well i did it. 75 pounds

jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member

I saw a success story when I first started on MFP and I promised myself when I got to my goal weight, I would post. So here it is.

Rewind to the end of May 2012.

I weighed between 224 lbs to 234 lbs. I probably consumed between 3500-5000 calories per day. I did not exercise and I smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day. I could barely make it up a flight a of stairs without gasping for air. Looking back at it today, I punished my body and polluted it with smoke. I wore 38-40 men's size pants and XL to XXL shirts. I remember I looked in the mirror without my shirt on and never felt so unhappy in my life. So I took it upon myself to take a picture and change my ways.

So I tried the calorie counting thing without any friends for support and failed horribly. After 3 days of logging I stopped and went back to my old ways. Then MFP reminded me that I was 3 times more likely to lose with the support of others. So I said, screw it and introduced myself on the newbie board. I took it upon myself to quit smoking a few months later which looking back it today, I am so glad I did!

I made some great friends who motivated me and supported me. Obviously I did the same. I slowly changed my eating habits and started running. My first mile was like 13 or 14 minutes. For some messed up reason, I would assume I could "eat whatever I wanted" because I ran 2 miles. I learned that didn't fly after I gained additional weight. So I bit the bullet and I restricted my food intake. Don't be confused though. It took me a long time to figure out how to respect food and limit my eating. ****, I still have my insane calorie days. But it is few and far between.

I ran and ran and ran. 10 miles per week turned into 20 then 30 then 40 then 50 then 60 then 70. As I stated, I ran 13 minute miles at first and after 1 mile I thought I was gonna die. Not gonna lie though, I ran like it was my job. I raced a 5k after 4 months of training/dieting and clocked a 22:49. My training pace got quicker and quicker and after a year of running my easy pace was around 9:15/pace. After two years, it is hovering around 7:30-7:45/pace. I raced in a 5k on 07-04-14 at 19:38 (6:18/pace). For the past year, every 5k race I have entered I have either I placed in the top ten overall or placed 1st or 2nd in my Age Group.

Here I am present day. I weigh around 148 pounds. My waist size shrunk to 28-30 and I wear small sized shirts. I still run, but I am in off-season currently. So as I take a break from running, I do not nearly eat as much. Yeah it sucks!!

So what is the secret? You gotta think long term. Losing weight is hard as **** . If it was easy, America would not be going through an obesity epidemic. There were tough days and days I wanted to quit. All bull**** aside, it is hard and prepare to work.
Last, weigh loss is as much mental as physical. Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. Changing your ways and how you think about food. Eat to live and not living to eat. The food part of the weight loss journey was the toughest.

You can do it. Have a plan and accept there will be failures along the way. Figure out where you messed up, correct it and move on.

If I can do it. So can you.


  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Great post Jin an inspiration to all who believe they can. If this journey you took was easy, hell everybody could do it...congrats my friend....amazing ((cheers to you))
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Awesome achievement :drinker:
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats! Glad you stuck with it:)
  • arose928
    arose928 Posts: 31 Member
    Well done and congratulations.
    I need this kind of willpower, I am in a rut lacking it right now. Cant stand why I make it so hard.
    Your story is inspiring.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You are one of the most diciplined people I have ever "met" and your results are a testament to your focus and determination. Fabulous job my friend.
  • spideywebb77
    spideywebb77 Posts: 126 Member
    how tall are you? I have already lost 70 lbs and am at what your starting weight was. My goal is 150 so It looks like I will be in that ball park.

    Oh and AWESOME job!

  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
  • Hobbesgsr
    Hobbesgsr Posts: 3 Member
    Seriously awesome job taking control of your weight and fitness...esp the smoking.

    Your before pictures and weight read like mine back in Oct. I'm finding the last 10 pounds the hardest and my weight loss graph is leveling out.

    Running did it for me too and my run keeper logs remind me how out of shape I was. Ugh.

    My average pace now is about 5min/km.

    Three questions for you:

    Do you prefer new people you meet to know your weight loss story or prefer to be assumed as being fit from birth?
    How hard was it to buy a new wardrobe?
    Do you find you buy clothes that are more tight/slim fitting?
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Awesome dedication!! You look great!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Incredible story! You are an inspiration and the very definition of success. Congrats on all your hard work and keep it going!!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Great story--congratulations! You look terrific. :happy:
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Great job. I started in February 2014 at 265lbs. Its now July 2014 and am down to 185lbs, my goal is 150-160lbs. I agree weight loss takes a lot of mental discipline and dedicaton , hearing stories like yours keeps me focused on my goals. I run 5K daily but only in 33 minute range and 10Ks in 75minutes. Fitness wise I hope to hit high 20's for 5Ks but my focus has changed to endurance and calorie burn atm.
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    Fantastic. I know that it isn't easy starting out. I beat myself up about not being perfect when I start and re-start that I wind up failing. I have recently recommitted myself to just really giving it my all and giving up other aspects of my life in order to have the time to do so. It is a good trade as I want and NEED to be happier and healthier.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Wonderful determination and transformation! Congrats
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    Fantastic. I know that it isn't easy starting out. I beat myself up about not being perfect when I start and re-start that I wind up failing. I have recently recommitted myself to just really giving it my all and giving up other aspects of my life in order to have the time to do so. It is a good trade as I want and NEED to be happier and healthier. Bravo!
  • Brilliant achievement, you look awesome!
  • dogluvr_2014
    dogluvr_2014 Posts: 54 Member
    Great post and such an amazing story. You inspire us all to do better and never give up. I can't wait for the day when I have my own story to tell of reaching my goal. Thanks so much for sharing with us. God Bless!!! :smile:
  • GenZombie
    GenZombie Posts: 117 Member
    Amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebecca_1552
    Rebecca_1552 Posts: 29 Member
    Way to go!! :smile:
  • seehowyousoar
    seehowyousoar Posts: 60 Member
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