Looking for other moms in similar situation.



  • missyb417
    missyb417 Posts: 1
    Hello all. Please feel free to add me. I am in a similar spot. Single, working mom with a very demanding career and equally demanding 7-yr old kid. I have always been overweight but since 2007, I have gained over 50 pounds. It is depressing and I am scared that if I don't get it together, I might not be here to see my daughter grow up. I just restarted this week and I am hoping to stick with it this time, no matter how long it takes.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    Mom of three, 14, 19, 21, have already lost 35 lbs. with 20 more to go. Wish I had got on the bandwagon ten years ago with taking care of myself, I've been on tracy for last two years...working out and eating better. I teach and juggle family life, which is difficult as those of us who do it know. taking care of myself was the last thing on the list for well over a decade. I too want to be around to enjoy my family including future grandchildren for as long as possible. I'm in what I call, "the final phase" of my lifestyle transformation. Shedding the last 15-20 lbs. and thinking about the maintenance stage. This post spoke to me; I have no secrets for my weight loss thus far other than eat less (but not too low, that's silly and impossible to maintain as well as damaging to your metabolism) start moving slowly...keep building up your strength a little at a time...(I added weights eventually to add muscle mass and get quicker toning results.)Muscle burns more energy daily...helps you to be able to eat more!) Anyone can get the healthy body they covet, all it requires is WILLPOWER. I still struggle myself, but I know that is the answer. Once you start losing it is very rewarding and for me motivating. I also read about health, diet and exercise a lot, there is so much to learn about the process. I like to set little goals and than reset them once I've achieved them. Good luck - I'm no pro and don't have time to coddle anyone daily but if you want to add me feel free.
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm a mother of 2 young children, a 5 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I'm 30 years old and have about 60lbs to lose. :)

    Anyone can add me!
  • sonyalynne
    sonyalynne Posts: 2 Member
    I have almost 3 year old twins and am still working on losing the baby weight (actually, nursing - the meds I took for my milk supply made me gain more weight than pregnancy!). I'm about halfway to my goal now, but I started with 75 pounds to lose.
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I have four kids, am 5'4" and was at least 200 pounds at the end of my last pregnancy with twins. Today I'm 144 pounds. It took several months, a few hiccups here and there (and still!) but you can totally do it. I agree with making small, sustainable changes, and finding an exercise you enjoy doing! Best of luck to you, you can definitely do it! :)
  • LisAri72
    LisAri72 Posts: 60 Member
    Please add me! I am 41, single mom of one 12 year old girl. I had 100 pounds I wanted to lose and I am down 40 of that so I guess you can say I have 50+ to lose. Anyone may add me. I log daily and I try to be supportive of all my friends on here.