Opinions Please

To workout once or twice a day?? How much? and when I start working out I normally gain weight. is there a way to avoid that or how long till I will start losing weight after I start really working out?

I do workout at least twice a week already and I do farm work a few times a week, but I'm really thinking about doing a lot more to help with weight loss.


  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    "workout" is an extremely broad term. I'm not an expert, so I can't give great advice, but I'd definitely suggest posting what you intend to do in a bit more detail so people with more knowledge than me can advise you.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    Not an expert either but I have read that new research shows you should workout a minimum of 3 hours a week but that it does not really matter how you spread that out.

    The article said you could workout 3 hours one day and would get basically the same benefit then working out 3 times a week for an hour. Now this is a very very broad idea. You obviously cannot workout with the same intensity for 3 hours in a row so I believe an hour three times a week is probably still optional. I know very fit people who work out twice a day for about 20 minutes and others who workout 2 hours twice a week...

    Do what works out for you based on schedule and energy level. I have no energy when I work out in the morning because I work nights and am a natural night owl but some people have to do it first thing in the morning.... it all depends.
  • LynnModest
    LynnModest Posts: 11 Member
    I tend to spread my workouts into small bursts through out the day and week. But, I do have some times where I really use a good 20 mins to do a good workout! I walk atleast 30mins a day (giving myself one rest day a week).
    MAYBE you gain weight before you lose it (dont hold me against this thought) is because you are gaining muscle. muscle is more dense than fat. Let your body speak for you, not the scale. I was stuck at the 140lb mark for a while but I could SEE improvements. Now i am starting to see it in the numbers. Numbers are not what define you! :)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    The gain that you are experiencing when you start working out is from water retention for muscle repair.
  • salsxa
    salsxa Posts: 15 Member
    As above, muscles retain water to help repair after workouts
    Even when you are not sore the next day you will have little tears in your muscles which need fluid to repair.
    I hate gaining after working my butt off, very disheartening

    I am working out for 45-50 minutes 6 days a week. (That's what Tapout recommends but I am thinking of skipping the yoga day and having two days off a week)