Diet Funk!

I still run but I don't do any other workouts. I am not counting my calories as well as I used to. I do great during the day, but as soon as I get home I give up. I am not gaining weight, but also not losing. This isn't a plateau, this is me giving up. I need to get motivated again. I don't know how to turn that switch back on. My original goal weight was 135 and I am so close but just can't. I have only been at this since August so I can't be quitting now. I changed my photo to the one that made me want to start losing weight. Hopefully that will motivate me. Any advice how to get over my diet funk? I am going to go look at the success photos again. Those are inspiring!


  • jnnfrlux
    believe in yourself...

    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • TN_Tinker
    TN_Tinker Posts: 143 Member
    I have a sexy pair of jeans that are the size I want to be. I pull those out for encouragement!
  • stacierodgers
    I feel your pain. I do great while I am at work. I drink my water and track my food. With a change in job and cut in pay, I had to cancel my gym membership. So I have been in a slump. I am tired when I leave work, and don't want to workout in any way shape or form. I want to go home and sit. I still try to cook decent but stick to the budget.

    In the last few months, I have managed to gain 30 of the 60 pounds I had lost. I really really really need some acountability to get this weight back off and keep moving down.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! It is not a diet, but rather a lifestyle change. When you are home, make sure you drink plenty of water, to keep yourself feeling full. Also, try to find some things to keep yourself busy, so you don't have time to think about food. I spend a lot of time on this site, looking at food diaries, and commenting on what others are doing. I don't even think about food, and the time flies by. You lost 26 pounds already, so you can lose more. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    First of all, great job getting where you are! You're already doing much of what I'd recommend. Keep weighing yourself, as ignorance is not bliss in this game. I try to log my meals immediately so I don't have to go back later. Not sure if this would work, but perhaps try putting a place holder amount in for a future meal using quick add calories, and guess high. That might motivate you to correct it with the actual meal later.
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    I'm in a bit of a funk myself. I think some of mine is the cold winter weather and I feel confined to the house. I know there are tons of winter sports but they really aren't my bag...I'm a cocoa by the fire kind of gal. The most important thing I've done is not stop trying each day. I am a stay at home mom and I can really tell on those days I'm bored since I snack ALL day. I make sure to keep up on my running/workouts and try to be mindful about the snacks I am eating. I am getting back on track and just remind myself that one bad day or weekend does not mean I have to toss out all the hard work I've done over the past 6 months. Another thing that really helps keep me focused is a running plan. I'm just about to complete the couch to 10k program and I like it because it lays out what I need to do so I get a full workout flubbing and saying 2 miles is good enough...I have to finish the session. I'll be moving on to a half marathon training program...again all laid out. I don't know that I'll do a half but I like the idea that I could. I try to sign up for one race a month (5K or whatever). It helps to keep me accountable. I know if I don't stay up on my workouts I'll regret it come race day and I'm competitive enough not to let that happen.

    Congrats on all your progress thus far! Maybe some mini goals (not weight related) would help you change gears. I know when you get closer to your goal weight the scale doesn't always move much so I focus on fitness related stuff...better run times, a pedicure or whatever you like. Hang in there you aren't alone!
  • jenniferjill
    I've done the same thing right before reaching a major milestone. For me, it was that awful little voice inside my head telling me that I didn't really deserve to succeed, didn't deserve to actually reach goal weight. It's called self-sabatoge & we all seem to do it. We are so use to failing that we don't have a clue how to succeed. We're so use to blaming ourselves that we don't celebrate the successes. I reached my Weight Watcher goal last Friday but it took me a month to lose those last couple of pounds due to that nasty little voice telling me it was OK to "relax a bit." Be careful when you do reach goal, that voice is still there saying it's OK to relax or to revert to some of the behaviors that put us in those bigger jean sizes in the first place. So the "fight" is never really over unless we can completely change the way we think about food & change the way we interact with it. I'm not even close to being in that healthy head space yet and it sounds like you're experiencing some of those same challenges we all face at one time or another. Try shifting your goal to that next couple of pounds rather than making goal weight. Focus on something other than your goal weight & it might help you get over the slump. Good can do this!!!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    You're doing so well! You and I are in a similar weight-loss stage, so I know where you're coming from. It's so easy to say "look how great I look already -- a few slices of pizza or a bunch of chocolate won't make THAT much of a difference". You just need to find that thing that drives you to succeed. Everyone has their own -- whether it's to wear a bikini on a summer vacation or to look fabulous for an upcoming reunion or wedding or to be able to compete in a marathon. You have to find yours. What made you decide on 135? You've already accomplished so much so even if you decide that you're happy at 148, then that's great too, but 135 must have meant something, right?

