Walk 20000 steps a day with treadmill or stepper

I recently went away and was clocking up 20 thousand steps a day on my UP this was about 3 days worth of 20 thousand steps I found I had lost 4lbs from this while eating semi healthy. This is amazing weight loss. At the moment I am over weight and struggle to run as the pressure it puts on my knees as I get pain. I am also a little lazy at times so would prefer to exercise at home.

I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar situation to me and used a treadmill or stepper for an hour to get their steps up? Did it work? I walk around 8-10 thousand steps in a normal day. I figured instead of sitting on my *kitten* watching TV in the evening I could step for an hour.

Also I have an aerobics step and wonder if I could just use this? I would prefer a treadmill so as I lose weight I can start to jog more however until I move house (in a couple months) I have no where to store it.

I also do weights twice a week at the mo.

Any advice/experiences would be greatly received.



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Walking or stepping are great exercise and will help you lose weight! A treadmill is fun but an aerobic step is portable and you have it and you can do a LOT with it. Can you raise it up? It gets a lot harder when it's taller. You can google up some tougher step exercises than just stepping up and down.

    I like my treadmill but for watching tv I really like a good rebounder, too. That's a mini-trampoline. Cheaper, movable, versatile, quiet.

    Good luck!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I have a large living room in my home and once the kids are in bed for the night I will turn the tv on and just walk the outskirt of the living room to up my steps for the day I average 15000-20000 each day ( fitbit tracked )
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Walking or stepping are great exercise and will help you lose weight! A treadmill is fun but an aerobic step is portable and you have it and you can do a LOT with it. Can you raise it up? It gets a lot harder when it's taller. You can google up some tougher step exercises than just stepping up and down.

    I like my treadmill but for watching tv I really like a good rebounder, too. That's a mini-trampoline. Cheaper, movable, versatile, quiet.

    Good luck!

    Yes I can raise it. I actually kept it on the lowest setting to start off with. I stepped for 30 minutes and still lost another 1lb the next day. I now plan to do this every day if I can't walk.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I have a large living room in my home and once the kids are in bed for the night I will turn the tv on and just walk the outskirt of the living room to up my steps for the day I average 15000-20000 each day ( fitbit tracked )

    That's handy :)
  • Syl72659
    Syl72659 Posts: 11 Member
    I purchased a treadmill last week. Although I prefer early morning, outdoor, walks; I can use it when it is raining, or just too hot for me as I prefer the cooler weather. Even on days when I may not be feeling my best, or my toddler grandsons may have spent the night and I can't get out. Having a treadmill allows me to still get a few walks in. Also, on nights when I have a hard time falling asleep, I find a walk and a shower usually does the trick. Thank goodness for treadmills:heart:
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    Agreed! I love my treadmill and until the weather cools off at the end of October I am not venturing out!