My first week done!

Hello friends,

My name is Mark and I am from the Finger Lakes area of New York. Today is my first week here, as I decided to finally make a change n my life. I have followed this program as best as I could and have actually lost 3 pounds my first week! Now, I was not expecting anything really, I just wanted to create a daily system and get "acclimated" So showing a 3lb weight loss the first week has motivated me even more!

I like the idea that you have information about what you are taking in other than calories. I think this can really help you create a new lifestyle for yourself with ease.

I do have one question for folks out there. What are your ideas for things to drink? I made the commitment to cut out all soda from my diet. I have only had one soda since last Saturday! (a ginger ale) Now, this is a HUGE deal for me since I generally drink 4-6 per day! I have been drinking water throughout my workday and sometimes have a small glass of milk with dinner. But are there any drinks out there that are actually good for me? I should say that Tea is pretty much out. I have never liked the taste....and I have tried this past week to "acquire" the taste....with no success.


  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    Hello friends,

    My name is Mark and I am from the Finger Lakes area of New York. Today is my first week here, as I decided to finally make a change n my life. I have followed this program as best as I could and have actually lost 3 pounds my first week! Now, I was not expecting anything really, I just wanted to create a daily system and get "acclimated" So showing a 3lb weight loss the first week has motivated me even more!

    I like the idea that you have information about what you are taking in other than calories. I think this can really help you create a new lifestyle for yourself with ease.

    I do have one question for folks out there. What are your ideas for things to drink? I made the commitment to cut out all soda from my diet. I have only had one soda since last Saturday! (a ginger ale) Now, this is a HUGE deal for me since I generally drink 4-6 per day! I have been drinking water throughout my workday and sometimes have a small glass of milk with dinner. But are there any drinks out there that are actually good for me? I should say that Tea is pretty much out. I have never liked the taste....and I have tried this past week to "acquire" the taste....with no success.

    Well Mark goodjob on finishing your first week and losing 3lbs, keep going.

    When it comes to the drinks you can try to drink different kinds of tea, there must be one out there that you like. Or you can drink water and use a lemon to sweeten it. I meself drink only water and tea. Also it takes more then a week to ''make yourself'' like a sertain kind of food or drink.
  • sdauback
    sdauback Posts: 10 Member
    There are flavored drops you can add to your water. My daughter does not like the taste of water so she adds a few drops to make it easier to drink. It adds very few calories so might be an option for you.

    Edit: dasani, mio, and power aide are a few of the brands.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    3 lbs in one week is awesome, i personally drink perrier because i like the fizziness but don't want all the sugar and calories from soda, I don't drink anything else other than regular water,
  • Qcrazy
    Qcrazy Posts: 19
    I used to drink like 3 liters of soda a day! I quit cold turkey years ago. I only drink water, Don't replace a habit with another habit. Give it a month you will grow to love water!
  • Care_Mia
    Care_Mia Posts: 28 Member
    I drink mostly water.. usually throw a slice of lemon or lime in it. Also like the plain seltzer (also adding a slice of fruit). You're making the right steps, just continue keeping track, log what you do and eat... and DON'T GIVE UP. You're not alone. Good luck on your journey :)
  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member
    Although I do not do this everyday for can taste pretty refreshing. I juice an apple and a small hit of fresh ginger, then top it off with soda/tonic water. Otherwise I'm a green tea with lemon person. Hey btw welcome and great first week.:smile:
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I like to mix water, Bragg's apple cider vinegar, and a little Stevia over ice.
  • TomShira
    TomShira Posts: 2
    I think the water is the way to go. I also quit the soda. My first month also. Working out on boflex and treadclimber ( do not like it ) gained 1 lb the first week and finally have lost 2 on this weeks weigh in. Down one hole on my belt and stomach is flatter.

    Hang in there it is all worth while.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Congrats on the 3 lb loss and welcome! I was a big diet coke fan, then coke zero. Until I decided to get rid of the artificial sweeteners except for Stevia. I was drinking flavor packets in my water, but many of those also have artificial sweeteners. I found something I absolutely love, but it's hard to find. It's called "PURE" and made by Crystal Light. I've had three of the flavors (no tea as I don't like tea in any way). I packet is supposed to be good for 16.9 oz water, bu it into a 32 oz bottle. There are only 30 calories in a pack.
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    Cucumber in water is very refreshing. I also quit a six pack a day Dr. Pepper habit cold turkey 20 years ago and have never regretted it. Congratulations. Soda is SO bad for you for multiple reasons. I occasionally treat myself to Crystal Light but since it has artificial sweeteners, not often. Keep up the good work!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Hello friends,

    My name is Mark and I am from the Finger Lakes area of New York. Today is my first week here, as I decided to finally make a change n my life. I have followed this program as best as I could and have actually lost 3 pounds my first week! Now, I was not expecting anything really, I just wanted to create a daily system and get "acclimated" So showing a 3lb weight loss the first week has motivated me even more!

