Gaining weight despite diet and exercise? Long



  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I was wondering about my TDEE changing as well. Not just because of age, but because I have become much fitter over the years. Workouts that I would be gasping for air in I can talk through easily now. Maybe my body burns calories differently now? And I do give it my all - I outdo the instructor at Body Combat. I bounce around when she takes breaks! I still won't ever be out of breath tho. The thought of "overexercising" has crossed my mind too. In the past 5 years, I can count the number of missed workouts on one hand. I exercise on vacations, only take days off on weekends and if I'm super sick. It's something I enjoy, tho. It would be like giving up a hobby.

    Definitely, 100% not pregnant. :)

    As for cardio, it's usually kickboxing. Love Body Combat! Sometimes I'll do a 3-5 mile run if I'm out of the house. Funny that you mention pilates and the like, my sister-in-law is a yoga instructor. I have tried to get into it - yoga, and pilates, and barre workouts - so many times, because I know it's good for you. But I hate it. With a passion. And if I hate a workout, I just won't do it. :(

    I appreciate all the advice. I do know this is not a medical board, but I was curious to see if anyone else had encountered this and had a diagnosis - just so I could suggest it to my own doctor as a possibility. Hopefully I will get some answers later this week!
  • Tracywithawhy
    I'm here to say love the name....I'm no help otherwise.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    What are your sugar levels at? If you are hypoglycemic (blood sugars are to low) it can cause your body to store every single calorie you take in as fat. If you didn't get a fasting glucose in your blood work, I would suggest either asking your regular doctor (or your endocrinologist) for a Hemoglobin A1C just to make sure your sugars aren't off. The other thing that you can do is get a glucose meter and test your self. You would want to start with a fasting level (first thing in the morning before you get up, after not eating for 8 hours). The normal range for a fasting level (via a glucose monitor) would be 70-99. Anything lower or above this indicates there maybe an issue. Two hours after eating your level should be less than 140. (again anything lower or above this could indicate that there is an issue.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i think seeing an endochrinologist is a great idea and you are on the right track.

    you sound like me.

    your OB-GYN may be a good stop too if you dont get any news from the endochrinologist.

    after three years you know how to have a plan.... something is probably off.

    and i know people like to say health issues are excuses but they arent always. sometimes your body is actually sick.

    lol about cutting out carbs. i wish i could make everyone who says not to eat carbs take a nutrition class.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    If I understand correctly, you are implying the gaining weight is fat. If the weight was muscle, then you probably wouldn't even write here.

    Muscle takes a while to grow and it requires a lot of dedication. I find the story completely strange. If your working out a lot then it should be muscle but instead it sounds like less working out and eating too much. Fat doesn't come out of thin air.

    Just saying... complete honesty.

    In my own experience my weight will drop and go up every few days. I maintain my strict diet all the time. The only thing that could add weight is muscle or water. A lot of water will get retained in my body from time to time. I'll gain 5 lbs or more sometimes over night but drop more weight days later.

    If you were burning a ton of calories in a day, your body would have no choice but to eat the fat.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    If I understand correctly, you are implying the gaining weight is fat. If the weight was muscle, then you probably wouldn't even write here.

    Muscle takes a while to grow and it requires a lot of dedication. I find the story completely strange. If your working out a lot then it should be muscle but instead it sounds like less working out and eating too much. Fat doesn't come out of thin air.

    Just saying... complete honesty.

    In my own experience my weight will drop and go up every few days. I maintain my strict diet all the time. The only thing that could add weight is muscle or water. A lot of water will get retained in my body from time to time. I'll gain 5 lbs or more sometimes over night but drop more weight days later.

    If you were burning a ton of calories in a day, your body would have no choice but to eat the fat.


    except she said she has a family history of thyroid problems. guess what your thyroid does... regulates the metabolism.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    I read :)

    Waiting on test results right?
  • katg2
    katg2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi hun

    I hope you find out what the problem is soon. I understand the recent comment about 'fat doesn't come from nowhere' but in your case I don't agree. It seems like your body is storing sugar (as fat) instead of burning it. I'm no doctor but I had a friend that this happened to and it was caused by diabetes. Maybe ask for a test, once she had the right treatment and regulated her blood sugar she soon dropped her extra weight and got back to normal. The comments about a blood sugar monitor are sensible I think.

    Also are you sure you are not just bloating from some kind of allergy? I know you seem to be gaining weight inexplicably but you could be bloated and retaining water, id ask for tests for all allergies (food and other things) just to check. This happens to me sometimes as I have some mild food allergies (not serious enough to affect me in any other way, but I bloat and weigh more, the doctor said that was water).

    I am a little confused about why you cant get your heart rate up. Do you feel out of breath, sweaty etc?? Maybe you need to push harder, if you are at your limit physically maybe you HRM is broken??

    Sorry I cant be more help than that x
  • serinde160
    I'm writing to share with you my recent experiences and my doctor's theory. If someone is looking for the same answer as the OP did, maybe it will help.

    For starters - for the last 4 years my story goes pretty much like the OP's. Gaining weight (in fat) no matter what. I had 3 personal trainers and spent every free minute on reading about loosing fat. Cross fit, Hiit, classic weight training (and I'm not lifting air in pink dumbells), cardio - all those didn't make the difference. I even desperately went through 3-months kethosis, I tried carb cycling, or no gluten for 9 months even if I have no allergy, and I always measured every gram and wrote it down.
    To sum up: I was doing everything I could to loose weight. Despite that I gained 23kgs (about 50pounds) during all those diets and workouts.
    My TSH levels were fine, my thyroid USG done by a technician was fine. No hope...

