First time I've EVER seen progress

Hello friends! I'm 20 years old and basically since I was 16 I've wanted to lose fat. Since then I've actually gained close to 30lbs.

July 1st I finally said enough is enough and have tried to eat smaller portions and make healthier choices (I already go to the gym, diet is my biggest struggle).

After eating better (with the exception of a week I messed up) and exercising 4-6 times a week, I've lost just 4.5 pounds and about 1 inch from my bust, waist and hips, but I FEEL amazing. I've always tried to eat better but would give up after a week or two of not seeing progress. Finally I can see (and feel!) progress and I've never been more motivated to keep going!

Here's some pics...I know it's a small difference, but any difference at all is great to be.

Left, before, mid June 170lbs. Right is Today, July 26 165.5lbs. I am 5'9.


(also i hope this is the right place to post something like this!?)


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    4.5lbs is a great loss and you can definitely see a difference in your before and afters.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    Yeah, you can see a difference :) Keep going!
  • thank you guys! i'm not tooo concerned about the lbs cause i lift weights a lot too so im sure some is muscle ?