GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss



  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Well, health wise they aren't very good for you with the artificial sweetners and such. If you replaced all those drinks with water...yeah, I bet you would lose faster. You're body NEEDS water!:smile:
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    This is often a touchy subject. I don’t see anything wrong with a diet soda once and awhile. The sodium isn’t too bad. Just make sure you are also getting your water intake. Water is the key to losing weight :drinker:
  • I am a diet coke drinker also. I hate water. My husband tells me that if I were to leave them alone, I would lose weight. I have been told that they have something in them that makes you crave the wrong foods. Not sure, but would love to know.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    According to my doctor, diet drinks are terrible for your diet. Your body doesn't recognize artificial sweeteners as sweet but your taste buds DO. They keep your taste buds wanting something sweet. Plus, artificial sweetners are just bad for you in general and sodas cause bone loss. If you want something sweet -- try drinking fruit-flavored green teas with regular sugar but each time use less and less sugar until you aren't using any. Plus green tea has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism.
  • I am a diet coke drinker also. I hate water. My husband tells me that if I were to leave them alone, I would lose weight. I have been told that they have something in them that makes you crave the wrong foods. Not sure, but would love to know.

    I'm exactly the same as you! I hate water!
  • I know how you feel... Diet Moutain Dew is like my "crack". I am bad with drinking water, so when I am at work I keep my water bottle attached to me (well within arms legnth, esspecially at work) and take it everywhere to curve my Diet Mountain Dew intake... then I only have one DMD once during the day, at lunch.
  • I'm a diet coke addict as well.
    I know they're terrible for me, but everyone has a vice, right?
    The aspertame in diet drinks can cause you to be much more hungry than you really are. It's an appetite stimulant.
    The phosphorous in all caffinated beverages (including diet drinks) can actually take calcium out of your bones and replace it with phosphorous...causing brittle bones...especially when you get older.
    Not to mention the fact that aspertame causes liver cancer in lab rats.

    That being said, I've limited myself on the pop front significantly since I've begun dieting. I let myself have on caffine diet coke, and 2 caffine free a day. I also still make sure I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Eventually I hope to rid myself of my diet coke addiction all together, but I figured I'd work on limiting my calories first. Once that comes easy to me, we'll work on getting rid of the pop all together.

    (PS...Pardon my horrific spelling throughout this reply!)
  • According to my doctor, diet drinks are terrible for your diet. Your body doesn't recognize artificial sweeteners as sweet but your taste buds DO. They keep your taste buds wanting something sweet. Plus, artificial sweetners are just bad for you in general and sodas cause bone loss. If you want something sweet -- try drinking fruit-flavored green teas with regular sugar but each time use less and less sugar until you aren't using any. Plus green tea has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism.

    I'm probably gonna steal this idea soon!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I'm pretty sure they are bad for you but at the same time, if you are only drinking on can a day, I don't think it's something to stress over. Personally, I had to stop recently because I noticed a direct corrolation between the amount of diet beverages I consumed and my cravings/likelihood of binging. A diet coke is not worth the intense desire to eat I get later in the day.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I am a diet coke drinker also. I hate water. My husband tells me that if I were to leave them alone, I would lose weight. I have been told that they have something in them that makes you crave the wrong foods. Not sure, but would love to know.

    I'm exactly the same as you! I hate water!

    There is hope for both of you, I used to hate water too, now I only drink water (well, after my one cup of coffee in the morning, it is all water, all day), and I enjoy it!
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Have you tried flavored sparkling water? Yum yum
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I know that diet sodas are bad simply because they are artificial. but I do love my diet pepsi. i usually set my limit at 1 per day, but the last few days i haven't even craved it so i haven't had one. and i'm a person who would drink diet soda-pop all the time if i could. but i've been drinking my water (i don't mind water and after drinking a glass i do feel better) and have added some green tea in the afternoon to replace my usualy DP and also a cup of chai tea in the evening (made with about 1/4 cup of milk) and that makes me very sleepy.

    moderation is the key. i'm a firm believer in that!
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Good luck with it ... i am down to 1/2 tsp of sugar in my green tea as of today ...
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    I used to drink 1 or 2 cans of Diet Coke a day. I've noticed a big difference since I dropped that to 1 or 2 a week. I am less bloated and I crave sweet things less often. I also think I retain less water - as I am replacing the diet coke with lots of water.

    It was tough to give up, but after a couple of weeks, I stopped missing it (a bit like pretzels and chocolate bars!). You don't have to give it up totally - just make it a treat.

    I sympathise with people that say they hate water - but if you can drink water with as few additives in it as possible, I think it is probably better for you. I drink a lot of peppermint/fruit 'teas' (no tea in them mind, they are more just 'infusions') or water with a splash of sugar free cordial in it (still got some sweeteners, but a little less than diet soda.