    About 6 months ago I went to a highly recommended endo. She made the thyroid's USG herself and then she explained to me, that for a typical technician it could look fine, but my thyroid was twice the size it should be.
    That's strike 1
    I was given thyroid hormones and my weight gain suddenly stopped. When you're overweight maybe it's not something you aim for, but for me, after all this, it was a huge success.

    A few months after that I went to a different doctor with a different matter since I needed a tonsilectomy. Then the otolaryngolist said, that it looks like I've been living with an inflamation for a long time (more than 10 years as it seems). And then she told me something I have never considered, since noone wrote about it in google :)
    She said that if my liver fights with the inflamation for so long it stops burning fat. It even can become impossible for some people (even if we usually think that a sick person gets thin by default). I hope it's understandable since 1. I'm not a doctor, 2. I'm not good in english :)
    I had a tonsilectomy two months ago. Of course I didn't loose any pound then, even after not eating for 2 days in a hospital, but I got used to the fact, that even starving doesn't make anything for me.
    But over 3 weeks ago something has changed. The madness started. I'm loosing weight with about 5% of effort of what I did for the last few years. I haven't seen any lost for a few years of extremely hard work and obsession in the kitchen. But now it looks so easy!

    So, if this helps anyone who has the same problem - works very hard, eats nothing but clean and counted food and not only nothing good happens but also fat appears from nowhere despite all the effort:

    1. Check your thyroid and check again, do the USG, do it elsewhere, checkout your TSH FT3 and FT4
    2. Check the OB in blood (I hope it's named the same in the US) as it seems to show that you're struggling with an inflamation (I had OB much over the normal level for at least 11 years)
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    serinde160 - thank you so much for your post! I will definitely bring it up with my endo. She also suspected inflammation, possibly thought it was a cancer at the time but my white blood cell counts were fine. Who would have thought that liver function would play into it???

    At this point, I don't know if the weight gain is fat or water retention. I do know it may be SOME muscle, but I have gained weight from muscle before - and dropped a clothing size in the process. My clothes are getting tighter - this isn't muscle. According to my HRM, MFP and Fitbit, I have been taking in 1100 calories less than I burn daily for the past 2 weeks now. I measure every meal, I don't cheat, I'm very anal about that. I still gained a pound a week. That is very, very wrong. My body is definitely doing something it's not supposed to.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    serinde160 - thank you so much for your post! I will definitely bring it up with my endo. She also suspected inflammation, possibly thought it was a cancer at the time but my white blood cell counts were fine. Who would have thought that liver function would play into it???

    At this point, I don't know if the weight gain is fat or water retention. I do know it may be SOME muscle, but I have gained weight from muscle before - and dropped a clothing size in the process. My clothes are getting tighter - this isn't muscle. According to my HRM, MFP and Fitbit, I have been taking in 1100 calories less than I burn daily for the past 2 weeks now. I measure every meal, I don't cheat, I'm very anal about that. I still gained a pound a week. That is very, very wrong. My body is definitely doing something it's not supposed to.

    Just to throw in one more piece here despite how MFPers hate the word "cortisol", but it's a real disorder for some. You might keep that in check as well. In one episode of "House MD" a little girl can't lose weight and it turned out some problem with her cortisol level affected by the brain due to a trauma in the past. Good luck~
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Just an update, saw the endocrinologist who told me it was normal aging weight gain. I said really? Most 40 yr old women gain 2 lbs a week while eating 1800 cals and exercising 10 hours a week? That would put me at 100+ lb weight gain in a year! This is "normal"? He shrugged and said "have a nice day" and left. NOT thrilled. So back to square one until I can get another referral for someone who isn't an idiot. I went back and reviewed what was going on when my weight gain started to increase rapidly. 3 things stood out - hubby got a new job (crazy work hours, 24 hour shifts every other day, leaving me to pick up all his chores at home), kids off for the summer (oldest is special needs and a handful), and increased my strength training from 3x a week to 5x a week. Lots of stress, lots of cortisol. I can't do much about #1, but kids go back to school in 2 weeks, and I can switch back to my "old" routine of cardio 5x a week and weights 3x a week. Things will be a lot less crazy around here so maybe I can relax a little.

    The weight gain is slowing down at least. I've been at 2000 calories/day for the past 2 weeks now, dropped my exercise to 60-90 mins a day and have only gained 2 lbs. Hopefully the modified exercise schedule will help too.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am so sorry to hear your doctor visit kinda fruitless...I hope you can figure this out one way or another soon. :flowerforyou: Is it possible to take some vacation or simply just from this much exercise regime? WHo might help?
  • sarebighair
    sarebighair Posts: 14 Member
    I feel your frustration, I have been working out 4 to 5 times a week for the past few months and have gained 3lb.. All my life I have been a slave to the numbers on the scales. I did low carb for 2 years with hardly any exercise & got down to my lowest weight ever. Now I have re introduced fruit & the odd slice of bread, my weight has gone up, although my body does appear in better shape.
    As a numbers girl i am gutted & getting a bit desperate.
    People seem to hate low-carb on here, I felt really well on it, my skin was clear & I was less bloated, can I really trust the whole Everything In Moderation thing?? So far I just seem to be gaining weight! MFP says I'll be some extraordinary low weight in 5 weeks going by my food diary but that clearly is not the case!
    Please keep us updated with any progress.?