Baby blues

So, here I am again!

I've been pretty busy the last few years--moved across the country and back, got married and had two baby girls.--Phew!

Unfortunately a husband and two baby girls aren't the only gains I've made... Between a poor diet with lots of eating out and two pregnancies in two years I've packed on about 30 pounds on top of the 20-30 I already had to lose.

It's time to change that.

I had a lot of success using this app/site several years ago and I'm sure I will find it useful this time around.

My goal is like most people's-- eat better, move more, shed fat and gain muscle.

Glad to be here and TIA for support/commiseration/etc! :)


  • AnnaVictorya
    Welcome back! Do you have specific nutrition/exercise plan you are going to follow?

    MFP is lots of fun!!! You can totally do it!

    *Big hug*
  • LynseyJean
    LynseyJean Posts: 10 Member
    My plan is to eat about 1,800cal/day (based on BMR and daily activity), drink plenty of water, and have 4-5 workouts a week.

    Since I'm just starting out again after being very lazy for a long time, I will keep my workouts to about 30 minutes. I'm doing the C25K walk/run program and I'm thinking it would be good to throw in some 30DS on my off days.. so about 5 short workouts a week? I will see how my body feels after a week or two of that schedule. If it's telling me to slow down I'll just stick with the run/walk program. I'm thinking the opposite will be true and I'll feel like a million bucks.. I'm so tired of feeling lethargic!

    For food, just the basics. The easiest thing for us to fix at our house is chicken breast and steamed veggies. I typically try not to stress about eating "bad" foods because I find it just makes them all the more alluring. I also find that I tend to want healthier things the more active I become. When I know it takes a whole session of running to burn off that piece of cake I will think twice next time! ;)