Tri Sprint Clothing?

So I am doing my first Tri Sprint in a few weeks but I have no idea what I am supposed to wear. I don’t want to spend a ton on special clothes I may not use again. I am thinking I can do the swim in my sports bra with my running shorts or a bathing suit bottom I can throw some shorts on after the swim. I would put a tank top on after the swim. Do you think that would work?

It doesnt help i am busty and still plus size with the normal body issues that goe with that.


  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    Yup. That will work. Do your swim with just the bathing suit bottom and add your shorts in T1. There will be all levels of athletes at a sprint tri and I agree there is no need to spend a bunch of money if you aren't sure if you'll stick with it. When and if you DO decide to stay with tris, there are lots of cool toys!!

    Just have fun with it and good luck!!

    *disclaimer: I did 3 sprint tris and decided I don't like tris that much so I barely know anything about it, but I do know what it's like to be a first time triathlete
  • gardnerkennedy
    gardnerkennedy Posts: 69 Member
    I've seen lots of women wear exactly that at races I have done. Don't go buy anything new for your first tri--just wear what's comfortable. Throwing on a pair of shorts and a top is quick and easy. You also might want to bring a hat or visor (lots of people do) and a pair of sunglasses. You'll be set.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    For a first Tri, and a short one, that's reasonable. Not wanting to sink too much $ makes perfect sense.

    There are a few good "supported" swimsuit tops that may work better than the sports bra for the swim. just keep that on and ride with it. For a sprint, depending on how comfortable you are on the bike, I wouldn't even use additional shorts afterward unless you have had issues with the saddle previously. It's a short ride - will take you what? 45-50 minutes?

    I'd also say no to the tank-top for the ride. Just going to slow you down both putting it on and from flapping in the wind. I'm weird that way and hate when something flaps as I am riding. Even a poorly pinned number will drive me nuts (now I glue them to my jersey, but that's pretty extreme). You can get one on at T2.

    That said, if you intend to be competitive the transitions in sprint are much more significant than in longer events, so wearing a full-on tri-suit would make sense then. Waste no time changing at the stations. And you can also use it during training if you're sticking with this sport.

    Good luck!
  • KellyR72
    KellyR72 Posts: 51 Member
    I found a fairly inexpensive tri-suit (Danskin brand, under $50) that I wore for mine. I liked it because it was comfortable and dried quickly. Good luck and have fun!
  • MissMollieD
    MissMollieD Posts: 130
    There's this stuff called "Body Glide" - it looks like a stick of deodorant. Do invest in that and put it all over your body (i.e. under your arms, between your legs, etc), you won't regret it.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    It might work - I'd suggest you wear the outfit for a trial swim to ensure your sports bra doesn't "cup" and cause too much drag, and that your bottoms don't roll off. My first tri I work bike shorts, a sports bra and a tank swimsuit over top. I stripped off the swimsuit in the first transition, threw on a tanktop (if you're not wearing a race belt, pre-pin your race bib to your tank) and shoes and socks. Yes, everything was still wet for the bike & run - it didn't bother me at all as I get pretty sweaty anyway.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    That is all I did for me first few - I wore a running tank, sports bra and compression shorts under my wetsuit. Took off the wetsuit for the bike and threw a pair of shorts over tights for running (I was self conscious).

    My biggest advice is to do a trial run with the clothes you plan to wear to avoid any unforeseen chafing/support issues.
  • zenrunner1
    zenrunner1 Posts: 12
    I wore my regular compression running shorts for my first tri, but I did invest in a tri top to eliminate clothing changes. It is sleeveless (many race rules require that for non-wetsuit swims) has a built in bra, and pockets in the back like a cycling jersey. If there was drag from it during the swim, I would never notice, because I am a terrible swimmer. ;) I am most definitely not busty though, so I can't say if it would be enough support on the run for someone with a bigger chest. Later I added a pair of tri shorts - they are like cycling shorts; but have a smaller chamois so you can run in them. I live in Miami so the water is rarely cold enough for wetsuits to be allowed.
  • gwensoul
    gwensoul Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks everyone. I just took a run in my regular running shorts with a bathing suit bottom underneath and that worked fine. I think I will just go for swimming in my pants (just normal spandex short) which I also bike in regularly. I am just a bit too modest to go sans underwear so the bathing suit will work out underneath instead of cotton briefs.

    Since this is my first I am looking to finish and hopefully not be last. The swim is in a pool which is good because I have no pool around here to practice in so I am working off my swimming in the ocean on vacation. This all started as a big dare at work, but I will show them :)
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    I got a cheap tri suit from ebay, did me okay. I'm busty too so needed a sports bra under it, and as it was a cold, windy day and I really struggle in cold sometimes (have had hyperthermia in pools!) I put an isotherm bike top on over it when I got out of the pool.
    Practice swimming in your bra as that can take some getting used to. We had to wear swimming hats which was new for me, so I did a practice in the full get up before.

    Elastic laces are fab.

    Good luck and enjoy!
  • 124pauly
    124pauly Posts: 1
    Hello...I did my first tried in June! I wore a sports bra and a pair if tri shorts...they have a little padding in them but not as much as a typically bike short. Also I had a running shirt with my number pinned to it at the transition...I bought the shorts at Sierra trading cheap!!!
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Bump - 'cause I'm interested.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i've been interested in well. also wondering what women with ample bosoms do.

    for those of us over a certain size running in a swimsuit or a top with a built in bra ain;t gonna cut it
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    i've been interested in well. also wondering what women with ample bosoms do.

    for those of us over a certain size running in a swimsuit or a top with a built in bra ain;t gonna cut it

    That would be me. I don't wear a swimsuit ever. I always wear a regular sports bra under whatever top I wear, either a regular running top or a tri suit.
    I recently learned there are tri bras, which I assume dry quicker, but I just do my usual bra.