Just starting with MyFitnesspal, 50 year old Diabetic

Hello, Just getting going with this new app.

A bit about myself, I live in Tucson, and think it would be great to find others with the same challenges as myself.
I am single, and started about 4 years ago at a weight of 269 lbs. Besides dealing with more then normal health, emotional and economic struggles. I have dropped my weight to 211 lbs at the start of using this app. Even though I have been a diabetic for at least 3 years, I finally am able to take my meds and see the doctors.

Instead of going on and on, most of which will be talked about as this board grows, drop in say Hi, and introduce yourself.



  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Jim! Lets make some changes!!! Add me for support!
  • JimDack
    JimDack Posts: 6
    The changes I made in the last 2 weeks have been easy to keep up with. This week I will start to take a few OTC vitamins when I take my morning pills. I have One a day Men's, An oat brand, and B12. I found out that b12 absorption slows with diabetes meds and I need a fiber supplement and had the Oat brand that supply's that. I also see I have to lower my salt intake, my next shopping trip I will take a closer look at the sodium content.

    Let me know how everyone else is doing.
  • misslister
    misslister Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, good luck on your journey. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes about 1.5 years ago. His doc recommended a low carb diet and he was off meds in 3 months. His blood sugar stable for the past 15 months. We have lost a combined 80 lbs together avoiding flour bread and sugar. I am off of blood pressure and cholesterol meds too now. I am sure that losing some excess weight will help a lot with your health, so congrats on taking a proactive approach to your health. It's so worth it to feel better!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Welcome. T2 diabetic here, went from a 14.5 A1C (that is NOT a typo) and a weight of 343 to a 4.9 A1C and a current weight of 229. (I was at 223 for a minute, but I recently had mouth surgery and I put a little back on - time to fix that.) I was on Novolog (PRN), Levemir (30uu) and Metformin, 1000mg. Thanks to nothing but diet and exercise (and a little help from MFP), I am now completely med-free (and that's all meds, not just diabetes - everything!).

    Still not done with this thing called weight loss, but I think I've come a good ways down the road since my diagnosis.

    Even though I'm still quite a bit over my goal (about 80-something shy), I have never felt better in my life. Ever.

    Congrats on your decision to join us. You won't find a better support board than this.

    ETA: My first number actually was a typo, LOL. Fixed, though.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hi Jim

    Also check out the DM board here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/1789-type-2-diabetes-support-group

    Fellow Tucsonan :drinker: here as well. Welcome to MFP:flowerforyou:

    Like gal above me, off ALL my meds as well (was on 2 for HTN, 2 for lipids/cholesterol & Metformin) since Sept 2013
  • Hi there,
    I am also over 50 and a T2 diabetic (not Insulin dependent) and just recently started using this app less than a week ago. My biggest challenge is trying to achieve by calorie intake goal and also reduce my carb intake. My weight fluctuates between 222 and 224 daily and would really like to start to see a reduction. Any suggestions?
  • williammain56
    williammain56 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Jim. Bill here. 57 yo grandfather/father/christian, constantly overweight. Have 1 week under my belt, pun intended, with MFP. Looking to make some real progress. Add me as a friend for support, if you'd like. Thanks. Oh, I'm in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • JimDack
    JimDack Posts: 6
    Thank you for the link, I will check it out. where in Tucson are you, I live on the North West by Oracal & Prince.
  • JimDack
    JimDack Posts: 6
    I have been making small changes, see if they help, if they do I make them become my "go to" habit. example, I use to drink anywhere up to a 12 pack of soda a day, I could not get away from the stuff. One thing I learned about myself is If I have to get up and get it, I will wait before doing so, The first change I did was to quit drinking diet soda, counter intuitive I know, but for me I was drinking diet and then an hour later getting a candy bar. when I switched to regular soda, I stopped getting candy bars, I did not have the cravings for them anymore. about 2 years ago I stopped buying can soda and started buying bottled. at that time I dropped my intake to around 2 bottles every 3 days. I also found I wasted less because I would forget the cans somewhere. About a few months back I got tiered of always wanting soda, then still feeling thirsty no mater how much or how cold it was. I decided to try drinking tea, I took my under used coffee pot, put tea bags in the pot, and started brewing a picture of tea. I have been mixing tea bags, and trying different blend. I now drink maybe 3 sodas a week. and only if I forget to bring my stevia packets. A plus is I like the cinnamon tea and add it to a mint, very refreshing.
  • JimDack
    JimDack Posts: 6
    Noticed I have been slow to drop weight since using this program. my numbers are leveling out, and I am watching my salt intake. Today I am starting to measure the bulk items before adding them to my food list. For others to use as an example. here is the changes I did to get where I am today.

    1) I had hit my heaviest point (269) about 6 to 7 years ago. I was eating candy bars and drinking diet soda. Changed to regular soda. started to feel better, realized I was reacting to Aspartame in the diet soda. the result was eating less candy and drinking less soda.

    2) about 4 years ago, tried going to a gym, did help, but pushed myself to hard. Had family stressors and other issues that brought this to an end. this is when I realized I needed my own plan. I became more active in finding ways to relax and enjoy life. The change I made that helped the most was picking better takeout to eat, not over spending on what I ordered. I reach 245 around then.

    3) about 2 years ago, I found myself starting to get tiered of soda, it was not satisfying, this lead to me trying new things, I don't drink hot drinks, but tried Coffee. It was ok, but not my style. it works on cold nights and mornings, not to many in AZ. I started buying Juices, but didn't like all the sugar, I started Juicing. this was ok, but a lot of cleanup and time. I started buying bottle water, Tucson water is just horrible. this expanding, trail and error time I started formatting the plan I am using today. I reached 230.

    4) my plan now is to make small changes, I do not diet, I don't deprive myself. I make educated choices. I don't beet myself up if I falter, every day good or bad is a restart. one major change was I would make a small meal, say cook a hotdog, if I was still hungry I had to decide if it was enough to make a 2nd. now I don't buy things that I can eat right out of the bag. I am now reading labels, watching the sugar and salt levels I am eating. I find myself not wanting items that use to be my main stays. Today is the first time I am now being more accountable on the amounts I serve myself. I have measuring cups and portion out my servings. I may still eat 2 servings, but now I have the info entered into this app. Last weigh in 209
  • SpencerGJackson
    SpencerGJackson Posts: 40 Member
    I'm diabetic myself. Been so for 17 years. While I'm still a fitness newbie myself. I'm happy to help with any diabetic related questions. I'm fairly well versed having it so long.
  • cclepew
    cclepew Posts: 40 Member
    45-year-old Type 2 diabetic here. Diagnosed about three months ago. Hadn't been to a doctor in a long time, so who knows how long I may have had it. :/

    Making big changes, though. A complete 180. Eating low carb, exercising five days a week, reading every diabetes book/website I can get my hands on.. I've lost 19 pounds, and now waiting on results from my most recent A1C test. Three months ago it was 10.6, and I'm hoping for a decent improvement. My day to day sugars are much better, anyway.

    I think I can do this!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Fellow type 2 diabetic. Check out the group that was posted above. Everyone is very helpful. Feel free to add me! I live in Southern California but i go to Tucson frequently cuz of family. They live on the North West side of town.