I don't want to be the wife, I want to be THAT wife

Hi everyone! My name is Kendra. I am 25 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, and at the moment I weigh 222 lbs. I am originally from Texas (GO RANGERS). I use be on MyFitnessPal during my senior year of college and it helped me out so much! I weighed 160 lbs with 12% body fat. After college I moved to a whole new area with my husband (yay military lifestyle), started a new job (VET TECH!!) where I work a busy schedule, worked hard for 7 months to receive a certification in my career, and am now in the process of pursuing a license. During that time I went from 160-222 lbs. How on earth did that happen and why did I let that happen? Like with several people, time in our daily lives gets filled up and it gets difficult for some (ME) to workout and keep up with our health. I had always told my husband that if I ever just became the wife then that meant I was unhealthy, obese, I failed. He never told me that I had become the wife because he loves me for me. But I realized I became her--that Ah Ha moment. I miss being THAT wife- the one who was confident, healthy, and who felt beautiful in a room of gorgeous woman. I miss THAT wife and I want her back. I am hoping to find some/several friends who will help keep me accountable. I appreciate ya'll taking the time to read this and hope to make some friends through it!


  • LynseyJean
    LynseyJean Posts: 10 Member
    Aw, don't be so hard on yourself, you're still the same beautiful wife your husband's always had. Life happens and sometimes it takes a while (or in my case a few pictures on facebook) to say "holy wow, I'm not where I want to be".

    I'm 25, 5'7" and have gotten up to about 200 pounds. I always weighed something like 145 in high school but slowly gained, lost a little in 2010, and quickly gained some more due to my three pregnancies in 2 years and generally eating like crap with no exercise. I feel the same as you -- I used to be so much more confident with myself. Now it's not as much the number on the scale but the fact that I know I've let myself slip and am not living a healthy lifestyle that drags down my confidence.

    I'll send you a FR so we can support each other if you'd like!

    Edited to add height
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I know how you feel. In a way getting healthier reflects well on my husband. I want his coworkers to see he has a nice family lol. I weigh 222 right now, down from 294!
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    Aw, don't be so hard on yourself, you're still the same beautiful wife your husband's always had. Life happens and sometimes it takes a while (or in my case a few pictures on facebook) to say "holy wow, I'm not where I want to be".
    Edited to add height

    This...life happens! I'm 42, had lost 70 pounds and was down to my high school weight when life hit like a ton of bricks...suddenly over the course of a year I was faced with my grandfather's death, my mother in the hospital with a ruptured appendix, a new position at work which did NOT go as well as I had hoped, and back problems that drastically curtailed my exercise and landed me with 6 days off work to have 3 rounds of injections in my spine. And with all of that I reverted back to my old habits, and gained 30 pounds back. LIFE HAPPENS. What makes a difference is how you deal with it when you recognize that it hit you like a ton of bricks. Holy cow...how did I let myself gain back 30 pounds when I felt so good at 140!!!!

    You can do this...so can I...one step at a time and we will get to our goals!
  • Thank ya'll for the encouragement. It's going to be a long journey but ya got to start somewhere :). Can't wait to reach my short goals and get my self down to my final goal!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Here's to a successful journey in your life! Be strong, get moving and LOVE yourself!