
ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
Hi All......was trying to put in "Plank" for one of my exercises but it was not found in MFP's database. I tried the "create new exercise" but when I press "add", I get a message telling me this exercise already exists in their database. I'm confused. If it already exists, why doesn't it find it when I "search" it. I tried in both strength training and cardiovascular to no avail..... :(. Any help would be appreciated.


  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    A plank will help strengthen your core. The calorie burn is so low it's not worth the effort adding it to the database.
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanx for the reply. I am actually trying to build up my core muscles because at 52 years old (not to mention never exercising beyond walking), my core muscles have gone to the birds. I'm really not interested in the calorie burn aspect of it I just like to see, in black and white, that I actually did What I can't figure out is why does it tell me it's already in their database (when I manually put it in) but when I "search" it, it comes up with not being found.
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Hey PTR - I just started planks and was successful in adding it as a new exercise. Have you tried lately to add it?