How to stop binge eating advice ???

Hi guys this my first post ! My problem is this week I have had 2 bad days of binge eating I just start eating and can't stop :( I feel really bad after words , I went through a stage where I ate clean all the time but lately at least once a week I est like a pig . Any advice How to Control my urges??



  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    In here to support u, u r not alone, many of us does it.

    Today I learned at least from my binge.
    1. Not to let myself be too hungry
    2. Not to keep damn cakes at home
    3. Forgive myself and distribute the harm for the rest of the weeks

    If u find a ways to deal with it- buzz me :)
  • nseelam
    nseelam Posts: 10 Member
    Binging is really not healthy- but it also depends on what you mean by 'binge eating'. There is a difference between 'a few extra slices of pizza and beer on Friday night' and 'I'm eating a few slices of pizza EVERY TWO HOURS'. I don't know what your weight loss/maintenance/health goals are in general, but is your binging affecting any of it? If you're not gaining weight, chances are your binging is likely not as bad as you'd think.

    Secondly, binging is usually a reflection of your emotional state, not so much hunger or anything else. Reflect on what you actually are eating for (perhaps ask, am I bored? Am I angry? Am I frustrated?) and satisfy that emotion with something else. This sounds incredibly cliche, but you'd be surprised how overeating is related to emotional frustration (apologies for going all Oprah on you there).

    Thirdly, if you're eating out of boredom, or you just can't pinpoint why, there are SOME tricks. Drinking a large glass of water (I drink from this enormous 1 L water bottle, and I find that if I chug like half way through, my appetite is deciiiimaaated). Chewing gum also helps too, because sometimes your brain just finds the act of chewing cathartic.

    In any case, I hope this helps out!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    What has helped me:
    1) keep a log of binge vs. non-binge days
    2) keep a journal where I write down my feelings/why I feel the need to binge when I do (this one might seem flaky, but for me, binge eating is all about emotions and trying to fill a void with food....)
    3) When a binge does happen, forgive yourself, log it on MFP, and move on. Tomorrow is always a new day.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I am a serial binge eater, lol, actually, I WAS a serial binge eater. what I learned is that I need to eat what I like! seriously, I enjoy a glass of wine a few days a week, love peanut butter, chocolate, I have banned all frozen healthy choice meals in my house, I eat what my family eats. first thing I did was stop eating 1200 calories a day and start eating 1550 calories a day, I'm still losing 1-2 pounds a week and I truly have not binged in over 2 months!! i eat back my exercise calories, that way i can fit in all the stuff i like. I can't say this will work for everybody but it really worked for me ,I don't look at any food as the enemy. I really wish you good luck, it can be soooo hard. look at me, I joined MFP 2 years ago and I'm just now figuring things out! good luck and i wish you much success! :drinker:
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    I tend to binge when I get frustrated, which is usually due to lack of fortitude and fail to hit to my macros. I would dedicate one meal a week to a cheat meal, eat whatever you want, you need a refeed day anyways when cutting weight. But do not penalize yourself for over eating by adjusting your goals the next day. Just move on and do better tomorrow.
  • sindialushi15
    Thank you to everyone who has replied !!!
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • BeardedYoung
    BeardedYoung Posts: 229 Member
    Having to enter my food after a binge is humbling... I have a planned cheat day but this last week I went out on a All-U-Can-Eat wing binge and when I sat down and saw that I ate more calories in one sitting than I'm budgeted for the day I was like... Wow! I still plan on having a cheat day now and again but logging it was helpful. I know I could have eaten less chicken wings and still felt like I got a good cheat in... I didn't need to eat 30... #ConfessionIsGoodForTheSoul #YesIKnowThisIsntTwitter
  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    I always binge when I'm feeling too limited. Sometimes I say: "No processed food all week!", just to try and whip myself back into shape and get on track, and on day 5 I find myself binging on... you guessed it, processed food. I make sure that I'm happy with what I'm eating, while still eating within my limit. One treat per day is better than a big binge every week, as long as I stay within my goals!
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    CleanUpWhatIMessedUp Posts: 206 Member
    With stuff like this, it's usually more mental than physically really. Half the time people aren't really all that hungry when they eat a lot. Sometimes they are just bored. So, I would say, work on the mental aspects of it.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    This blog is one of the best resources out there. Here is a great entry to get you started. If you can afford the $10 to buy her book, I highly recommend it.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    For me, what works best is to not keep crap/junk food around. I tend to go crazy on salty/crunchy snacks and chewy/fruity candy. If it's not in the house I can't over eat it.
    JSJAT Posts: 7 Member
    Read articles on chemically engineered foods and their affect on your cravings. Do your research. People don't realize how poisonous chemically processed foods are. Hot Cheetos and takis have been known to cause throat cancer. There is a wealth of information out there . Be proactive and do your research. Here is a link to get you thinking...
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Also, when you get a craving and want to binge on something, if the craving doesn't go away, try replacing it with something else - for example, when I'm craving potato chips (and would totally binge on a giant bag), I either make kale chips or air popped popcorn (depending on what I have in my kitchen and my calories for the day). Or, if I am craving chocolate or cookies and would binge on an entire box (yes, it has happened...not proud...) I have either a piece of fruit, some hot chocolate, or chocolate flavoured herbal tea (again, depending on my calories for the day). For me, cravings and binging have always gone hand in hand, so finding replacements to my favourite binge foods (and not keeping those foods in the house - although living across the street from a 24 hour grocery store makes that more difficult) has also been key, in addition to addressing the mental aspects.

    Hope this is somewhat helpful advice!!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    (1) don't judge yourself. Just log it. Be as honest as you can
    (2) If you find yourself binging often, that might mean your daily calorie goal is too low. I find if my daily goal is appropriate, i might have a cheat meal or two per week (that you should log!) but I don't get all UNCONTROLABLE with my binge.

    You're not alone. Just try to do better tomorrow.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    1. Don't drink. The alcohol munchies are the devil. (Still not sure why I haven't learned this one yet!)

    2. If you are determined to fill your belly to bursting, choose nutrient dense, fiber filled foods that have low calories. Try stuffing your face with fresh veggies, in other words.

    3. Realize that some foods are going to make you crave. Figure out what those foods are for you and stop eating them.

    4. It's still going to happen sometimes. My latest binge food is homemade trail-mix of all things. You'd think it would be fine, but oh no! So now I have to limit that. It isn't a character weakness, the result of a bad childhood, or anything psychological as far as I can tell, so I refuse to try to psychoanalyze it. I just have a tendency to overdo sometimes, and on some foods. Period. So I deal with it. Period. Don't overthink it unless you are absolutely certain your trigger is really psychological.
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    losing motivation can be a big binge trigger...
  • sdeitering79
    sdeitering79 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a binge eater. It's like my reward to myself, but if course all it does it make me miserable. I'm trying to figure out how to not associated a little me time w/binge eating.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    Man binge eating is my ultimate demon in the past it got so bad i would get sick to my stomach and throw up what helped me get out of that horror is taking anti depressants i didnt realize i was depressed until my doctor pointed out some warning signs including my diet. I am on an extremely low dose but that extra 10% less anxious and feeling stronger i found that i naturally stopped the binge diet. I am still susceptible to it and have to avoid triggers at all costs, I cant have just 1 slice of pizza or splurge at a fast food place. Its just the way it is my cheat day is something semi healthy that i don't have to cook like apple bees has a lot of great health options, ruby tuesdays, subway if you scoop the bread out and skip the sauce..... Anyway my point is to look deeper that binge eating usually is an addiction and like all addictions there is usually a inner cause.