Anyone here trying to loose weight with Hypothyroidism?

Dudesmum Posts: 8 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm new to MFP, have decided to try calorie counting to loose weight (this time!) I managed to loose 28lbs before my Wedding in May 09 but over the past year and half have put it all back on again :noway:

I have Hypothyroidism, I was diagnosed when I was 19 - I'm now 34 and take 175mcg thyroxine daily to help control this. I find that I put on weight soo easily, is there anyone else here also trying to loose weight with an underactive thyroid? I thought maybe we could cheer each other along! :smile:

Thanks for reading!

Jo x


  • I got diagnosed with an underactive thyroid after having some gyny problems.I am also under a rheumatologist for my lupus who says that although my thyroid results show underactivity he would class it more as borderline so they wont treat it.I really struggle with my weight and watch everything I put in my mouth so it gets really fustrating. Nat x
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    Yes! Me!

    Before having hypotheroidism I had lost 4 stone. And maintained my weight loss for a couple of years, then BAM! Felt like ****, and gained 3 stone, just like that! That was 5 years ago. I'm now on 100mcg of thyroxine and don't feel one jot better. I'm generally an active person (I do 14 hour shifts as a midwife, own and ride a horse and favourite activities include kickboxing and generally being out and doing stuff ...go to center parcs every year for the sports etc). My diet is very healthy, I'm generally well within my calorie quota (as I'm never really hungry and have to remind myself to eat). And yet, I'm still heavier than I'd like to be. My BMI is classed as healthy at 24.5 but you know, I'm on the overweight end of it and I'm not happy. I'm not gaining weight anymore but I just cannot shift any of it. I'm always tired as a result of the condition but I can push myself through that. It just seems like my body clings to everything it gets and refuses to let go. I am 5'9" and 166lbs, I want to get down to 147 at least.
  • Hi Jo,

    I also have hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's disease) I was diagnosed about 3 years ago and had put 30lbs on in about 6-8 weeks. it took 2 years to get it under control, I was then able to lose the 30lbs thru calorie counting (healthy eating) and exercise. I exercised at least 4 times a week sometimes more. I increased the intensity of my exercises the more fit I got. I've since gained about 10-15lbs back in the last few months because of some personal problems, not exercising, and not eating healthy. I am now exercising and eating healthy again and lost 2lbs this week. You can lose the weight a little exercise and healthy food choices. just keep your calories where they need to be, get some exercise and it will start coming off again. Once I lose the weight again i need to figure out how to maintain it, I think that's the hard part maintence. Good Luck!
  • Hi Jo1520,
    I too have an under active thyroid. And even though the pills (thyroxine, and crestor to control the fat my body is constantly making), they don't seem to work as well now. I have just decided that exercise and cutting out JUNK FOOD is going to be an everyday thing for me. Not just a diet I sustain for a couple of months. I still indulge, but not on candy, chocolate, ice cream. Of course over the holidays, I ate just that!!! Every day at work, someone would bring homemade cookies, pies, candy, and I would cave. But once the new year started, I picked myself up, brushed myself off and started Fitness Pal. I had been off this site because of personal reasons for almost a year. I absolutely love this site, but was having issues with my (now) ex. So, between finding a place to live and making it a home, I did fall away. Combine that with the holidays and it seems the dust has settled around a a 25 lbs gain.

    So, you are going to hang in there. Get on this site every day and register your food and exercise and really focus on that little blip after you close out your day, that says, "if you have more days like this, you will weigh _____ in five weeks". That little sentence is my inspiration because I ACTUALLY SEE what I will weigh in 5 weeks and I can't wait to have another good day of food and exercise just to see what it will say again.

    By the way, I am turning 61 this week. I mention this because looking and feeling good is, and should be something you will be dealing with for the rest of your life. My mom is 83 and she still loves to walk (and thank goodness, she can), and she is conscious of what she eats.

    Email me whenever you want to vent, brag, scream, cry, laugh, etc.

  • I'm new here too, also have under active thyroid. I experience the same problems. am generally very active, always on the go, have two boys age 7 and 8. walk regularly and try and run, I eat a healthy diet, I've been a vegetarian since I was 6, no one believes my thyroids underactive! owas 150mg for a few years now on 100mg thyroxin, still find it hard to shift weight. I was alway 9 stone before kids, put on 4 stone with first child, lost two then got pregnant very quickly with second, I am hanging around 12 stone now and can't seem to make it go any lower. Have never counted calories before (have done weight watchers point system) but this looks like a great site so fingers crossed.
  • Dudesmum
    Dudesmum Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for replying, its good to know that others feel the same! It really doesn't help if you mention to anyone that you have a thyroid problem, you get 'that look' you know the one, that implies, oh yeah any excuse! I don't think people realise the further implications of having a thyroid problem, however saying that I've lived with it now for so many years its just the norm for me now.

    I know I CAN do it, as i've done it before, and I managed to maintain for a good 10 months and then I just wasn't as careful and had quite a lot of stress going on and that leads me back here!

    I'd really like to have a good loss before April as we are heading to the USA for 3 weeks and I really want to feel good about myself instead of not wanting to have my photograph taken unless its from the chest up or having my little one stood in front of me!

