
I stood on the scales today and was horrified to discover I have put 3 lb on. How can this be when I have eaten so carefully this week no rubbish at all. I have been swimming every day even twice some days. I am due on a period tomorrow however! Could this be the reason......... confused ...


  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Absolutely has to be TOM water retention.Normal..Need not worry, it will go away, probably tomorrow.
  • misstweedy
    misstweedy Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, your period could definitely be the reason. In that case it's just water weight, so nothing to worry about. It's also not infrequent for weight loss to be delayed. However, you say you've been careful in that you didn't eat any rubbish this week; did you also track your calories? Could be that your calorie intake was higher than you think.
  • shazzahare123
    My calories have been under all week and only eaten healthy food.
  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    How has your sodium intake been this week? A couple of weeks ago, I jacked mine up and put on 4 pounds water weight. Not good.
  • alison067
    alison067 Posts: 43 Member
    Hiya, could it be that you are underestimating your calories? Just had a look at your logging for last couple of days and you have cornflakes. Do you eat them dry? I would weigh the cereal then measure the milk and log seperately. Also you have home made bacon sandwich? You need to calculate each slice of bread cook and weigh your bacon weigh your spread
    (if you have any) and log all individually to get anywhere near what it probably is. Get a good scales and log everything you eat and drink. I weigh even the dressings on my salad as guessing is so way off. :)
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi Shazza, well done on losing 11lbs for a start!
    It probably is water retention due to time of the month (In the past I've gained and lost 6lb over a couple of days due to that!) and it's been suddenly really hot here in UK and that can have an effect on water retention too. The answer to both of those is oddly enough drink more water. Try to avoid processed food as that can have too much sodium which will also cause you to hold water.
    I agree with Alison. Try to log Everything! you eat for a few days.
    Hope this helps,