MFP says 1440 calories

I have tried numerous calculators to tell me how many calories a day to eat to lose weight and it varies from website to website on what I should eat in a day, I have read for a male that I should eat no less than 1800 calories a day but my question is when I let MFP figure it for me based on the info I give it, it sets my goal at 1440 calories a day. Way less than the 1800 a day for men, I am 53 years old currently weigh 239 and I am 5 feet 11 inches, just not sure how MFP comes up with 1440.


  • It's based on your BMR. That 1800 is based on an average male who exercises. BMR helps take the "average" part out. I'm at 1440 calories as well. Keep to that number, and you will lose weight. Trust me. You also won't die!

    I imagine you're trying to lose weight, so you're "operating" at an energy deficit. If your problem is that you are hungry, try healthy snacks. Your body is used to working the way it is now, but you'll get used to it soon enough. Have determination!

    Try this link if the wiki link is too confusing:
  • dnkndnts
    dnkndnts Posts: 6
    In the little experience I have with the mfp applet, it seems like the number of calories it sets is based on a sedentary day; a day in which you do absolutely nothing that would burn extra calories. I say this because if you add an exercise into your day, it recalculates and adds more calories for you to consume. When I include an estimate for my workday, where I am constantly on my feet and moving for 8 or so hours, it adds in a significant number of calories that I can include in my meals and still be under my calorie goal.
    Make sure that you're letting mfp know about your activities so it can recalculate its estimates for you.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    your BMR is 2096 and your TDEE is estimated to be about 2881. This numbers are calculated with the guess that you are lightly active which is a good guess for most people.

    So you should be able to loose weight if you eat above your BMR but below your TDEE. If your more active you will lose more rapidly but this is not a race. MFP has your number so low because you likely have it set to lose 2 pounds per week which is not the most ideal rate for weight loss.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories back.

    Also, I suspect you chose a weight loss goal of 2lbs a week, which is too high for what you have left to lose.
    What did you choose for a weight loss goal on the other calculators? (Keep in mind they include exercise where MFP does not)
  • theburpeeking
    theburpeeking Posts: 10 Member
    Please eat more than 1400 calories a day. Men should not be lower than 1800 calories. Once I realized I was not eating enough, I upped my calories and started working out is when the weight started to come off. I am now at 2100 calories and still losing.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    bmr 1829
    tdee 2194

    about 1694 to lose 1lb a week......................I would get some exercise and burn some calories and set it at 1800.............even if its walking 20min a day
  • rfmarshall
    rfmarshall Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the replies and help, I have MFP set at sedentary and to lose 2 pounds per week. I set it at sedentary because I drive for a living so there is not a lot of walking around or physical work. I do the treadmill 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes with a 5 minute cool down at the end for a total of 35 minutes, I don't always log it on MFP because I use a fitbit and follow my exercise on there site. I do intervals where I walk for 2 1/2 minutes then run for 1 minute until the 30 minutes are up, so should I change MFP to lightly active and I guess maybe 1440 calories might be to low? The reason for this new topic is because my weight loss has stopped for the last 5-6 weeks.
  • rfmarshall
    rfmarshall Posts: 6 Member
    Please eat more than 1400 calories a day. Men should not be lower than 1800 calories. Once I realized I was not eating enough, I upped my calories and started working out is when the weight started to come off. I am now at 2100 calories and still losing.
    Thanks jburd, what you said is what I keep reading about men no less than 1800.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    All good responses. I couldn't add anything that would be any different.