T25 newbie



  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I really liked insanity but I wish I could handle the increasing appetite more wisely...I started T25 just to add something after my weight lifting routine but not long enough to decide it's better or worse than insanity. so far I find it easier to handle than insanity.
  • chriskoval
    chriskoval Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on week 5 of Alfa. Haven't lost any weight, but I started using this ap and watching my calories intake.
  • iamMLH
    iamMLH Posts: 101 Member
    Hello I plan on purchasing T25 after my baby is born. I have tried Insanity but it caused me severe knee pain. Are the movements in T25 similar? I'm wondering if I should bother!

    If you have problems with your knees, this is probably not the workout for you.

    I'm going to agree here.

    If you decide to go forward with it, take it slow. I'm a big Beach Body fan, but lots of people jump in too fast and don't let their body adjust. This is why so many people talk about how sore they are or how they hurt themselves. Don't worry about keeping up with Shaun on day one, and listen to your body.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Thanks for the feedback....I think I'll hold off and practice some squats & jumps at the house before I invest in it then. I ended up selling Insanity and don't want a repeat. Maybe I'll see if I can borrow it off someone first :smile:
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    I've done a variety of Shaun T's programs and am currently doing Les Mills Combat. Happy to have support and help motivate others too.
  • chy82
    chy82 Posts: 16 Member
    I am currently on week 2 of T25. I started in the middle of the week so my schedule is probably going to be off from everyone else's. But I figured I needed to start while I was motivated. If I waited tip Monday I wouldn't have started. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • Hi!!! Im new to T25 as well. I just started on yesterday. So far so good but its only been a day so we wll see.
  • 1_Ton_Lady
    1_Ton_Lady Posts: 46 Member
    Howdy! I just started T25 yesterday and as of right now, I'm having to do mostly the modified version. If I feel a little froggy, I go for the regular but it is tough :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I've done a variety of Shaun T's programs and am currently doing Les Mills Combat. Happy to have support and help motivate others too.

    love combat! those newzealanders are super motivating and look awe-SOME, like Rach always says. :)
  • Im just on Day 2 of T25! Cant wait to see the results!!
  • khaleesi_16388
    khaleesi_16388 Posts: 9 Member
    Prior to leaving for my recent 3 week vacation, I did about 8 weeks of T25. I had previously done P90X and was getting great results (I'm 24 and didn't do much of ANYTHING active the first 20 years of my life, have always been pretty "skinny-fat"). I loved going from zero to strong and fit and saw major muscle growth and definition, but P90X was taking up way too much time and the routines were getting old.

    I was super excited when I started T25, and still love it. But, while it's an amazing program, I'm not sure if I'll be going back to it when I get home and back into a workout routine.

    Also a word of advice - (especially if you're using MFP) with T25 I'd highly recommend investing in a HR monitor. Especially if you're new (like I was!) for this type of plyo/cardio/HIIT activity when you start, you may be burning way more than you'd think.

    Let me explain my thoughts---

    -Seriously killer workouts in 25 minutes. Like I was dripping sweat every time! And being able to go from zero to having worked out, showered and had a protein shake/snack within an hour is amazing.
    -MAJOR burns! I was hitting 300-400 cal in some workouts, plus HR recovery time with continued burn since it's HIIT.
    -Overall slimming and streamlining effect on your body, especially with good diet, is tough NOT to notice, even just after alpha phase.
    -Sean T kicks *kitten*. Seriously. And with Tanya as a modifier you have zero excuse to slack.
    -You will definitely improve certain aspects of your cardio and agility with these routines.

    -Super high impact to the point that I developed a severe lower back issue and was having difficulty walking. Let me stipulate, however, that I have back issues to begin with and have had spinal surgery. That said, I can lift, do yoga, Pilates, and most other things without issue, but even with some low impact modifications on certain moves, over time my neck, shoulders and most of all my back really took a beating. I'm just not sure if it's worth the potential for a lasting injury.
    -Weight loss seems to occur over muscle gain, and for me I noticed some loss of muscle mass due to an excess of cardio and minimal weight training, especially in Alpha. I will admit that this gets somewhat better in Beta, but for my body type it's still a bit cardio-heavy. I know for some others this tendency toward weight loss may be preferable, but for me it just wasn't quite the right formula in terms of weight loss vs. toning and strengthening.

    At the end of the day, it's an awesome program and will really give your fitness routine a kick start. Just make sure you take care of your body as well, and if you have the time/energy maybe add in some additional weight training too. It will have the added benefit of additional protection for your muscles and joints in all those high impact exercises!

    Enjoy the program to those who've recently started, I'm eager to hear what you think as you progress!
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I'm on week 2, day 2. I didn't do all of week 1 - I think I skipped lower focus. This was due to the fact that I'm adjusting to working out in the mornings and I overslept.

    I did Total Body today and that one kicks my butt. My shoulders are fried from the pushups/spiders/oblique push ups.
  • joshcb15n
    joshcb15n Posts: 17
    I just finished day 2 and it is so hard. I can't imagine I will actually be able to ever keep up with them but going to try as hard as I can lol.
  • Same here with T25, just got it and Shakeology. I have been doing 75 min Zumba classes and circuit classes at the gym, and T25 is MUCH harder. I will say just after doing Cardio last night it was brutal I had to modify about 3 times so this workout is no joke. I'm nervous if I'll be able to keep up with the rest of the week! I am determined to stick with it though as it saves me almost 2 hours versus the time it took to get to the gym from work, change do a hour or more workout and come home was crazy I wasn't getting home until 8PM! Night 2 tonight wish me luck! Would love to have support of other people just starting out with their T25 journey too add me :)
  • mrsrogers26
    mrsrogers26 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm really sorry to "hi-jack" this post but I'm after some advice and for some reason I can't work out how to start a new topic.
    I'm just coming to the end of week 5 of Alpha (did week 4 twice as we had guests staying in our workout room so didn't complete the week) I haven't exercised properly in so long so I have found the workouts challenging but I've really enjoyed doing it and I feel I have so much more energy now even though I haven't actually lost any weight/ inches. I'm due to start Beta next week which, as I understand from previous posts is where most of the inch/ weight loss starts. However, I'm having an operation on my hand and I believe a lot of the workouts involve weights/ resistance bands. Could anyone who has done/ is doing Beta please let me know if there are any workouts similar to Cardio/ Speed 1.0 which don't involve weights or "hands on the floor" activities (planks, burpees etc).

    I'm panicking a little bit as I don't want the progress I've made in improving my fitness levels to be ruined by having to miss out completely on working out. I estimate my hand will be out of action completely for 2 weeks then maybe another 2 weeks when I'll have to take it easy.

    Thanks so much in advance for any help.
  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    The first 3 days are the hardest. Do the stretching video as it will help with the pain.
    I am now on beta week 2 and you do get used to it after a while. On a good day now, I can do a beta and an alpha one on the same day.
    It is great for getting fitness levels up.