Just starting lifestyle change!

Started a new FB, intentionally to turn into a diet page that I could hopefully acquire a group of friends on, that could support each other through their own diet/health progress. Realized how hard it was to just "search" for an active community support group, so trying this diet specific site :) Anyone just starting, or feel compelled to lend support and smiles now and then? :)


  • piratebabe85
    piratebabe85 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm doing the same thing. I have recently realized how.. well out of control my weight has gotten. Last year this time i was 15 lbs lighter and a year and a half ago I was 40 pounds lighter. I am looking for a support system to keep me on track!
  • cusmoso72
    cusmoso72 Posts: 6
    Hi my name is Tracey. I just started a diet and I can tell you it's not easy. I am an emotional eater. I eat when stressed or sad and I eat when happy. I find so much comfort in food and all I want is to hate it. :laugh: :sad:
  • cusmoso72
    cusmoso72 Posts: 6
    Meeee toooooo. I just keep gaining. At this rate I may end up needing an entire new wardrobe!
  • Time for a change. Just because you are an athlete, does not mean you cannot be WAY out of shape. I need to get my weight under control, and drop about 70 lbs.
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    I had just dropped 45 lbs when I got into my new relationship at the beginning of last year, now I've gained it all back plus a few. Time to get back on track, wahhh! Haha. Thanks for the add!
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    I am the same, I too eat when I am just relaxing and enjoying myself, I eat when I am stressed out because it's "comforting", and I eat when I am bored... So have been trying to fill my time productively. Hoping that at the very least, when I am lounging around, I'm not choosing to have snacks while at it! Hahaha
  • Winnick
    Winnick Posts: 11 Member
    Hi y'all! Im Sharon. I was doin FP a while back and lost 15lbs. I stopped and gained it all back. So, im back with renewed ambition. I know this works and I know how to do it. I appreciate all the support!!!
  • princesskjr
    princesskjr Posts: 16 Member
    Ive not long started my weight loss and fitness goal, after many fad diets Ive finally found the determination to get fit and healthy. Ive already lost 19lbs and have around another 100lbs to go!! I now realise its going to be a long and life changing process but I know I will get there :wink: please can someone also tell me how I get the progress bar that some of you have!