Help Carbs VS Calories

colganteam Posts: 25 Member
Alright need everyones help. I need to lose 100 pounds plus. Everyone tells me to go low carb. I have tried that before and it never works for me, i give up really quick. I am doing my fitness pal and i feel like i am eating alot of bad things but i am sticking within my calorie budget. Is this a bad thing? Does it not matter along as i eat the calories i'm allowed or should i try to only be eating healthy.


  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    You need to find what works best for you. For me, personally, low carb is the easiest and most effective option.

    Whatever you do find, it has to be something that you can stick with and not give up on, so if you need carbs, eat them!
  • alyssasmom1111
    alyssasmom1111 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried carb cycling? I have 150+ to lose and it's really helping me. Plus I have no cravings doing this diet.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I am almost always high on my carbs and it hasn't stopped me from losing weight at all. If I tried to low/no carb, I'd never stick to it and I'm not doing this as a diet but as a way of eating for good.. Didn't cut anything I plan to eat when I'm at my ideal weight.

    ETA: I do consider if I truly want something versus if I'm eating it because it just goes together. I used to never eat spaghetti without at least one or two slices of garlic bread (Usually two, sometimes three). Now, I rarely have the bread at all and just load up on a salad instead.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Doesn't matter so long as you're in a calorie deficit.

    In the long term, what you can stick with will work better than something you can't stick to.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Do what makes you feel best, ultimately. If you do not like low carb there are many foods that you can include in a healthy diet to have a decent carb count.

    My carb intake was over 200g throughout my weight loss.

    Calorie deficit for weight loss.

    Balancing macro/micros for health. I prioritize getting at least to my protein goal, first (It's typically recommended 1g per pound of lean body mass in protein). Then hitting my fat goals, then fiber. Carb kind of just falls where it may for the most part. High carb makes me feel better, personally than low just because I like the energy I get from it. I typically eat nutrient dense foods throughout the day to feel satiated and to meet my micronutrient goals and then have some fun calories in the evening...popcorn, ice cream, cookies, etc. I have an occasional yolo day but I stay within my calories, typically
  • To be honest, what works for everyone is different. I personally do a High Carb - Low Fat diet. And only eat meat about 3 times a week, the rest of the time I eat fruit and veg. And if I want something unhealthy I will eat it in the morning so I can burn it off cycling later on in the day.

    I used to be about 100KG, but after 2 months I am at 89KG. 2700 calories a day and burn off about 800 everyday and you will be fine.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    It's a personal choice.

    If you have a medical condition like diabetes, insulin resistance, PCOS, etc. then eating low-carb typically helps individuals lose weight. However, if you do not have any of those conditions, you do not NEED to eat low-carb.

    I eat low-carb due to insulin resistance and hypoglycemia and love it. Sure, I have to pass up a lot of foods I once enjoyed but for my health, it's worth it.

    Other than that, losing weight is all about calories in vs. calories out. Healthy or unhealthy, you will lose weight if you are eating at a caloric deficit.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    For weight loss only, calories is the key thing. The amount of carbs is really up to personal choice.

    In terms of other health factors, getting enough micronutrients and fibre also comes in, so try to make sure you are eating at least a few portions of fruit and/or vegetables everyday.

    One thing I have come to realise is that a lot of foods we have considered unhealthy don;t deserve the bad rap and that they are perfectly healthy in moderation.
  • colganteam
    colganteam Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you very much for the responses. It makes sense. I really appreciate it
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Personally, I don't think it is necessary to track macros at all. I didn't pay attention to them until AFTER I lost all the weight I wanted to lose. However, my intake tends to be high carb just out of coincidence. I wouldn't stress over it.
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    if you want to lose it in bunches....keep carbs 150-200...............45min workout 6 days a week..........keep calories in check...........I don't worry about fat grams.........high protein
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    >it never works for me, i give up really quick

    How quick is quick?
  • mearsy88
    mearsy88 Posts: 87 Member
    I have the same problem. I can never get enough protein, and always high on carbs ???? I've only just started again with MFP so will keep going how I am for now and see if It works