Setting Goals!

Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
OK, I know I have a long term goal in mind, but is it a bad thing to set them as I go?? I want something to look forward to short term. I was thinking at 10 weeks, 20 weeks, my 6 month mark and then my birthday would be at 31 weeks. Is that to much to ask for and am I setting myself up for failure if I don't hit my goal and make myself crazy over it? Or should I just work for my mail goal by my birthday?? Any suggestions or better ideas to set smaller goals would be great! Thanks in advance!


  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Goals are great. The more the merrier. Some people can't think long term so it is definitely a good idea if you are one of those people!

    I would suggest making some that are not scale related. Maybe fitting into your old jeans, or running a certain distance in a certain time frame, cycling to work, lifting a certain amount etc.

    I found it extremely motivating to tick these things off one at a time. Good luck.

    For the record, it could be possible that one goal is the ultimate be all and end all and is so powerful that you do not need any other need to decide what you are in this for, and use whatever strategy you need to get there. You can and will do it!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Scale goals might not be wise, but that totally depends on your mindset. If you don't reach it, will you be upset? Could it cause you to stop all together?

    I like goals. I really do. I just think ones that aren't scale related can be more productive. Things like:

    - Logging every bite every day for 10 weeks.
    - Running a mile in X amount of time. (although for would just be to run a mile :laugh: )
    - Walk X distance without stopping. (For me, there is a trail I would like to attempt walking without stopping at benches for a break. Last time I walked it fully, I was 8 months pregnant and breaks were needed. It's about 5 miles in length)

    There are also challenges you could join. People set them up all the time. They can be a fun way to shift focus to short term goals.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks, these are GREAT IDEAS. I do have quite a few pair of jeans that I can no longer fit into! Also upping my time with the gym (running, stepper machine) to burn more calories! Thank you again, I really loved the ideas and that's not setting myself up for failure if the scale does not do what I want! lol
  • nurseadair
    nurseadair Posts: 48 Member
    Sometimes I think "baby steps" are important to keep motivated, it depends on the person. I need something to keep me going - one goal in the distance seems too far away/impossible.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    definitely breaking it up helps. I'm not sure dates are the best... I like celebrating every 5 lbs or so... also be sure to measure - from several areas (i.e. upper arms, chest, waist, hips, butt, thighs, calves). Write it down... Check it every month or so... Celebrate in inches as well as lbs. Celebrate your exercise achievements as well.... Going farther than ever before, going faster than before, doing more of something than before... Keep a journal with all that as well... It will be interesting in a few months to look back at what you've accomplished. My goal was to lose 50 in about a year - but I didn't set a firm date just in case... It's 3 weeks over a year and I'm almost there - now I'd like to lose it by my birthday (end of August)... still working on those last couple of pounds... but yes - smaller goals make the journey definitely more interesting!
  • mendressa
    mendressa Posts: 5 Member
    I have an overall long term goal (108 lbs) and a goal for February (36 lbs - roughly 1.25 a week). I have some other goals I'm still developing that will include adding exercise (biking for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for ) and celebrating inches lost (first I have to get a measuring tape and measure).
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I think it's good to set smaller goals, but personally I can't put deadlines on them. If you make it reasonable and are able to not get upset or discouraged if it looks like you won't reach it then do what you need to do to keep motivated.

    On a unrelated note, ddkphotos your dog is adorable!
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    I set lots of goals some I have set from the outset some have just happened as I go along.

    as others have said they are not all weight related -

    very long term goals - to be able to do a pull up, to bench press my own weight to get to see some muscle definition.
    long term goal - is a weight based
    mid term goals tend to be weight based but have also been to manage to get back to doing certain classes I enjoy at the gym ie circuits & Insanity
    short term goals go from to get back running again to beating the amount of calories I burnt in last weeks circuit class this week on my HRM to getting into various different sized clothes that I havnt for a while.

    as others say you have to becareful that anything that has a "date" to it and isn't achieved does not demotivate you but I find if I have lots of goals then normally if you miss one then you have normally hit another
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Everyone is motivated differently.

    I have lost 130 lb but if I started out at 307 (my heaviest) trying to get to my current goal of 162 lb would have seemed way too overwhelming and I would probably have never started. Instead, I started by trying to get to my previous "usual weight" of 270 and then went down gradually from there. Some of my goals were 250, 227 (previous lowest adult weight), 220, 199, and 180. Right now I'm at 177.

    Anyway -- my advice (take it with a grain of salt) is NOT to tie your goals to a timeframe. I did better with smallish rewards for myself such as "when I get to 199 I'll treat myself to something I normally wouldn't justify spending the money on" -- for me that was some new makeup & an organizer to keep it in. I think last Christmas would have been awful for me and I would not have enjoyed my time with family if I'd been trying to hit 199 by Christmas. I spent December in the 202-206 range and ate all of the holiday foods in moderation and had a wonderful time. January was when I hit 199. Was it any less awesome to finally hit my goal? Nope!

    Everyone has their thing though. I know some people are very motivated by a timeframe. For me it's more like "This time next year I'd like to be 162 lb or lighter, but I will be happy if I'm at 175 lb". For me this has been a big part of my success thus far, not allowing myself to get too caught up in losing quickly or dramatically...just pushing along toward the next goal.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions! I do have a lot to think about but also a lot of great ideas now!
  • Dregg
    Dregg Posts: 66 Member
    I like setting goals myself. I'd recommend several short term goals that are achievable. Once you reach those, make new short term goals. Have a long term goal in mind that your short term goals are inching towards.

    As much as I hate to use a term from work, make your goal a SMART one.

    S- Specific
    M- Measurable
    A- Achievable
    R- Relevant
    T- Timed

    The last part is probably the toughest, but if you don't set a time to reach your goal, you may not push yourself to get there.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks!! Even cuter in person!!
    I think it's good to set smaller goals, but personally I can't put deadlines on them. If you make it reasonable and are able to not get upset or discouraged if it looks like you won't reach it then do what you need to do to keep motivated.

    On a unrelated note, ddkphotos your dog is adorable!