My NutriBullet

I have missed my NutriBullet shakes. I have been neglecting to use my NutriBullet and I can feel and see the difference. I feel so such better, have more energy and my skin even looks better. So, I am going to try and start doing atleast one shake today. Anyone want to join me that would be awesome!:)

Today's shake:
Romane Lettus
1 C. berries
1/2 cup fresh pineapple
few almonds
water to fill line (I use Almond Milk also)

I have more NutriBullet reciepts on my pinterest account if you would like to check them out:)


  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I don't typically have one every day, but usually 2 or 3 times per week. Just depends what else I'm eating that day. Love them though. Always gives me lots of energy. Your smoothie sounds yummy. This is one of my favorites:

    1-2 ounces fresh spinach (I sometimes use kale, but I prefer spinach. I don't care for Romaine lettuce though)
    1 cup frozen pineapple
    1/4 cup frozen blueberries
    3-4 almonds or pecans
    sometimes I will add a carrot
    sometimes I will add 1 tbs ground flax seed or wheat germ
    sometimes I use milk (nut or dairy), but I usually use VitaCoco coconut water (potassium) as the liquid

    I keep lots of different kinds of frozen fruits on hand and switch it up a lot. Cherries, peaches, mangos, bananas, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, etc. If I happen to have a cantaloupe on hand, a slice of that will go in the smoothie too. Love the flavor of cantaloupe in a smoothie.

    I'll be sure to follow this thread for smoothie ideas!
  • MaDwItNeWfLaVa
    MaDwItNeWfLaVa Posts: 78 Member
    2 cups spinach
    2 cups kale
    A few pinapple chunks
    2 strawberries
    1 half of a frozen banana
    A half of a half of pear
    half of a half of green apple

    Thats one healthy, tasty drink right there!!
  • AlisaK27
    AlisaK27 Posts: 8 Member
    Looks Yummy!
  • rossraskolnikov
    rossraskolnikov Posts: 29 Member
    I'm down to one a day from two.

    My go-to recipe looks something like this:

    A big clump of kale (~50-80g)
    4-5 cherry tomatoes
    Apple or pear
    A sprinkle of goji berries

    I'm going to try a more whole-green one today, maybe throw in some seeds; as I'm finding I much prefer eating the fruits.
  • mindful2012
    mindful2012 Posts: 21 Member
    I wanted to share 2 favorite recipes of mine:

    1 cup blueberries - I like to use frozen ones, it makes the smoothie colder
    1 medium banana
    2 swiss chard leaves
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    2 tbsp ground flax seeds
    2 cups cold water (1.5 cups might be enough depending on your desired thickness)

    4 leaves of Romaine (sometimes I do spring mix and spinach together instead)
    1 banana
    1/2 a peach or mango
    1/2 cup frozen pineapple
    1tbsp coconut oil
    1.5-2 cups of water

    I'm going to try some of the other recipes on here. Thanks for sharing!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Raw beet is another ingredient I sometimes add to my smoothies. Gives it a deep earthy sweetness.