HOWDY from Texas....

Hello, everyone! Im brand new to this app/website. I must say I love it so far. I currently 29 years old, and have been overweight my entire life since I was 8 years old. AND IM SICK OF IT!!! My current plan is limited my calorie intake to 500 on most days, and then walking two miles in the evening. This will be my 5th day on it so far. My current weight is 338.0 lbs and 5'6"! I would love to eventually lose around 100 lbs, is my long term goal. However, short term I would like to be down to 280 at the end of September. Im doing this b/c Im just tired of looking fat, and not fitting into close I like. of course health concerns in the future if I continue to be this overweight. I've read that limited calories to 500 a day isnt the best thing to do, and Ive also read that it is a good idea on some sites. Im going to be doing the 500 calories a day for consecutive days. This will be my 4th day doing it, and the first two days were rough with cravings. However, since then I dont feel hungry and I havent lost and of my energy. Here's to hoping I make my goal of 280 before September 30th.


  • nkub879
    nkub879 Posts: 4
    Also, free free to add me as a friend! We can both help keeping each other motivated.
  • Wazeal
    Wazeal Posts: 7 Member
    I am following the South Beach Diet and it has been the easiest diet I have ever been on. I am never hungry and my cravings disappeared by day 2 or 3. 500 calories a day will put your body into starvation mode and it will hold the weight. Just make better, healthier choices as South Beach shows and you will do well. I lost 15 pounds the first 2 weeks.
  • nkub879
    nkub879 Posts: 4
    Thats what I've read is the body will go into starvation mode. What I will probably end up doing is doing the 500 calories for a couple days a week, then the rest of the week 1200 calories. We'll see how it goes... Appreciate the advice!
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    No. Just no. From a fellow Texan, your plan is NOT a good one, nor is it healthy. 500 calories a day??? My 4 year old son needs more than that. Enter your stats into MFP and follow the plan they set for you. Or figure out your TDEE - 20%. Or find another HEALTHY method that works for you. If you want to create good habits that will last for the rest of your life, then start that NOW. Find something you can stick with over the long term.

    Sorry man, I would love to support your plan and your ideas but I can't. It's a bad idea, it's not going to work long term and you need to re-evaluate how you intend to become healthy. Let me say that again. It's about BECOMING HEALTHY, not just losing weight.

    Good luck.
  • ashleyweatherholtzmathis
    The 500 calories a day will make you feel miserable, you won't feel the effects of it straight away... but in the long term it's just not sustainable. I'd do intervals if you absolutely feel like you need do eat that little... 500 calories one day and 1500 the next, you'll still be eating at a deficit enough to lose significant weight each week. My calories are set at 2704 (i'm 28/ 322lbs/ and 5'7") which is roughly my total daily energy expenditure, I try to eat well under that number, exercise through the week at the least 150 minutes a week... at the least. I find my body can tolerate a few days of low calories as long as I follow them with a day or two eating a bit more. Oh, and all of this of course is just your net calories, should you choose to exercise those days... i'd still net those amounts.... since you're a man, men tend to carry a little less in the way of bodyfat% so, i'd assume you'd eat probably close to 1800 calories on days you weren't doing the strict restriction of 500 calories.
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    It's great you're really looking to make this something you are really working for. Like most though, I do not agree with the 500 calorie intake. Despite the weight you should lose, or when you would like to, your body still needs it's actual nutrients, and not just the fat already stored in body. Definitely don't want to burn off the things your body wants to keep, while it's mistakenly holding onto the stuff you are so devoted to getting rid of. Realistically, if you are limited to an activity type/time (I am) then just set a little bit lower goals. If the time is truly of importance, then throw in more activity where you can. At no point should you under nourish yourself to speed anything up, or as compensation though! Keep at it, fill out the stuff they have to offer here, and it will give you some basic really useful goals.
    Something I try to tell myself often, that imo is very true, it's not necessarily the number of my goal, it's the fact that I have one. I feel reaching my goal (though maybe set a couple pounds lighter) in a healthy way, is much more satisfying than suffering through unnecessary almost punishments, just to find I slightly fall short of my goal at the end...
    Long term anyway, your less likely to have that one moment, that straw that breaks the camels back, that throws you so far off your diet, when you're maintaining a health plan that doesn't make you feel happy.
    A fitness coach I was following once posted, "I remembered that my workouts are supposed to energize me, make me feel good! If they aren't, then I'm not doing SOMETHING right." Mental or physical, when you find your groove, then you'll be happy.
    Little long term changes are always better than working yourself to quitting. Or causing health problems that scare you into quitting.
    You're dieting to get healthier, don't let it have the opposite effect!
    Get healthy, get happy, and GOOD LUCK! :)
  • joelschendel
    joelschendel Posts: 27 Member
    Eat moar food. 500 calories is crazy and downright dangerous