Just lost all control



  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Just breathe! Admitting the downfall is half the battle, I think. Now that you have acknowledged it, get back on track. It is not the end of your journey. No three striked and you're out here. :wink:
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
    When that happens to me, I don't feel guilty because I make immediate plans to undo the calorie damage. For example, I'll add the calories to my log, then figure out how long I need to make my workout and skip dinner to undo it. But do eat lunch though, you don't want to starve or anything. Or if the calorie damage is super bad, just figure out a way to make it up in your workouts over the course of the next week. For example - say you ate 700 more calories than you meant to:
    Option 1:
    Burn 300 of them at the gym
    Save 400 by skipping dinner
    Option 2:
    Burn an extra 100 calories per workout each day this next week.
    Honestly, making plans to make it up is the only way that I'm losing. I always used to just not beat myself up about it and go forward. Now I don't beat myself up, but I do immediately make plans to correct it. After a while, it's helped me develop my ability to say no to myself because I really hate exercising extra all week or skipping meals! ;)
  • 135sb
    135sb Posts: 24
    earn some of those calories back by excercising.. so that you can eat guilt free later..
    We went out for dinner the other night and the food was so delicious. I was so full. I came home and ran for an hour because I was sure I must have comsumed 1000cals. After sweating it out I sat down to log my cals..Soup 135 roasted veggie feta wrap..no dressing 290 and five fries 100 or maybe even less..Wow!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    "Dust yourself off and try again" that's what Aaliya says, LOL! This happens to a lot of people. Burn off some of those calories and you'll feel better.
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    Thanks everyone. Alot of great tips.
  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    I thought I did that on Saturday, I had a cheesteak for lunch and Chinese for dinner!!!! But my workout in the AM helped me keep on track and I wound up NOT going over, but I only had like 5 calories left at the end of the day!!!

    Now that I am PMSing I am sure I am going to have a bad couple of days...

    Don't be too hard on yourself!!!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    right damage control...get and do some exersice firstly...burn some of it off
    and not to worry about it start again RIGHT NOW NOT TOMORROW!
    good luck
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't know what just happened but I lost all control and totally just hinged on bread and munster cheese. I love munster cheese. It is 10am and I have 200 cals left. I will get back on track but I feel awful for giving in to the munster. But I refuse to let this spiral out of control. Feel better now that I got that out.

    It's no big deal. Bread and cheese is damn tasty.

    Let's put this in context. You say that you have 200 calories left for the day. However, is that true? You actually have 200 calories left to maintain your desired calorie deficit. Now if you have chosen a 2lbs loss per week that means you are running a deficit of 1000 calories per day. Therefore in order to maintain your current weight (not gain anything) you will still need to eat 1,200 calories. Going further you would need to eat that same increased level of calories per day over the next six days to maintain your current weight.

    Now, let's go even further. Let's say you don't fancy doing any exercise at all today but you decide instead of eating the 200 calories you have left, you want to eat 700, equating to a weight loss of 1lbs per week. That's all fine and dandy but remember that if you are running a deficit of 1000 calories on the other days of your diet and you stick to it you will have created a deficit of 6000 calories over the entire week plus the 500 from today meaning an astonishing 6,500 calorie deficit for the entire week. That's even with eating the extra 500 calories and no further exercise!

    I don't know what you are worried about girl...
  • babygirl16878
    Hey Girl! I feel your pain. I love to workout but my worst feat is food. I was really shocked when I joined this site and realized how many calories I eat in a day. Don't let it get the best of you. All you can do is get back on track! Tomorrow is a new day. You can do it!
  • deandp371
    Looks like you were visiting family, which can be tough! Maybe you could ask them to have foods on hand that are filling but lighter - or bring some things along those lines yourself. Then that's good all 'round! Good luck and keep at it!