Binge eating

I am looking for support in this area. I just can't seem to beat this. I will eat healthy all week long and then when the weekend comes I plan on eating healthy, but end up stuffing my face and gaining more weight back and starting all over again. I love the foods that are bad for me, it is almost an addictiion. any advice on how to stop the binging?


  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome to every member on here at one times problem lol.....You should maybe weigh yourself on fridays or maybe calorie ziz zag and make the weekends a higher day for calories. If you dont work on the weekends you need to keep yourself busier. If im going to increase my calories I dont allow it unless I have a huge burn for exercise. Pay the band before you can dance! Keep up the good fight and add me as a friend if you need tough love on the weekends.
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm in the same boat :( I eat so well Monday-Friday then Saturday night I want to eat everything in site. I end up gaining more than I lost the entire week in 2 days. I am slowly working on it, trying to keep more busy during the weekend doing active things but I will admit it is hard!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm great at work since I bring healthy snacks and lunch, but on the weekends it's less structured and I have more options. I'm also worse about going to the gym on the weekends since the hours stink (seriously, 9am to 6pm on the weekends?! :/). It's a slow process, but it helps to try to stop before you grab the snack and think "why am I grabbing this? am I hungry or just bored?" It helped me this weekend to try to stop before I grabbed the snack or extra serving and think whether or not it's worth it. After gaining back 3-5 lbs over the holidays, I've realized that it's not worth throwing away all that hard work for just a few moments of satisfaction.
  • alyssa83202
    If I let myself stay hungry all day, I end up wanting to eat everything in site that night! The simple solution is not to deprive yourself all week! If you need to eat more to not be hungry, increase your exercise a bit! I also eat more than 3 times a day usually, I just try to keep my meals between 300-400 calories each. During the week, if family or friends are going out to dinner, I go too. I just PLAN my meal ahead of time and find low calorie meals so I don't eat 1500 calories in one meal without knowing it!

    It will get easier! If you eat to where you aren't hungry, but aren't completely full either, and stay like that all day, you'll be much less likely to binge! good luck!
  • xboomerx
    xboomerx Posts: 29 Member
    Are you an emotional eater? I find that when I binge it's usually because I'm stressed out. I cheat every weekend but I usually try to keep it within reason. I've read that exercising can suppress appetite and I know that it helps relieve stress. Just some ideas :)
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Eat small portions of whatever you want, but be sure to eat healthy things as well. Keep a balance of eating the things you love to eat and the things that are a bit better for you. Portion control and not depriving yourself is your best bet.
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    I feel ya. Been struggling with this all my life. Mine is easily triggered by one bite, one m&m, so I just try not to go there. It's super easy on weekends - football games at bars, parties, endless food options. Remember that it took some time to create the habit to eat like this, so it will take time to correct.

    I still struggle with this, but I am trying to really be honest with myself and ask why do I really want to eat at that moment? Is it because I am bored, or am I stressed, is the food just easily accessible? And honestly, yes it will feel good eating that cupcake (they are ohh so delicious!), but I will feel doubly bad after: guilty for eating what I did/or the quantity PLUS the feelings are still there of why I wanted to eat in the first place! It really is just temporary satisfaction. So just try and ask yourself, what is causing the urge (are you so strict with your diet during the week you feel deprived), and if you can identify it, then make a plan of action so you can reduce it from your life (maybe small treats during the week). Sounds easy as I type this, but know from experience much harder to do. Heck, shoot me a friend request and if you get the urge this weekend, I will be there to talk you out of it. Hope this helps!
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    I have definitely been there. What I have done is fill my house with healthy snacks and low calorie ones too. For instance I LOVE Ice cream! So now when I get a ice cream craving I eat a really tasty low calorie Icee instead (70 calories). I use to love PB&J sandwiches so now I just have all Natural peanut butter on Rice Cakes or Celery. On saturday mornings I give myself a treat and make myself two wheat pancakes (just two now instead of 7 or 8 like in past ). So, try to find healthy treats that taste really good or that are low portions (oh, and don't eat 7 of them like I use to lol). Also, I literally force myself to go to bed earlier on the weekends as my bad eating always happened late at night when I was bored.

    Hope this helps.
  • mhackman79
    mhackman79 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all your helpful advice and comments. It is nice to know I am not alone in this.
  • embym
    embym Posts: 65
    I found that I always binge at night, so I save about half my daily calories and let myself eat. As long as I record anything, I still usually end up under my calorie limit. I would suggest eating lightly at meals if you continually eat throughout the day on weekends.

    Also, since you have a lot of time on weekends, go work out! Just tell yourself that you can't have the yummy food until you earn the calories for it. And definitely don't keep bad foods in the house.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    The book Women Food and God by Geneen Roth is a great read if you suffer from food addiction. I read it in January, 2010 and have binged ONCE since. The book was life changing for me.

    Here's an excerpt from