    I like the idea that you have information about what you are taking in other than calories. I think this can really help you create a new lifestyle for yourself with ease.

    I do have one question for folks out there. What are your ideas for things to drink? I made the commitment to cut out all soda from my diet. I have only had one soda since last Saturday! (a ginger ale) Now, this is a HUGE deal for me since I generally drink 4-6 per day! I have been drinking water throughout my workday and sometimes have a small glass of milk with dinner. But are there any drinks out there that are actually good for me? I should say that Tea is pretty much out. I have never liked the taste....and I have tried this past week to "acquire" the taste....with no success.

    You're off to a great start (just don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't will eventually!) There are all kinds of fruits/berries and what-not that can be used to flavor water... Also, the flavored herbal infusion teas technically aren't tea (in the traditional sense) and my family is hooked on the Celestial Seasonings fruit flavors. I like them hot or cold, and use Stevia to sweeten. (Put 3-4 teabags in a tupperware container, pour boiling water over, refrigerate) The peach, raspberry, and blueberry are amazing hot or cold.

    Have a son that loves Starbucks Passion Tea Lemonade...who knew you could make a reasonable likeness at home? Tazo makes the Passion Tea (Starbucks uses this brand, I believe) and first started with frozen store brand lemonade (too many calories, but really good!) and now am experimenting with powdered Wyler's Light Lemonade (not as good, may try Crystal Light)...takes an almost 200 calories cool drink down to 10 calories.

    I don't skimp when it comes to my coffee...I still mix half a packet of Starbucks Salted Caramel hot chocolate and half and half into each cup-for a mocha that is just over 200 calories. I need it, deserve it, and will get up at 5am to exercise so that I can have it.:wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • quatermore
    quatermore Posts: 96 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. I like Crystal Light, 5 calories per serving. (contains aspartame)
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I like to drink:

    (Sweetened) Vanilla Coconut or Almond or Coconut Almond Milk. (I can't stand the unsweetened, sorry, lol)

    Sparkling water with fruit flavors - lemon, raspberry, orange, lemon-lime, etc. I get Poland Spring brand.

    Hot Coffee (can't drink it iced unless it's that really really really crazy sweet stuff from McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, etc. so I avoid it cause of all the calories I don't want to waste on a drink.)

    Tea - I have learned to like it without sweetener, though I sometimes put honey in it. I only like the "sugar laden" iced tea that's just as many calories as soda, so I stay away from iced tea.)

    I too have all but cut out soda from my life. I dislike the taste of diet soda with a passion. I've also made a personal commitment to avoid high fructose corn syrup as much as possible so that pretty much makes soda a no-no for me. I may once in a while indulge but I don't miss it, I seemed to have kicked that craving, I don't want to start it up again. (I'm talking to YOU, Dr. Pepper!)

    One "soda" I enjoy is something I found in the little organic market. It's called "DRY" soda and comes in really funky rhubarb, vanilla bean, lavender, juniper berry, and other flavors. It has real sugar but isn't super sweet and not a lot of calories. It is VERY refreshing. Since it's pricey, it's the perfect "once in a while" treat for me.
  • Vickilite
    Vickilite Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Mark! Congratulations on your fresh start and great first week. I'm on week 4 now and have lost 11 lbs. so far. I feel better, my clothes a bit looser, and though I still have about 50 lbs to go, I'm feeling more motivated than ever. Amazing what a little success can do! Feel free to add me as a friend and I will try to support you. I'm in Cary, NC. As for what to drink. I have to agree with the others about water, so that is my go to drink. I also find that drinking it cold, but with little to no ice means that I drink it faster (no brain freeze) so I manage to get in my 8 glasses a day. Drinking it through a straw also helps. As for drinks w/ more flavor, like you, I don't care much for tea and am not a coffee drinker either. So here are my "treat" drinks: I will drink a tea w/ lots of homey flavor - like double chai or harvest pumpkin or something - but only if I doctor it up with a bit of sugar free creamer and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I might even add a tbsp or two of FF whipped cream. I do the same w/ low fat hot chocolate. Now mind you, that is a once or twice a week treat, not every day, and usually replaces a snack. I do love Cyrstal Light, but again, only occasionally. I skip juice altogether because of the high sugar (carb) count. If I have a diet soda once every 2-3 weeks, I don't sweat it. This is what works for me. I also like Vanilla Almond Milk (the kind with only 30 calories/cup) if I'm putting milk on anything. Good luck!
  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks to ALL of you for the warm welcome and tips! Even though I may not reply personally to everyone, I read and take to all you have to say heart completely!.....

    It's nice to be in company of people who get it and understand what it's like to finally make the choice to alter your lifestyle!.....

    Thanks again!
  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks for the motivation!.....and you are right, I will give it more time.....maybe try more of the flavored teas out there.