Greetings from the UK, a currently sunny South West!

Hi Everyone,
Been playing with this site for a week now so thought it high time I introduced myself!
I'm Julie, married with 1 son at Uni and 2 cats and 3 ferrets.
Work full time in sales and love it.
My story is after countless diets and plans over the years that really never did anything I decided enough was enough so in May last year I embarked on a meal replacement plan - All About W8.
Best thing I ever done! Got totally zoned into it and from May to September I dropped at least 3 dress sizes and lost 47lb.
Now in healthy BMI and looking to lose just a few more pounds to give me a leeway on special occasions and holidays.
Fully immersed in the 'Food Doctor' plans and books which promote regular eating and low carb lifestyle.

So I am tracking on this site (which is totally amazing by the way) to help me with the long term. Losing weight is fairly easy - it's the maintenance after that you need to work on!

So hello from me - feel free to friend request me - if there is anything you want to know just ask!



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Julie, welcome to MFP! You'll find lots of support and motivation here.
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    hey julie ! i was doing the all about w8 to just trying to now go on a healthy diet adn change ,y lifestyle i have 1 daughter 2 and wana lose the weight for holidays etc!

  • LauraMcGanity
    Hi there, I'm in the North west, distinctly overcast up here though. Welcome to MFP and feel free to add me.
  • kirkyme

    Welcome and good luck with finding your maintenance zone. I always have trouble with that , hence I'm regularly re-acquainting myself with this site!

    Send tips when you're successful :)

    Mel (with blue sky in the NW, finally!)
  • lulu64uk
    Hi Julie and welcome.

    Ive been on this site on/off for a year - just trying to get back into the swing of things !! I am in the South (Hampshire) and sunny here today after all the rain last night.

    I am jealous that you have ferrets, always wanted one but never have, maybe one day. I currently have 1 dog and 3 cats (am willing to exchange 1 dog for 3 ferrets lol)

    Good luck with the site, sounds like you have done very well !
  • kkyishkkii
    Hi Julie,

    Nice to see someone else here from the UK. I'm originally from North Devon myself but living in Hampshire now.

    Wish you all the best with you targets and goals
