diet and excercise on a buget

Hi everyone, I'm just getting started and have a goal of at leas 30lbs. I'm a single mom working full-time and have 2 kids in college so im in a very tight budget so my choice of exercise has to be walking. Has anyone had great success on walking alone? How often? And how long? Looking for support and accountability so anyone want the same pls feel free to add me :)


  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I don't consistently exercise but I do enjoy walking an hour in the morning before work everyday as well as walking around during my breaks and walking up my building stairs too. It has worked out so far. As long as you're on your feet and moving about, you'll be burning. Brisk walking is even better. Avoid sitting down for long periods of time and you'll be fine.
  • tori44lynn
    tori44lynn Posts: 12
    I work 12 shifts and constantly on my feet, however there's a large amout of "bad" food available and I know my issue is what I'm eating at work. I work in long term care and there's always a plate set aside and desert with every meal. Not to mention all the sweets the little old ladies pressure you to have ;)

    I need to resist temptation... I will do it :y
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    It can definitely be done with walking, but you have to get your heart rate up and sustain it at the cardio range. When you see people out with their dogs or out talking with a friends they are not walking in the cardio range. The walking needs to be at a pace where you wouldn't want to talk. You could if you need too, but you wouldn't want to chat it up.
  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    The only thing I do is walking

    Okay not true - I have done a tae bo stuff maybe 20x but I walk 6/7 days 2 miles minimum (40 min)
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Walking is the only form of exercise I do at the moment, and getting great results. I don't just walk for exercise purposes though, but rather because I genuinely love it :) I usually walk for about 60+ minutes a days, and find between that, and lowering the carbs in my diet and wating well, the weight is coming off without being hungry.

    I do want to ramp up what I'm doing, and with a mix of walking, resistance straining and some sprinting being three of the best for fat burning, I will look to add to my walking soon. Sprinting you can do anywhere, and for resistance training, I've really been taken by the bodyweight approach in Convict Conditioning.

    Good luck with whatever you opt for, and just remember you don't or shouldn't need to spend a bunch of money to be able to exercise and get fit, and in fact the less equipment oriented approaches tend to work best in many cases :)
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    you can actually lose weight without exercise at all, weight loss is calories in vs calories out. fitness comes from the gym, weight loss comes from the kitchen. I work out bc it makes me feel great, builds muscle and allows me to eat more food! :laugh: I think walking would be great and good luck with everything!
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm just getting started and have a goal of at leas 30lbs. I'm a single mom working full-time and have 2 kids in college so im in a very tight budget so my choice of exercise has to be walking. Has anyone had great success on walking alone? How often? And how long? Looking for support and accountability so anyone want the same pls feel free to add me :)

    Sounds like you are fairly busy as it is :smile:

    My first 40 ish lbs were lost on diet with a small amount of exercise, mainly walking so it can be done.

    I would also recommend looking at the C25K program to move up from walking to running its a great way to up the exercise
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Just watch what you eat. I lost the last 30 pounds in 6 months without any exercise. IF you want to exercise, there are free weight loss videos online, you can walk or run outdoors, play with your kids, ride bikes, etc.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    add me if you'd like to see my food diary. I live a little above the poverty line, but not by much.

    I am also not a great/inventive cook.

    I eat basic things, like bulk oatmeal, homemade stovetop popcorn,canned or cooked from dry beans, soup (lots of soup), tortillas, some frozen foods like veggies/cheese pizza/chicken breasts/tilapia fillets (boneless skinless),and some low fat dairy.

    I buy cheap fruit that is on sale, and plan to eat 2 servings a day. Today I had blueberries for with breakfast, will have watermelon for dessert.

    I buy a head of lettuce and chop it up small, keep in a big tupperware in the fridge. I use that as the base for salad, and I add things to it. my husband gets nuts and cheese in his salad, where as i stick to veggies and a tablespoon of dressing.

    I eat alot of starchy carb rich foods, like rice, corn, beans, potatoes. A baked potato and a simple salad is a great lunch. :)

    As for excersize I do yoga (DVD or at a cheap class at my local hospital),I walk to do my errands/walk my dog, and I have a few aerobic DVD's. I also like to dance, so I will turn up the radio and dance for a half hour or more.

    I have lost 50lbs (20 before I found MFP) at am at goal. Im 5'5 and 125lbs.

    I also dont eat out as much as most people, and i tend to order things that are lower calorie, or split my entree. I have some "rules" like, I only eat 2 slices of pizza at a sitting, or if I go to a fast food resturant I get a kids size hamburger and side salad and drink water. If i go to a buffet, I fill my plate with salad/fruit first, and then get a small dinner on my second (last!) plate. And, drink water!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Weight loss is primarily from your diet. And the easiest way is to cut quantity/ portion control. So budget should be manageable.
  • drone8
    drone8 Posts: 4 Member
    Great reply! You can't out exercise a poor diet.

    My 'dieting' meant no longer buying soda, snickers, fast food, other junk and practice portion control. That's about as cheap as it gets.

    you can actually lose weight without exercise at all, weight loss is calories in vs calories out. fitness comes from the gym, weight loss comes from the kitchen. I work out bc it makes me feel great, builds muscle and allows me to eat more food! :laugh: I think walking would be great and good luck with everything!
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member

    the above is a website dedicated to recipes for 4 people, for maximum 10 euros (14 dollars)in total.
    With bing or other online translators, you can translate.
    There's a lot of good recipes to be found, and there is a healthy section as well.
    and I am sure that won't be the only website.

    As to the walking, I followed a diet two years ago, and lost about 20 pounds over six weeks, just by dieting and walking half an hour before breakfast. Wake up, half a glass of water, and then a half hour walk. According to the author of that diet, any excercise is good excercise.
  • tori44lynn
    tori44lynn Posts: 12
    Thank you everyone for your meaningful comments :) and feedback!
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Do a search for bodyweight exercises. You can get a pretty fair strength training workout mixed with cardio with no equipment besides your walking shoes!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have lost 9 lbs since July 2 using "hiking", which is just walking on an uneven surface with incline. There's a park on a hill near me where I can do a 4 mile loop with 1200 feet of accumulated vertical (the phone gps used by Runkeeper adds up all the uphills even if its after a downhill--its 800 feet of *elevation* change but 1200 feet of uphill on the rolling trail). I use my heart rate to gauge how fast to walk to maximize fat burning.

    I'm tracking calories and biasing toward low carb food choices, but walking really works.
  • tori44lynn
    tori44lynn Posts: 12
    I went hiking today for nearly 2 hrs and it was beautiful. There's a trail beside the lake in my back yard, was refreshing! Took the neighbors dog for company. Thank you everyone for your comments


    Ps you are all doing fantastic :)
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Do you have an outdoor gym in a park near you? They are free and fun!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I haven't made any of these recipes yet, but people on my twitter are always raving about them:
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    There are a lot of free exercises on youtube, I like fitness blenders. I also like walking on youtube with Leslie Sansone, she throws in extra moves like kicks, and punches with your walk. As for the budget, I get it, I buy good quality meat when on sale, and eat smaller portions and try to fill up with fresh cheap produce that is on sale that week. It can be done, will some planning and imagination. Good luck, you are heading down the right road. :happy:
  • tori44lynn
    tori44lynn Posts: 12
    Actually there is, and it's always empty around the block. I drive past it daily, thanks for mentioning that because I've never given it a second thought