    If you'd like a friend in the same stage as you, just send a request. I've had great friends so far, and seeing their weightloss really motivates me!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    You're doing so well! You and I are in a similar weight-loss stage, so I know where you're coming from. It's so easy to say "look how great I look already -- a few slices of pizza or a bunch of chocolate won't make THAT much of a difference". You just need to find that thing that drives you to succeed. Everyone has their own -- whether it's to wear a bikini on a summer vacation or to look fabulous for an upcoming reunion or wedding or to be able to compete in a marathon. You have to find yours. What made you decide on 135? You've already accomplished so much so even if you decide that you're happy at 148, then that's great too, but 135 must have meant something, right?

    If you'd like a friend in the same stage as you, just send a request. I've had great friends so far, and seeing their weightloss really motivates me!

    5 years ago when I got married i was 135 and incredibly happy at that weight. My 5 year anniversary is coming up and I want to be at my wedding weight again because I want to put my wedding dress on. Probably just going to sit around the house drinking wine in my dress, maybe make the husband dance with me, color with the kids, just be a dork in a Maggie Sottero, but damnit, I want to do it!

    Thank you everyone for the advice. Darren, I think I am going to give the place holder thing a try. Elzettel, you probably have motivated me more than you could imagine. Anyone who complains about cold weather makes me feel like a bum for not working out. You have a great reason to not workout, I have beautiful weather, I have no excuse!!! My 10k is coming up so I have to keep running. Hoping to finish in 64 minutes. 66 would make me happy though.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    You're doing so well! You and I are in a similar weight-loss stage, so I know where you're coming from. It's so easy to say "look how great I look already -- a few slices of pizza or a bunch of chocolate won't make THAT much of a difference". You just need to find that thing that drives you to succeed. Everyone has their own -- whether it's to wear a bikini on a summer vacation or to look fabulous for an upcoming reunion or wedding or to be able to compete in a marathon. You have to find yours. What made you decide on 135? You've already accomplished so much so even if you decide that you're happy at 148, then that's great too, but 135 must have meant something, right?

    If you'd like a friend in the same stage as you, just send a request. I've had great friends so far, and seeing their weightloss really motivates me!

    5 years ago when I got married i was 135 and incredibly happy at that weight. My 5 year anniversary is coming up and I want to be at my wedding weight again because I want to put my wedding dress on. Probably just going to sit around the house drinking wine in my dress, maybe make the husband dance with me, color with the kids, just be a dork in a Maggie Sottero, but damnit, I want to do it!

    That's one of the nicest reasons I've heard! Just remember that when you don't feel like working out or feel like mindlessly snacking when watching tv!

    I started when I got my wedding pictures back from my sister in May (we got married in Vegas last Christmas with only a few family members there.) My sister is a scrapbooker and took the memory cards from the cameras to surprise us with a beautiful book. I had never really been "thin" since I was a kid but I didn't really think that I was heavy until I saw those pictures. The scrapbook was so nice, but the pictures were NOT. We're going back to Vegas in June, so I want to take new pictures and add them to the back of the book (not really traditional, but heck, it's my wedding book!!) Plus I wanna look hot in a bikini in the pool at Palms Place!!:happy: