Two, three bad nutrient and calorie days

Well here goes.... I need to repair damage from the last three days, food diary is pretty ugly this week. Work real hard to stay on track, but when I'm around the high calorie sweet stuff, like desserts, trouble! At home I keep several things a treats, organic icecream, or angel food cake, trail mix, chocolate covered cranberries or chocolate covered almonds, any of which on a reg day are very satisfying. Most time I purposely figure them in, calories wise(not nutrient wise. Although I'm sure I'm loaded with fat and sugar). Not to hard to make up for a day like that, but when you have three in arow seems impossible.
I only have sat and sun left for my week, been having problems with a 24 hr fast so that's out of the question, only had one maintenance day and I already used that. First two days of week was under 100-200, so when I average my week that helps. I will plan a 700 day for sat and sun, to try to save my week.
So what do you do when you allow one of your hard bad foods in for a day, to prevent it from becoming 3,4,5...days.
My only thought is to try to be very careful making up the difference on my deflect days that are left, and total my week left to see what's available.
I can't just do without a treat once in awhile, but I'm not to sure I've figured it out from spanning a couple days


  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    The past is the past, don't punish yourself for it. Doing 700 calorie days, and especially two in a row!, is more likely to spin you in to overeating the next days. Eat at your normal loss calories and move on.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I ate ice cream almost every single day of my weight loss. There's nothing inherently wrong with those foods. There's also nothing wrong with a few days of going over on calories.

    Do NOT punish yourself for those days. Start tomorrow, stay within your calorie goal and find a way to squeeze those things you clearly enjoy into your day.

    Things to note: fats are not bad, sugar is not bad.

    One thing that helped me succeed long term was not treating foods as "good" or "bad". For health, balance your nutrient intake, meet your macros and micros accordingly but remember calorie deficit rules weight loss. Weight loss is hard enough, putting unnecessary restrictions makes it even worse.

    We all have had bad unbalanced days. I've had nearly an entire week of it from vacations, etc.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    i would just try to eat some what healthy for the next 2 days and then start the new week fresh, but don't starve yourself with only 700 calories it will just sabotage you for next week by making you lose water weight that will just go back on when you start eating more.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I seem to recall you posted something very similar a while back, in food and nutrition, and advised then against trying to compensate with fasts and low calorie days... did you forget the advice you were given the last time you posted a topic like this?
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    "So what do you do when you allow one of your hard bad foods in for a day,"

    I enjoy the hell out of it and move on with my life.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    OP, just to clarify from your old threads. Fasting for 24 hours does not increase fat loss. Eating at a moderate calorie deficit does that. Resistance training could help, too.

    You were given great links, I'm not sure if you read them so here they are again 
  • Umm what the?
    Your worst "bad" day was 1600 calories and the other two were still massive deficits. Your "under" calories were 800 for Gods sake. If you eat a healthy amount with an alright deficit you won't feel like you're losing control when you go over by a few hundred.
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you for the links again,If they were recommended before I know I read, but it won't hurt me to go back over again, unfortunately from a procedure and then my meds my memory is not real good. Thanks again for your input.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Since you're eating ice cream every day, why don't you consider eating no sugar added ice cream? In general it only has 90 to 130 calories per half cup and you could add two tablespoons of walnuts for some additional protein--for less than just the ice cream is "costing" you know.

    Eat more protein. You're not getting "enough," especially on days when you're getting under 20 grams! Eating more protein will help you feel less hungry, longer.

    Get more exercise. If you're exercising and not logging it, log it and eat half those calories back. You're not doing your body any favors eating the way you are.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I hardly think you "damaged" anything in three days....