operation fake out - Ground turkey



  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Good job! Ground turkey is a good substitute as long as it's LEAN. Watch out for the ones that aren't and be sure to compare the labels to a very lean ground beef. You may be surprised by how much fat there is in many ground turkeys. But yes, lean turkey ground up rocks! Good sneak, girl!

    If you ever want to push it to another level (again, be sneaky here and prep ahead of time), my family has been "tricked" into actually loving a dramatic substitute: TVP (texturized vegetable protein). Now before y'all freak out, know that I get ones that are not the generic yellow no-flavor varieties. The ones I buy are called (yes, really!) Beef Not! and Turkey Not! They come in cubes and tenders but I actually only think the ground variety sells to my family without notice. The beef not actually has the same crumbles in size and texture and shape as ground beef and it's colored like beef, so you don't "see" the difference. I reconstitute mine with beef stock and then season the heck out of it -- for tacos, I add cilantro, salsa, cumin, chili powder, diced onions, garlic, etc. I end up with a HUGE volume of food and just set it out in a bowl and everyone chows the stuff down. My kids are so convinced that they talked me into bringing it (in homemade chili) to a potluck and my stuff disappeared in no time. I never told anyone what was in there, and they loved it. They may have all went home to become a little gassy later because the stuff is vegetables and high in fiber! LOL

    Anyhow, it makes great "crumbles" in pasta sauce, chili, taco "meat", and sloppy joes. I don't use it outside of that. I tried to make patties of it, and it's just not convincing. Tried to half and half it with lean beef in a meatloaf but my supportive family said they could tell. But in these few easy, quick applications, it can't be beat. Sold by a place here in Texas called Dixie Diner. Google 'em. It keeps forever and the nutrition is amazing! Cheaper, more protein, less than 1/5 of the fat in lean ground turkey, zero cholesterol, HEALTHY carbs, and high in fiber!

    Believe me -- I'm not an anti-beef person at all!! One of my favorite foods is a super rare filet. Not to mention, we raise organic beef cattle on our ranch here in north Texas. But when it comes to things mixed up in a hurry, that use ground beef and a ton of other flavors, this TVP rocks. My kids somehow prefer the Turkey Not even though it is lighter in color, but my hubby and I like 'em both. Just another suggestion!! :)

    Serving Size: 1/2 cup (dry)
    Calories: 140
    Fat: 1.5 g (.5 g saturated)
    Cholesterol: 0 g
    Potassium 121 mg
    Sodium: 0 g.
    Total Carbs: 15 g 0
    Dietary Fiber: 9 g 0
    Sugars 4 g 0
    Protein: 25 g 22 g

    Serving Size: 4 ounces
    Calories: 160
    Fat: 8 g (2.5 g. saturated)
    Cholesterol: 80 mg
    Potassium 0 mg
    Sodium: 85 mg
    Total Carbs: 0
    Dietary Fiber: 0
    Sugars 0
    Protein: 22 g
  • I tried to replace beef with turkey in manwich. The light color of the turkey showed even with the sauce on it. My son threw a huge fit and refused to eat it. My son and his family live in the same home with us. My daughter inlaw and i are trying to be healthy but my husband and son refuse to even try
  • You might as well have used Tofurky... They are going to moan anyway. ;))
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    LoL! Good job tricking ur man! I've luckily got my man on board with ground turkey, whole grains, etc- but I'd be doing the exact thing you did if he didn't want to try it! I don't even notice a difference hardly anymore between turkey and beef dishes- and whole grain pasta is normal to me now- it takes a bit but I prefer it now lol
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