I need some motivating friends.

Hi every one, I've been on here since 2012 just after I had a baby, I'm 30 and I still need to shed at lease 40lbs. I really need some friends to motivate me, I exercise everyday and check in everyday but the friends I currently have seem so unmotivated, I'm just looking for some people who are willing to send out a good job or just some advice daily and I will do the same. When I see others doing their all it just makes me work so much more. So please send friend request of anyone is interested. Skinny in 2014-2015:)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You're looking for friends? Add me and I'll encourage you!!!
  • aliciagudino
    aliciagudino Posts: 59 Member
    HI! I am having the same problem. I just went through and deleted about 25 people who hadn't logged in for over 2 months! And the ones that do log in, don't ever comment or say anything :( So, I'll be your friend! I have about 20 lbs to lose and am 28, 5'9".
  • ladym8204
    ladym8204 Posts: 64 Member
    feel free to add me, i love new friends.
  • haleigh29
    haleigh29 Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log in daily and would gladly offer support and encouragement and would love to add supportive friends. Anyone else who is looking to give and receive support, also feel free to add me.
  • princesskjr
    princesskjr Posts: 16 Member
    Im newish to this been exercising/eating healthy since May, I log in everyday and love the motivation I get from work colleagues! Im 30 years old and have about 100lbs to lose so all encouragement is appreciated! :smile:
  • NY_Tigress
    NY_Tigress Posts: 6 Member
    .. feel free to add me to if you like.. the more the merrier =0)
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    You want motivation. How does this sound?
    Your health and fitness will benefit your whole family so don't worry about the unmotivated.
    The more energy you have for yourself, then the more energy you can share with the ones you love.
    There are too many people who concentrate too much on weight and forget about this side of health.
    So keep up the good work. You will be rewarded for your efforts.
  • I'm definitely open to some new friends. I'm on here a few times a day and do my best to give encouragement, motivation, advice (when asked), and generally be just another person in the same boat.
    I log my food on an open diary and just about all my exercise gets logged by Map My Fitness.
  • Hi , Im new to MFP just started this weekend. Viewed your photos looks like you would be a good friend for my journey...
  • miadoerr
    miadoerr Posts: 1
    I am just getting started myself. Would love a tracking buddy.
  • hello6098
    hello6098 Posts: 9
    Ooh, new friends! I'd love to have motivating friends, dieting can get pretty lonely:P anyway I'm going to go add a bunch of strangers to my friends list!
  • sueyluey
    sueyluey Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to be friends with you please add me
  • I'm a mummy too trying to shed the baby weight, feel free to add me xx
  • ChefSteveUrso
    ChefSteveUrso Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, you can add me. I have lost 46 so far and plan on losing another 100. I regularly comment encouraging words to MFP friends and share my own recipes also. I started in April so I would like to have more friends. Welcome to MFP.
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey I'll add you. I'd love to encourage you and receive some encouragement too. I'm 23 and just for married and really just trying to make a healthy lifestyle a habit so whenever I have children I'll be a good role model. I'd love anyone else that wants to be an active support!!
  • 1swolpanda
    1swolpanda Posts: 120 Member
    if u are looking for some motivation im here for ya, i have been on a long journey of weight loss and fitness, so far have lost a total of 115 lbs and 21% bodyfat

    im here to help from the knowledge i have as a personal trainer and form my experiences, just ask away and add me
  • beccabowers
    beccabowers Posts: 4 Member
    Add me - anyone who wants someone to be that creepy person that comments and likes everything they do. I can totally be that person hahaha