Got the Beginning!

So, I started my new found weight loss journey with MFP about two weeks ago. I must say I'm pretty excited to have found a user friendly website that gives me all of the tools I need to gain some success. Both online and through an app.

Its only been in my late 20's that I've started to gain weight. I've been athletic for most of my life, playing multiple sports per year, weight lifting, running, etc. Before I graduated high school I was 5'8 and consistently hovered around 150lbs.

After high school, while I maintained for the first few years, I started to gain a bit of weight. With the addition of alcohol to my diet at 21 I moved into the 180lbs range.

Mid-20's to the 200lb range. To my current point at a start weight of 220lbs.

While I've manage to maintain a half decent bit of fitness (still with much needed improvement), my weight is clearly showing a pattern. Historically, when I begin actually work on dropping weight I drop quickly for the first ten pounds or so...and it usually shows in the first 2 weeks.

This time was different. I dropped 1lb within the first day or so (to be expected). Then came the waiting game. I maintained the same exact weight for the remaining 13 days until this morning. I dropped by 2lbs.

Has anyone else experienced this?? Making the changes with both food and fitness and seeing such delayed results?? :grumble:


  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    Just keep at it and eat the calories the system tells you and it will slowly come of in the coming months. You can't rush it.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Been there....frustrated by the slow moving scale. It does take time. Add me for support and we can connect!
  • LSinVA
    LSinVA Posts: 60 Member
    I dropped the first 17-18 quickly. Every week I saw a loss. This week, I lost nothing. :grumble: It's very discouraging when it doesn't happen but people say weight loss is not linear and we're all different. You will lose it, just stick with it.
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    Yep. I went 9 days without any movement. It's very sporadic.
  • t_shipp1
    t_shipp1 Posts: 19
    Ok, so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's run across this.

    Its possible that with the fact that I have my first desk job ever the sudden extra exercise on a daily basis is causing me to hang on to a bit of water as well.

    I'll just hang in.