Brighten up my timeline please

jpikey66 Posts: 127 Member
Hey I'm Julie 47 and in the UK, been here about 7mths now and my timeline has gone a bit quiet. I log in daily and have an open diary so would prefer the same. I don't eat low and I sometimes go over my cals but I'm all in favour of slow and steady, suits me. So if you'd like to follow me send a request. Would prefer uk cos of time difference ????????????????


  • chidmb
    chidmb Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Julie! I'm Teresa. I'm new to this. I just joined MFP this week. I'm in Chicago. Just browsing through the site. Thought I'd say hi!
  • jpikey66
    jpikey66 Posts: 127 Member
  • GhostDancer33
    GhostDancer33 Posts: 4 Member
    Friend request sent! I'm from the UK too so anyone else feel free to add me!
  • nusiax
    nusiax Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Julia, I have been using MFP for a couple months now. Love it. I also do not have a great many friends. I am in the Netherlands, Just across the Channel. I am doing the slow and stead. I have lost 7KG since starting. MFP has helped me understand what I am eating. Love it.

    I have used the food database, and gone OMG with some foods I thought were low calorie and good for me, Oh know they are not. And foods I thought would be terrible really are not that bad.

    I go over from time to time as well. But I lowed my calories to the lowest of my daily range, and then the MFP notifies me on my phone that I have reached the lower part of my goal.

    The one thing I do not like is MFP adds calories to your daily limit when you exercise, Like today I went swimming for an hour and it added almost 300 calories to my daily limit.

    But I am learning to deal with it. I will make a friend request.
  • jpikey66
    jpikey66 Posts: 127 Member
    Any more UK out there?
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Uk here :happy: I log daily & my diary is open ... Feel free to add me
  • Delquin
    Delquin Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there! Burying the spam that got posted on this board and bringing up the real posts to the top.
  • chelseytyann

    You NEED those extra calories when you exercise. If you are going to lose weight, you need to "eat" what you've lost in calories due to exercise. Otherwise, your body goes in to starvation mode and you will not lose weight and rather maintain.

    For example, my target calorie goal with no exercise is 1200 calories. If I do not exercising for the day and stay within my 1200 calories, I will continue to lose weight. However, if I add in exercise and I burn 200 calories doing those exercises, I need to up my caloric intake to include that 200 I burned, therefore I need to be eating 1400 calories. And this is how MFP calculates.

    The one problem, however, is that MFP tends to calculate a little high for activities. The best thing you can do is where a monitor that tells you how many calories you are burning when exercising and log in the exact amount. This way you can be sure you know exactly how many extra calories you need to eat.

    I've been at this now for three months and have lost 25lbs and am continuing to lose. :)