How do you deal with hunger?

About once a week I get the urge to eat everything in sight. I try to make the healthiest choices during that time but always end up going over calories and it's significantly hindering my weight loss. I'm not eating too little calories on an average day. This has turned into a weekly cycle and I'm sick of stalling my weight loss goals.

How do you stick with your diet and prevent yourself from eating during weaker moments? Do you pre-calculate the calories in a snack or count as you're eating? Thanks!


  • jenzbugrulz1978
    jenzbugrulz1978 Posts: 3 Member
    I try to keep my mind and body busy when I get "stuck" on eating. It helps sometimes, but it seems like when my cycle is about to start it is the worst and hardest to control. I also use fresh squeezed lemon in water ever day, which seems to suppress my appetite some. Hope this can be of help :D

    I don't precalculate or try to beat myself up over it with counting the calories...that just seems to make it worse for me. If I have a bad day, I just try to do better then next day.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    About once a week I get the urge to eat everything in sight. I try to make the healthiest choices during that time but always end up going over calories and it's significantly hindering my weight loss. I'm not eating too little calories on an average day. This has turned into a weekly cycle and I'm sick of stalling my weight loss goals.

    How do you stick with your diet and prevent yourself from eating during weaker moments? Do you pre-calculate the calories in a snack or count as you're eating? Thanks!

    Lately, I've been tackling those chores around the house that need attention when I'm feeling like I want to raid the fridge.
    Or I leave the house if it's not too late at night. I'll go for a bike ride or a walk or visit with my boyfriend if he's not at work and we do something together.
    If it's late at night, I go to my bedroom and read.
  • Armagan123
    Armagan123 Posts: 72 Member
    I recently realized it is the sugar that increases my appettite so whenever I want something sweet I eat walnuts or an apple with yogurt and it really helps me to stay within my calorie limit.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Every once in a while I just need to eat and so I do. I listen to my body and I know now when I'm bored or when I'm truly hungry. If I'm truly hungry then I eat. If I'm bored or I'm mad then I find something to occupy myself that takes my mind off eating.
  • camorganart
    camorganart Posts: 31 Member
    I eat almonds or carrots with hummus to try and curb my cravings. The sugar binge cycle is something I have to deal with, too.
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 139 Member
    I drink more or if possible brush my teeth (probably weird answer)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I eat.... *shrug* :ohwell:
  • Frandana
    Frandana Posts: 1
    I try to stay busy. But, when I get into an eating craving everything in sight, I try to go for a walk or ride my bike. If that isn't possible, I'll eat a piece of fruit to fill myself, or carrots and celery, jello, or popcorn, and drink water or have a cup of tea/coffee. I just try to make healthier choices or get out to avoid the temptation. Sometimes, I convince myself that I like the feeling of being hungry. It reminds me that I'm losing weight as I'm feeling the hunger, and that feels really good.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    How many calories do you eat on average per day? Do those include exercise calories?

    What is your weekly weight loss goal?
  • arabeque
    arabeque Posts: 4 Member
    It is actually good to have a day off once a week and eat everything you crave for, or so they say. (I'm not actually sure about it - I've only read it as tips from people who have succeeded with their weight loss in forums)

    In my case, I just try to munch on some carrots or smth to fill the holes. And keeping myself busy helps a lot, too. If it's a day off - I try to get away from home in the time between breakfast and lunch, bringing only a bottle of water and the amount of food I would need for lunch or for the whole day, even. taking barely any money, having the day planned.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I suffer with massive hunger pains everyday just before dinner time, after I get home from excercise, I'm hungry and cold, and feeling edgy and in a bad mood, only cure I know off, is try to be patient, listen to music, and I may have many calories I saved by dinner, but some days I accidently go over, not nessarary I bad thing cause I no longer feel cold after a good feed, which tells me I must be burning my calories very quickly.
  • FitFroglet
    FitFroglet Posts: 219 Member
    I have days where I feel I could eat everything in sight. I try to ignore it. When I get home from work I try to do some exercise. This buys me some more calories and normally helps suppress my appetite so I don't actually want to binge any more.
  • maraq
    maraq Posts: 38 Member
    If you're actually hungry - then eat something nutritious (something with protein, fat and fiber) even if it puts you over your calories. That's a sign that your body needs energy. If this happens to you consistently, then you want to take a look at what you are eating earlier in the day. You might not be eating enough of the type of food that will sustain you.

    But if what you are feeling is actually just the urge to eat (and not actual hunger) then you need to figure out why you want to eat - are you bored, tired, frustrated etc? Have you been depriving yourself for a long time? Did you have a crappy day at work etc? All of these things can make us look for things to eat when really what we need is a nap, a walk or a talk with a friend.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    When I eat enough protein, I am not hungry during the day in between meals.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    Also, I don't have a static daily calorie limit for myself and that's been helping me as well. I keep a range of calories from 1250 to 2250 … anywhere from 2 lb loss to maintenance calories.

    Perhaps a range of calories is better for you so that on some days you give yourself permission to eat at a higher level and feel no guilt about it.

    I change the goals in my food diary for my higher days so it doesn't show red. I dislike seeing red.

    But I am still using my other tactics for when I want to eat for the sake of eating.

    I hope you find what works! :flowerforyou:
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    About once a week I get the urge to eat everything in sight. I try to make the healthiest choices during that time but always end up going over calories and it's significantly hindering my weight loss. I'm not eating too little calories on an average day. This has turned into a weekly cycle and I'm sick of stalling my weight loss goals.

    How do you stick with your diet and prevent yourself from eating during weaker moments? Do you pre-calculate the calories in a snack or count as you're eating? Thanks!
    I used to go thru this a lot, my body would have this urge to "refeed" itself. Finally I said I am not going to do it! No! And then that urge hit again and this time I resisted and I got thru it. It's almost like a plateau that I had to power thru. When I do get the munchies I have fizzy drinks (diet soda, emergen-c) to help me bloat up and feel full, plus low calorie protein (light string cheese, 50 calories per stick).
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    I try to distinguish between a physical urge and a mental urge. I discover that nearly every time they're mental!

    And you know what? Just pausing for a few moments to look inside for that distinction gives me perspective. There's a distance between "the urge" and "me." It no longer feels as if the urge is an integral part of who I am, and therefore must be acted on.

    At the very least pausing lets me pre-calculate and log a snack rather than eating first and logging afterward. Eating first without a plan doesn't seem to work nearly as well.

    Meditation is an enormous aid to the kind of pause I'm talking about. It doesn't have to be a big deal. Start with 10 minutes a day. You learn to watch your mind in action. You discover that all your thoughts and desires aren't essential to your identity.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    If I'm hungry, I eat. The only time I ever get to the point when I feel like eating everything in sight is when I'm trying to stick to a goal that is too aggressive.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Intermittent fasting lets me have some high calorie days. But it's definitely not for everyone.
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I drink more or if possible brush my teeth (probably weird answer)

    Totally not weird -- at least I don't think so since I do the same thing. Knowing something I want isn't going to taste good totally puts me off, and by the time the toothpaste taste dissipates, my craving usually has, too.

    I also know that my cravings are worse in the evenings, so I try to eat pretty light during the first half of my day with plenty of protein to keep me fueled. There are actually days when I get home from work that I struggle to get ENOUGH calories. Other options may be getting up and going for a short walk, or if all else falls, take a nap.