    Jo x
  • I am in the ame boat as everybody else with uner active thyroid. Always tired, put on lots of weight, (even though I am an aerobics instructor). It has been embarassing watching everyone in the class loosing weight or at least staying thin whereas I can look at a bag of crisps and put on a pound. I have started various diets and failed almost immediately as I just can't seem to get that 'full' feeling, but my friend told me about MFP and I am now addicted. Although I haven't weighed myself, I decided this time I would take measurements, I have checked and have already lost 2 inches from my knee, 2 inches from my thigh, 2 inches from my breast and 2½ from my waist so I am very pleased. Got to confess tho that I have also bought Alli from the chemist to try to boost the fat loss. I will weigh myself eventually but I know at this early stage, if I don't lose lots then I'll give up, so at the moment I would rather not know. Lets hope the inches keep coming off!
  • Dudesmum
    Dudesmum Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Skinnyville,

    Wow your inch loss is fantastic! well done, I'm sure that's got to reflect a good weightloss.:smile:

  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I know 'that look.' I'm not using it as an excuse, I just genuinely can't understand how I am 12 stone, because I honestly don't sit on my bottom all day ....I don't have a desk job and I barely watch any television. And because of my thyroid I'm hardly ever hungry and feel full after a small meal. It's frustrating. I shouldn't have to go to the gym. It has been suggested that I need to eat more as my body is in starvation mode blah blah blah, so now I am eating more regularly and going to the gym as often as possible and well, here goes....
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I was recently diagnosed too! Just about 7 months ago.

    I found it super odd that I started a new job and started walkin 3-4 miles per day, vs just a bit before My reward: 10 new pounds. Then I started a new job with less activity: + 10 more. :(

    I am now on 100 mcg of synthroid. Not sure if it is enough and I am due for more blood work. Goood to have some additional support. Part of my new years resolution is to get healthier and lose some weights, so I need your support!
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    I was just told yesterday that i have an underactive thyroide after a blood test and started Synthoid 100mg still in shock and will see and endocrinologist tomorrow.....
  • ROCmom
    ROCmom Posts: 2 Member
    I'm hypothyroid too, they are checking me again at the end of the month to see if it's still low and if so I'll probably start the meds. Apparently 4 months postpartum many women turn hypothyroid, some go back to normal and some don't. I've been exhausted (more so than normal with a baby) the past few months so am glad to finally have a reason!

    I have been able to lose weight since starting MFP but I'm nursing so don't keep to my calorie counts very well. I've been overweight most of my life though so it's not been easy... I'm hoping that getting the thyroid in check will help - I'll post again if I see any significant results! Best wishes to you and everyone else.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 10 years ago. The battle is constant. I am currently taking .137 mg synthroid and I've just started taking kelp supplements this week.

    I've heard that the iodine in the kelp is suppose to help the thyroid work at.

    Feel free to add me and we can support one another.

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have Hoshimoto's too. I was diagnosed when I was about 5 or 6, I believe. Always had a really, really hard time with it. Stopped taking my synthroid for years and now back on it.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    I'm on the borderline, less than a point from hypothyroid. High enough for it to be seriously effecting me but too low to medicate (doesn't make sense, does it?). My mom's entire family has it so they started watching my numbers early, and sure enough, they went up every year as did my weight. Ive struggled for months counting calories and exercising religiously and nothing came off. nothing. But now doing my doctor's reccomended low carb diet the weight is fiiiiiinally coming off. Slowly!! But its moving.

    It feels silly hoping my numbers get worse, but its the only way theyll get better!
  • Lcm726
    Lcm726 Posts: 19 Member
    Yep too. Had it since I was 12. Been overweight basically since then. Always struggle to keep my energy up. I take 175 mcg a day. I see an endo but she doesn't seem to be interested in looking at alternatives to boost my metabolism. If you know of any good ones in the Sacto area, let me know.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Was diagnosed with Subclinical Hypothyroidism in December of 2010, I started at 50mcg of Synthroid and my levels went from 5.1 to 2.9, so I am now taking 62 mcg of Synthroid in hopes to get my levels below 2.5.

    Before I was diagnosed I lost 30lbs, and then gained 15 back through December to February, so now I am working to get back there!
  • FYI-The bad thing is, the physician accepted values on the thyroid chart may be too wide. The values should be narrowed.
    People may already have thyroid issues but are not diagnosed because their tests show them in the 'normal range'.
    My tests put me in the normal range and my thyroid was trying hard to do it's job, but it just had nothing left to give.

    If the chart had a narrower range, and Dr's used it as a general guide, not an end all, absolute answer, then more people could be helped. For those of you who are still in that 'normal range', go talk to a naturpath, and visit your local health food store. They have supplements to help. I wiish I had done both of those things before it was too late.

    In 2006, I was finally diagnosed with thyroid issues when I felt a lump in my neck. (after having gained 80 lbs)
    The surgeon removed the thyroid. It had shriveled up to nothing. The Dr said it looked like a tiny, twisted, dried out prune.
    I had hashimoto's which evolved into thyroid cancer. Now I am taking Synthroid 137 mcg. Have lost 20 lbs.
    Author, Mary J. Shomon, is widely accepted as a patient advocate. Take a look at her books and website
  • amy0776
    amy0776 Posts: 25
    I feel your pain. I was also diagnosed at 19. Am also now 34. I am currently on 150 mcg. I've managed to lose 80 lbs after lapband surgery a year ago. But that weight was all lost in the first 7 months. For the past 3-4 months, I've been completely stalled. It is sooo frustrating! I find that if I eat more than 900 calories a day, I gain. Errrrrrrrrr.........So, I have resolved (against my lapband docs advice) that I'm just going to have to live on less than 900. I know it's can't be good for me, but weighing 185 for the rest of my life isn't good either.

    I'm sending you a friend request....Good luck on your journey and welcome to MFP!! I think you'll find a lot of good support here! :D
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