Stuck at same weight for 2 years - NO MORE!!!

So, gonna keep it brief. To give you an idea of where I'm at. I used to weigh 14st. I'm 5ft 7, 30year old female. Lost the majority of that weight but can't seem to shift the last 20lbs. I'm stuck at roughly 11st 6lbs. I've had ENOUGH.
I honestly think I have been starving myself. I used to fast and restrict myself to 500 calories, all while training hard with no success but I think the penny has dropped. I need to eat more to let my body know that it's not starving and that there is no need to "hold on". So for the next week (they say it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to shift) I'm gonna up my calorie intake to 1700, train intensely for 5.5 hours a week and not allow myself to have a calorie deficit of more than 500 cals on any given day. I'm also considering buying a fittbit zip to really keep me on track. So I'm gonna try and keep a weekly diary in here for support and what not. I may also upload photos, just to keep it interesting! Any questions or advice would be greatly received! Good luck everyone. Slàn.


  • claveh
    claveh Posts: 8
    Hello Sian,

    I am no expert, but I think you are totally right far as I know, your body will go in to starvation mode if you do not eat enough, and at just 500 calories a day you are definitely restricting yourself.
    I really hope you do manage to make a difference and wish you well.
  • starsky84
    starsky84 Posts: 4 Member
    Believe it or not that was my very first forum post so thanks for the support. Well done on ur 13lbs. Its mad I've only just discovered what starvation mode was. It makes total sense. I will feel strange eating so much but I plan on trying to fill the calories with calorie dense food such as avocado and almond butter. I'm training hard and recently started bikram yoga 3 weeks ago, so far so good. I'm a typical pear shape so from head to waist is all good, but from waist down it all goes a bit pear shaped as they say! Thanks for replying and I wish you all the success and health on your journey. :)