Really excited for this

I'm going to sound like I'm at an OA meeting (which I actually just got home from).... Hi, My name is Anne and I'm a compulsive overeater. I've been trying to find an online resourse for help with eating healthy and staying away from my "trigger" foods. I've been sugar and flour free since Dec 27. I'm feeling really good mentally and physically and am also experiencing a great benefit of losing weight. I'm eating lots of fresh fruit and fresh veggies.
I have not started exercising yet. That's an area that I'm still procrastining on. We have a Wii and a couple dance games and the fit board. No reason I shouldn't be doing it, right? I'm working on it. Any one have any suggestions to get myself over this hurdle?


  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    I found that after I started eating better and got better sleep I suddenly had the energy and drive to play my wii games and then the next thing I knew I was at the gym! Baby steps!!!
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    I have definitely been telling myself baby steps. First I cut out the sugars and flours. Next I will cut out caffiene but it's going to be a while before I do that. Yes, need to get more sleep too.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    That is me it just takes baby step and before you know it your at your goal
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    It's a lifestyle change and it can't happen overnight. You're doing great by slowly cutting things out! :bigsmile:
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member

    Welcome to MFP! I can tell you from my own experience, this website has changed my life. It has given me all the tools and support to help me on my way to my goals. I hope you find this same success as you try to reach your goals. Everyone on here is so great and supportive, and these boards are a wealth of inspiration, hope and motivation. I wish you good luck on your journey!

    Take care!
  • Eporter727
    Eporter727 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome Anne. And I totally get the whole over eating thing. I have used food for everything. I know of course that's leading me into a lot of health problems and I don't feel very good about myself. So here we all are! Agree with all above, baby steps, change one things at a time. Sounds like you've made great strides so far!! I try to "distract" myself with something else, like a toddler "Oh, no, not the remote sweetie, here's some pretty car keys, play with these!" It actually works, lol.