Avocado Tuna Salad (150 calories per serving)

WadeLam Posts: 224 Member
This is one of those I-didn’t-get-out-of-church-til-late-last-night-and-the-grocery-store-was-about-to-close-so-what-can-I-make-with-what’s-already-in-my-fridge-and-pantry type of recipes. Doesn’t it seem like those recipes always turn out the best? Figures...

It’s like my gray polo shirt that was on clearance at Rugged Warehouse back in 2003. That thing was just a couple bucks and I wore that sucker for the better part of that decade. Even now, it still hangs in my closet and is a staple for cold, rainy days.

The world is such a mysterious place.

Anyhow, back to business. Here’s my twist on tuna salad. I like mine with a squirt or two of spicy brown mustard. It’s great on a lettuce leaf, on a salad or even on fresh, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.

Avocado Tuna Salad

• 2 small cans of tuna (5 oz each - packed in water and drained)
• 1 small, ripe avocado (cubed)
• 2 tbsp of chopped onion (I prefer red)
• 1 clove of minced garlic (or more to taste)
• ¼ cup of reduced fat mayo
• 1 tbsp of spicy Dijon mustard
• Celery seed, to taste
• Salt and pepper, to taste

In a large mixing bowl, combine tuna, avocado, onion, garlic, reduced fat mayonnaise, mustard, celery seed, and salt and pepper. Mix until all ingredients are well combined.

Nutrition Info (calculated from MFP Recipe Builder):
Servings: 4
Calories: 150
Carbs: 6
Fat: 9g
Protein: 11g
