Fell off so hard.. my fat *kitten* hurts..

I have had a reallllly bad 2 weeks.. fell off that wagon so hard.. and it seems so hard to jump back on..

Am ashamed to log the crap I have eaten.. and the AMOUNT of crap.. I was gobbling that stuff down like it was my last day on this planet... it grossed me out while I was doing it but I just couldn't stop!!

What goes on in my head that I have this uncontrollable urge?? It's scary!!

Anyway.. am trying to get back into it now.. re-tuning my brain into a healthy lifestyle mode.. I did so well for 2 months before that.. but I guess 4o plus years of habits are harder to kick than I thought.. :sad:


  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    Don't worry! It's never too late. You should see some of the things I eat lol! I'm amazed that I've been able to lose weight. I only worked out once this week and just had pizza for dinner. This is life. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Two weeks is a longer binge, but at least it wasn't 3 weeks or a month. It's like overcoming anything else in life. Admit it, forgive yourself and move on. Good luck to you!!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    It takes time so log it and forget about it. I have to wonder if you are eating enough to began with though.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Think of it as real life happened! I went through that a few weeks ago - had a death in the family and I just could not get it together and thought eating would mask the real issue. . . Epic Fail!

    Either pick up where you left off or start again, at least at this point you know more than you did before, and you feel something about what you did as opposed to maybe previously you may not have felt or thought anything about what and how much you ate.

    Think about (not too hard) what started the binge so next time you will be prepared and maybe able to catch it early or avoid it all together. I started drinking water and/or taking a walk when the urge to eat hit and I knew I was not hungry.

    Wishing you the best, know that you can do this :smile:
  • shraniken
    shraniken Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah I had a pizza last Sunday night, the whole thing. I ate half, took it into the kitchen and put it in the fridge. Came back into my room and sat for about five minutes before going back and eating the rest.

    Really need to log stuff. I fail at doing it often, especially when I eat at my parents and it's a ton of stuff that i know I'll never get logged correctly. But pretty much every time I've failed and gained back a lot of weight is when I've stopped logging for long periods of time.

    You get to the point after several months where you think you'll be able to keep track of it without MFP, especially if you follow a routine. NOPE.
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    I try to log everything even if I go over my calories. This is the only thing that seems to work for me.