Fell off the wagon?

Here is my confession- I've already binged on chips & peanuts. I beat myself up because of it and turned into this emotional crazy person :laugh:

I am going through this journey, totally hating the way I look..not seeing the fact I lost 50 pounds. Sometimes i workout more then i feel up for after a binge to get rid of it as a form of "punishing" myself. I am struggling on picking myself up..and I'm trying. I feel like a total food addict, and have problems giving up what I love most that had me gain everything back in the first place. This is not an easy journey. I refuse to give up and will try again. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem..maybe we can join up and motivate one another. :smile:


  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Honestly, I don't even know where the wagon is right now. I didn't fall off of it I jumped off and ran from it.

    So I am currently hunting for the wagon, wishing I could be as motivated as you to work out after binging.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I have "fallen off" many times and each time I just pick myself up and try again.
    If you have a hard time saying no to certian foods and that causes you to binge on them, maybe try alotting yourself a certain amount so that way you don't feel deprived.
    I consider myself a food addict as well! But I have found that if I don't completely cut myself off from the stuff I love, I do better!

    You can do it!
  • dansu2000
    Yes, that's totally my M.O. I do really well (lost 40 lbs so far this time), then I sabotage myself with stupid choices. Don't know why this is, have struggled with it forever. January is always particularly hard for me.Maybe we can help motivate eachother:)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Binging makes me want to workout even harder to the point my whole body hurts. The first workout I did was a walk that lasted for over 3 hours.
  • sonya0708
    dont feel down it is AMAZING that you have lost 50 lbs and repeat to yourself "i am an amazing women who has lost 50 lbs" it is hard to lose 50 lbs you should be very proud write i note and post it on yr mirror in the bathroom tell you how strong of a women you are and that you have lost 50 LBS that great!!!
    and if you want put i pic of you before you lost the 50 lbs in front of the frig and the food cab so show that you dont want to go back to that just grab a health snack and water
  • Pange33
    Pange33 Posts: 63
    I fell off last night!!!! Now I need to chase it for like 3 miles at the gym.... Stupid Ben & Jerry's! Why is ice cream like crack?? Did I mention I'm trying to go VEGAN?....err. It's ok...we'll all find that darn wagon and hurdle ourselves back up onto it. :D
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    I sure do - as I throw my peanut munch wrapper in the garbage, I am here to tell you I struggle every single day.

    I just joined MFP last week. I have cut my portion sizes - made a few healthier choices on the menu but I am a secretary and have a HORRIBLE habit of getting up & going into the break room at 9:00 a.m. for a bag of chips and a candy bar. . . to top that off - it is "that week" of the month so the cravings are merciless!

    I thought putting my "diary" out there for everyone to read would curb me of this because I'm EMBARRASSED to say the least - but so far it has not hindered me one bit. . . I do plan on going home and eating a healthy lunch and getting my excersize in tonite after supper . . .

    I am enjoying MFP because they give you credit for EVERYthing you do. From house cleaning, to walking, to standing in the kitchen making a meal - - - I have been under calories since the beginning so even WITH the bad choices - I hopefully will make some progress!

    Good Luck to you! I hope we can be friends & give one another support!
  • usmcpatience
    I had a total emotion breakdown a few days ago, and I'm only a week into this thing!
    I felt that if I fell off the wagon, just once, I had to scrap this whole program and give up.
    A friend and my husband convinced me that it's okay to fall off the wagon every once in a while.
    It's inevitable, and, in fact, it's okay. You should let yourself fall off the wagon. Don't beat yourself up about it...
    Just get back on track the next day. Don't go run 8 miles to punish yourself, just start the next day as you usually would.
    Nothing to beat yourself up over. If you don't let yourself have a "Fall off the wagon day" every once in a while, this will never work.
    I haven't fallen off the wagon yet, but I've been on the verge many times. And I know now that one of these days, I'm going to. And that's okay...
    I'll just start over the next day.
    Good luck with your weight-loss endeavors!
  • mikeveggie68
    i was told not to deny myself, because when you do you binge eat and over do it, but every once in a while have what you like but be moderate, in the meantime search to find healthy snacks that you can replace for the unhealthy ones, it may take trying a few different things to try but you will find it, my favorite snack is grapenuts cereal and almond milk with fresh blue berries or greek yogurt with blueberries, also dark chocolate :-)
  • qtrhrsewoman
    I'm only a week into it since the last time I fell off. It took me wandering through the Holidays before I got back on. I could see the wagon but just didn't care to ride. Now, I feel like I'm up towards the front where it is a little safer, but I know that just one pothole of oooey gooey temptation could bounce me off again. I think it is amazing that you are already down 50 lbs. That goal is so far in my future that it just seems like some mythical town everyone talks about but I'm not sure if it exists or not. I'm going to keep riding this wagon and know that sooner or later, I'll fall off. Don't punish yourself, just take it one day at a time. Don't forget it happened, but remember that we all fall from time to time and there are plenty of people here to help you back on. Good luck in your journey!
  • Ghyllfoot
    Falling off is never too much of a problem providing you consider that someone will pick you up and help you back on the wagon....any one of us will be that someone
  • meadows654
    I did Body for Life before I got married and lost a lot of weight that way, and I loved that it allowed one day a week to not be as careful and to eat what I wanted. When I started MFP, I decided to do something similar, (and I made sure to still write it down). I allowed myself to go over one day a week by ~500 calories give or take. And I still lost weight. I don't have the urge to do that as much now, but if the cravings for chinese or pizza really get to me, I'll plan ahead, try to exercise a little bit more, and allow myself the overage for that day. If you resist completely, you'll snap and eat up everything in sight! It also keeps your metabolism guessing and changes things up a little. If you know that one day is coming and you don't go crazy and double your caloric intake, it might help.
  • usmcpatience
    Falling off is never too much of a problem providing you consider that someone will pick you up and help you back on the wagon....any one of us will be that someone

  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I know how you feel, I had a very bad day last Saturday. I really overate like crazy but I didn't beat myself up over it and I vowed that I would kick it back into high gear come Sunday and that is what I did! We all know that changing your life for the better and eating healthier is hard but it's trial and error along the way. Yes, your gonna have some bad days but it's a learning process and you will get better with time. Sounds to me that you have it in you to keep going, you have lost 50lbs and you know what to do. Emotional eating is a real ***** I know, we all know but keep coming back here for support. Try writting your feelings down in an online journal or a blog, maybe that would help you to see whats eating you before you start eating. If you still want to have a snack that you think is a bad choice, then work it into your daily calories, nothing is really bad in moderation and portion control, even ice cream and candy. Keep up the good work!