with peanut butter. The good thing is fiber and the fact that you can get away with a little carbs since it's the morning and it's the meal that gets you going and sets your metabolism since you will eventually burn the calories for the rest of the day as well as providing energy.