  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Good luck with it ... i am down to 1/2 tsp of sugar in my green tea as of today ...
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I used to be addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. I easily drank 6 or so a day. I had to MAKE myself drink water. I got use to it, now I have only 2 or 3 a day, and I hardly ever drink the whole can. You just gotta put your mind to it and be willing to make a change.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    There are quite a few reasons drinking diet soda is bad for you. Now I'm not saying if you have it once in a while you are gonna get cancer and die, but those who drink it everyday are putting themselves in danger.

    1. Aspartame- It's poison. No way around it. Despite US FDA approval as a "safe" food additive, aspartame is one of the most dangerous substances added to foods. After you drink an aspartame-sweetened product, aspartame breaks down into its starting components: phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol (that further converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, which are known carcinogens.). There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption....

    2.Obesity- Yes,Diet Soda Can Make You Fat!! Fowler and her team studied more than 1500 people between the ages of 25 and 64, looking at whether each consumed regular or diet soft drinks. It was no surprise to find a correlation between the daily consumption of multiple cans of all soft drinks and obesity — which they did. But, as Fowler noted, “What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks; their risk of obesity was even higher” [than that of those drinking regular soft drinks]. In fact, Fowler found that for each can of diet soft drink consumed per day, the risk of obesity went up by 41%.No one can deny that a diet soda has fewer calories than a regular soda. If you get a disproportionate amount of your daily caloric intake from soda and then you switch to diet soda, you may lose weight. But I emphasize the word may, because it appears that artificial sweeteners can actually set us up to gain more weight.Diet sodas are billed as being good for type 2 diabetics and other blood-sugar- challenged types, but they aren’t. Because of something called the “cephalic phase response,” your body tastes the sweetness, and even though there are no calories to shuttle, the brain triggers a release of insulin from the pancreas and also a “Sugar is coming! Stop-burning fat” response from the liver. The result is the usual array of insulin-related problems (increased urge to eat, increased tendency toward fat storage, pro-inflammatory biochemical cascade), plus an arrest of healthy protein-and-starch production, and a confusion of the body’s built-in caloric monitoring systems, all of which compel you to plump up and eat even more unhealthy stuff later. (For more on this dynamic, read the article, “Poor Substitutes.”)

    3.Diet sodas and the chemically derived artificial sweeteners they contain (especially aspartame) may act as neurotoxins and have been linked to headaches, memory problems, anxiety, brain fog, depression, skin irritations, menstrual problems, fibromyalgia, joint pain and more.

    4.The acids in diet soda (and regular soda, for that matter) eat away at the enamel on your teeth. They also are acidifying to your entire system, and thus disruptive to your general health, including the good flora in your gut, where about 60 percent of your immune system resides.

    Read more:

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  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    It actually pretty drinks are made with aspartame, which is actually a chemical and can cause a "trigger" in the brain to make you crave other carbs and sugars making it even harder to stick to your diet. Unfortuanantly even crystal light has that but I find it does not affect me like diet sodas do.
    I use a product call True.... they are made without chemicals and taste great to add to water and such.....
    Here is a link....|059|6956771&digest=HTM/Vf8yZmVndCWMKBVcCQ&sysid=1

    they have a special right's worth a try.....

    Good luck....and remember, water and tea are best....
  • pegesam
    pegesam Posts: 16 Member
    Diet drinks have a host of issues while dieting, the biggest tho being the one part calcium that's needed to flush the carbonation. Not such a big deal if you are 17 18 years old, but as we age, the structure of our bones weakens. I am not a fan of water either, but drinking with sliced lemon, oranges, Crystal Light helped me in the beginning. Now, I'm just a water drinker. Water is needed to keep metabolism up, curb hunger in the afternoons when we have the 2 oclock munchies, aid in digestion, keeping our skin hydrated, etc etc....
    Other things I used to make myself drink water
    Drink thru a straw. You'll "pull" more in a drink than you would if only drinking from a glass or cup
    Drink ice cold or room temp, whatever your preference is
    Try to drink a glass before each meal, or as much as you can. If you can't finish, then finish with the meal
    Good luck! Remember, if your body says you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated and a soft drink won't fix that.
  • I hate water too but I drink bottle waters and they are 100 times better than faucet water and I've been on this diet for two weeks now and nothing but water and u will honestly find yourselves not craving cokes and honestly before this a glass of water would never pass my lips cokes are my weakness like an addiction so if ur finding it hard to stop drinking slowly adjust yourself to one diet coke every two days but drink water the other times and slowly train ur body and if u have to go buy those crystal light packets that u can put in ur water to make it a juice and they are only 5 calories and u only need have because the whole packet makes it too sweet but they really good but it helps to get ur body drinking water... but trust me the more u drink the easier it gets.:)
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