Introducing myself; hoping to gain more friends!

Hey everyone! My name is Angelina and I'm 19 years old, currently in nursing school. I work as an EMT for the state of NJ. If anyone else here is an EMT, you know how hard it is to eat right. Here's my intro:
I have been overweight my whole life. I've tried plenty of diets (no carb, no fat, starving myself, substituting water for food) and diet supplements (Skinnyfiber, hydroxycut, green tea sups, and many, many more.) all because I wanted to lose weight and lose it QUICK. Well, none of them worked. And I'll tell you why: I thought of them as only a temporary thing. I lost 50lbs in three months before the start of my eighth grade year, strictly starving myself. Well, I gained all of it back, and then some by the start of my freshman year. Now, I've played sports for years so I do have some muscle. BUT I stopped playing them to go to EMT school at 16, so I gained even more weight. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been, weighing in at 314 as of July 2, 2014. 314 PEOPLE! I have NEVER been this big. It made me depressed to see that number, but I would keep lying to myself telling myself "oh its because you're menstruating" and "oh you can't possibly weigh that much. the scale is lying." Well, here I am, trying this whole "diet" thing again. I'm looking at it like this: this is my new life. I will fail, and I will succeed. Rome wasn't build in a day, so i definitely won't lose weight overnight. I can do this.
I don't plan on trying to make myself exercise 7 days a week for two hours. Quite frankly, that's not gonna happen. I will start out with twice a week for an hour. Then I'll work my way up. I hope I succeed this time!!

I would love to get to know everyone else and your stories!!


  • nene723
    nene723 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. Im new to the site and I live in NY.
